“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You Asked and I Searched $4000 for Nickeloid Park

First I have to tell you this was not easy, searching through our city web site looking for the information. Last night I searched through all the city council meetings from January to date searching for the $4000 donation and could not find it but knowing it was given.

I told a friend who then began another search for the $4000 and she did the same search that I did with the same results but then decided to check the agendas to see if she could find it. Yes that is where the information was on the agenda for the city council mtg of 2/13/12. The person who does the web site and yes I know who it is did not put the minutes from that council meeting on line. In fact there are only 2 mtgs shown for Feb but we actually had 4 mtgs.

Back to the money on Feb. 14, the Peru Recreation Commission had a meeting and it was reported as "Sherry reported that $4000 has been donated to the city to upgrade Nickeloid Park. She asked that the Commission send to the Council a detailed plan of how $18,000 now set aside for park improvements, will be used."

Next Page....
Discussion of park needs ($18,000 line item). Bryan inspected the condition of equipment at each park and reported his findings.
Surfaces under all equipment (sand)need to be replaced with clean material or replacement material.
Sunset needs new equipment on the east side and sand
Nickeloid Park needs upgrading, but money has been donated
McKinley needs sand a largest of swings, work on elimination of BB area
Baker Lake needs sand, rest rooms on the west side, play equipment on east side
28th needs sand, slide replacement, swing set need painting
Centennial needs 1 swing set adult size and 1 toddler
Washington needs swings set repair or replacement, replacement of rocket with all purpose play set
Veterans needs adult size swing set and a vehicle entrance
Rotary park is in good repair.

Chuck reported cost of turf type surface at $1.85 - $2.50 per square yd. After discussion, the commission voted on upgrading, choosing McKinley park first, then to develop a phased plan to include other parks as funds are available.

Pickle Ball - equipment has been ordered: instruction will begin after Easter, weather permitting.

Syntax is not mine.

Since the Peru Recreation Commission never gives a report to the city or needs to request money, I have no clue as to what is done or not. I only know Nickeloid Park looks as I pictured. By the way who watches over Pulaski Park which has no play equipment but it would be nice to have a small swing set in this part of town. It is located on Rte 6 and 5 th. It looks nice when the perennials are up but after that it ends up looking neglected and overgrown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what park in peru doesn't look neglected?