“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, May 07, 2012

Peru airport farmland still causing a riff with the city council « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru airport farmland still causing a riff with the city council « AM1220 WLPO News


Anonymous said...

Lets see now... about 60 days until the concert. Has the seed been planted yet? Coverage might be a bit thin. If it has not been planted yet, how much will it cost to do that? The area is going to be a parking lot? Has anyone thought about leveling the field? Might be a bit difficult to drive over the furrows.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think they are even going to ask.

Brian Foster said...

All you really need to do is ask the right people. According to the airport manager, the Illinois DOT Division of Aeronautics has given their OK and forwarded the request to the FAA for final approval. If the FAA has a problem, the City will need to take care of it before the concert. It should also be noted that the airport will remain operational (both runways) on the day of the concert.

Anonymous said...

I find this difficult to believe it has been approved without any hesitation; especially if one reviews the FAA Special Event Application.

1. The need to conduct the event at the airport is justified?
5. There is a quantifiable, documented financial benefit to the airport?

Also it appears to be a violation per FAA lease requirements if the City is not receiving the best price for the farmland or if the City is not re-investing the finances from this land back into airport improvements.

Ooooooooh now I think I get it; the same issue with the fuel....the City doesn't make any money which indicates more federal grant money. Wink Wink


Anonymous said...

Perez for Mayor !!!!!