“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Important Part of Political Sign Ordinance Not Enacted

By now we all know that the much discussed sign ordinance in Peru is not being enforced. It appears that it was not that they could not but did not want to enforce this ordinance in a fair manner, so therefore duplicate signs for many candidates are all over the city in violation of the ordinance. Most of us don't care because it will be over by April 9. Just another ordinance on the books that is only enforced when the city wants to. Will they make changes to it? I am betting no.

But there is something that is not covered under the sign ordinance that should be because it concerns the behavior and attitude of elected and appointed city officials. Is there an unwritten protocol about who the officials should publicly be supporting?

Mayor Harl to his credit only has a sign for himself in his yard. But SPW who lives on 30th St. has signs for Mayor Harl, Alderman Radtke, Hocking and Ocepinski and Studer in his yard. The Twp. signs I personally have no issue with because these are people he does not actually work with at any time. True a new mayor could relieve him of his position, even though he has plans to retire this year. So even though this administration put him in as SPW, it is debatable that he should support anyone for mayor as he is working for the residents not the mayor and could possibly create conflict under a new administration.

Gary Bleck your public support of one alderman over another in your yard is inexcusable period. As SPW, you should never ever support one alderman over the other during an election regardless of your like or dislike of the current second ward alderman. We all know why you are not supporting Ald. Mayszak, it is because she is doing her job representing the residents of the second and as a committee member of the Public Property Committee and often has conflicted opinions with the mayor and you. This is wrong Gary and you should not be supporting any candidate for alderman as this creates a conflict with your position as Superintendent of Public Works. This shows a definite lack of propriety on your part.

I have also found out that there will be times when you see a Harl sign in someones yard that they did not ask for and the reason for that is that that the Union has placed them in yards of city employees, so some of those signs are meaningless because they are not backed with a vote.


Anonymous said...

i have to disagree- its a free country and he likes who he likes

Anonymous said...

Bleck is retiring ???
Thank the lord !!!

Anonymous said...

The union is pushing signs for Mayor, Peru Township Democrats and 4th Ward Alderman who spends to much money in Chicago. Signs wont win this election. Its all about the issues.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious Lois? Just because I work for the city and have to belong to a specific union they can put a sign on my property without my permission? I assume the individual city worker would be leery of removing it for fear of losing his or her job or receiving some kind of retaliation. To me, that's politics at its' lowest.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:56 AM

I realize he is breaking no law or city ordinance but he is breaking the rule of decency and when you are supposed to be working for the residents of this city, that includes all of them. I say hie position as superintendent should not show favoritism during an election. I would also say it is classelss for a city vendor or official to have a sign in their yard other than for themselves. (Harl sign in Hylla) This speaks to a persons character.

But then the IML conventions shows how much respect city officials have for the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I agree that he has the right to support who he chooses but wouldn't this make for an uncomfortable working relationship should another candidate become mayor?

Anonymous said...

It would stand to reason that anybody who donated money to Harls campaign fund would have a sign in their yard supporting him. And if that person is a appointed city employee wouldn't that also be an uncomfortable situation if harl doesn't get re-elected! HART FOR MAYOR!

Anonymous said...

9:37. It's true. I know of two people who have Harl signs in their yards but do not want them and don't support Harl. Yes, politics at its lowest is what you get from Harl. They fear losing their jobs if they don't keep the signs there. We definitely need a new mayor. I think Mike Hart is an excellent choice and one of the reasons is because he wasn't born and raised in Peru so he doesn't have any ties to any employee or supervisor. He will bring an impartial view to the city without the good ole boys. Mike Hart for Mayor of Peru!!!

Anonymous said...

whoever gets elected- i dont believe much will change- i hope it doesnt- but he does have the right to support who he wants. thats the usa

Anonymous said...

If you let someone put a sign in your yard without your knowledge and are too stupid to go out and take it down and throw it away, that's your problem! You are a tool!

Anonymous said...

Backstabbing people. Don't believe in kissing someones butt to get or keep a position. This really shows how fake people are!! 100% agree with you 10:50. Hart for mayor.

Anonymous said...

One person one vote. it is truly a sad situation when people on this blog actually think because you work for the city you cannot exercise your constitutional right to support the candidate of your choice. who the hell do you snobs from PERU think you are?

Anonymous said...

Why does city plow and patch potholes on north Pulaski, maybe bleck can do an open forum like Potthoff

Anonymous said...

You know Lois what I think what makes me laugh at your article is if he would have supported the same person as you there probably woud not have been an article. Just shows how important you think you are and how superior you think you are and that only your point of view is the right path. I think you need to take your head from where the sun doesn't shine and think about free speach and maybe some other constitional amendments that you think you only have the right to have, this is still America and it's still free for everyone, I think.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:53 PM

I and perhaps you can do what we want with political campaigning but when it comes to a city official, appointed or elected, they should think and know that they have to look at things a bit differently. Gary Bleck I'm sure knows better but he has chosen to put himself out there. How can he act impartially to both of the aldermen when he has technically endorsed one of them. If he were smart, he would have figured this out all by himself that it makes more sense in his position to remain neutral since he must interact with both of the mentioned aldermen. This is not rocket science, it is just common sense.

Peru Town Forum said...

And by the way, I would have reacted the same way no matter whom he had signs for and that includes the mayor. Perhaps he will end up ending crow on this one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just keep one thing in mind when it comes to signs....they cannot vote!

Anonymous said...

It's not the blog that's promoting Mike Hart it's the people of Peru who are tired of what's happening to their town. It's the citizens who see that Mr. Harl is not a leader.

Anonymous said...

Harl is not a leader, he's a big bully!

Anonymous said...

353 freedom of speech, Lois alot of us agree with your view but 353 the blog gives you to point out what you believe in too. Thank God we live in America.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:38 PM
Yes they are free to say and do what they wish as most of us are but I also believe that their actions show us their character which is also very important in a free society.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:04 PM

I want you to know that the Baker signs in aldermans yards did not go unnoticed during the last mayoral election. Actually I am surprised I am seeing only a few this election. One is in Ankiewicz's deli window but that is not a surprise.

Anonymous said...

You can say the same about debo. I was in the hardware store the other day and had to tell mike debo politely no 3 times that i did not want a sign. Very uncomfortable situation. And i remember last election alot of people complained of harl just putting signs up without asking.

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the most entertaining posts yet!!! How can someone get fired for nit putting in a yard sign, REALLY that is why the city workers unionized so that the days of Baker intimidation are gone, the union protects the workers from unjust discharge!!! Total BS also about signs being placed without permission, believe me I know there are enough people that want signs there is no need to put them anywhere that they are not wanted!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

5:12 you are wrong. I know 2 people who didn't want Harl signs but felt "obligated".

Anonymous said...

The city employees see how Perez and Mayszak are treated because the go against Harl. If I was a city employee and had a family to feed, I would be intimidated enough to put a Harl sign in my yard.

Anonymous said...

To 7:49 am, Do you find it therapeutic to admit your ignorance?

Anonymous said...

lois you have a number of signs in your yard! Hypocrite!!

Anonymous said...

5:12 you are wrong. Yes, jobs change in this city in this administration and the last when you don't play well with the big boys. It's a fact!!

7:49 What is great about this country is the fact that a sign is not indicative of a vote. Heard it many times over and over this election.

Anonymous said...

7th and Peoria st, 7 signs in yard and two in the window, Taylor does a great job for the city of Peru, Mr. Harl we need more dedicated people like him.