“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It is All About Power and a Recreation Commission

All municipalities have parks, even the smallest villages have some piece of land they call a park. We here in Peru are fortunate to have numerous parks for numerous purposes

In Peru at one time it was Washington Park which hosted everything from our yearly July 4 fireworks to the all summer long swimming pool. Both are now a thing of the past and the foreseeable future. Washington Park is many times an empty park unless there is a game on one of the 3 baseball diamonds in the park. We still use it for the Memorial Day event on a yearly basis which lasts about 45 minutes. Some of the summer craft events will be held there because of its central location. It has 3 tennis courts that are in use occasionally. On occasion you might see a child using the playground equipment. In other words, it is a lot of land that is unused most of the year. This piece of property has a long history and it seems that it needs some new life and replanning of what we would like it to be for future generation

On the other side of the coin, one of our newest parks is the 28 th street park which is in my opinion another park that really needs to be looked at for lack of a better word by a "park planner". Although there is playground equipment, there is not much organization and definitely not much oversite by the city. Benches break and unless it is called to the attention of the city, they remain broken. All of the equipment is located at the south end. This was set up as a local park for the new subdivision, not large but adequate for its intent which was a place for children in that subdivision to play. Initially the large area to the north end was a place to play baseball but that did not last long because baseballs happen to go a long distance when hit with a bat and it resulted in unhappy neighbors. The city has not stepped forward to improve this park in that north end with trees, plants, benches or picnic areas. I believe it could be a lovely oasis in the middle of a large subdivision, a place for children to play on more equipment and for people to relax in and perhaps picnic. Also located in this park is one tennis court and 2 baseketball courts. It has also become an area of much controversy because some people in the area want to use the park for what they want and that is pickle ball on the tennis courts. And because one of the people involved also sits on the Peru Recreation Commission, this was easily pushed through the group of long time associates who are the members of this commission. And it now appears that the aldermen whom we elect to run our city have become POWERLESS. I can come to no other conclusion as at least most of them say we cannot control this commission, look at the ordnance, the city at one time gave them this POWER and it has become like one of the Ten Commandments, forever cast in stone and never to be removed. If it is the Mayor who can make the change, he is not going to do it and he should be putting his 2 cents in because this is an election year and all those people who are unhappy that a couple of people who have influence and one happens to be on this POWER commission will certainly remember how they were run over by this NON ELECTED POWERFUL COMMISSION that the aldermen cannot control or take away some of their authority.

Beware your park in your neighborhood could be next!

One alderman has openly expressed what needs to be done and I apologize if any of this is offensive to them.


Anonymous said...

Is this any different than the Library Board? They also are not elected and many have served for a number of years. Both boards provide a valuable service and are not subject to be loyal servants of independant objectors. That is why they have collective boards!

Linda said...

Lois: I don't for one minute believe our aldermen do not have the power to overrule a decision or suggestion made by the rec commission. Who established the ordinance controlling them in the first place? I would assume it was a past city council or a past mayor. With that being the case our council or mayor could easily alter the ordinance governing the rec commission. They alter and revise ordinances regularly. And why, is our council so adamant in following this ordinance to a T but turn a blind eye to the remaining ordinance regarding term limits? If we don't have to abide by one section of an ordinance we surely do not have to abide by another section.

Peru Town Forum said...

Blogger Lois said...

The Library Board members serve at the discretion of the Mayor and city council. I have sat through many meetings where the topic of xxxx term will be up and they wish to continue and they are approved. The Library consists of a bldg and the contents and that is what they control. The city is required to fund them to the letter of the law and we now do but did not very many years.

What is now called the Recreation Commission was initially called the Playground and Recreation Board and we are required to fund them at a percentage of our property tax and at present they get %50,000 and our city generously adds an additional $25,000. The Library gets what the law requires, Recreation Commission gets more.
Term of office for the Rec.Com. is 5 yeas or until their successors are appointed. I don't ever remember this topic coming before the council
looking for new members and that is why we have members serving for as long as they wish without being approved by the council after 5 years. Serving as long as 25 years.
The Library remains the Library. Parks change and I really think if we were to do justice to our parks, the city needs a qualified person to be placed in charge of all of them and someone who is responsive to the electorate, and not a volunteer board who does not responsive to the residents because they don't have to, I guess.

Anonymous said...

If our council is saying that the rec commission has complete control over all our parks do they realize that this means that they (the rec commission) could eliminate a park if they so desire. I don't believe the ordinance is being interrupted properly. I don't see where it states that they have control of permanent fixtures (tennis, basketball courts, swimming pools) and have the right to eliminate or alter these fixtures in a major way. I agree they are in charge of their maintenance and upkeep but not their restructuring.

Anonymous said...

Libraries change also. Most of us find technology replacing the old book bindings. Today's library is ever changing, just like parks. Funding is required by both Parks and Library. Both have volunteer boards. Both have appointed boards. Library has a building and Parks have many areas/property to control. Many utilize the Parks and many utilize the library. Why do we exempt the library from making decisions that effect the residents and hold the park group as non-functional group making baseless decisions? Do we disagree with the library board becuase they have too few copies of the latest DVD? Is that the function to have ample cpoied of DVDS? No, and who would say video rentals would be the function of the library. Just like we would say things change. If the park board is no different in the fact that they felt residents needed a change. Did they take a survey? No. Did they library take a survey to have ample DVDS for the entire area, paid for by Peru residents? NO

Peru Town Forum said...

You are forgetting that the Library has a Librarian with a degree in Library Science and a paid staff to make sure that everything is running well along with a Library Board. Anytime I wanted something the Library did not have, they were able to get it for me, just had to wait a few days or a week. If the Rec Com. had a Park Supervisor running the parks, we would not be having this problem because I seriously doubt that a qualified Supervisor would have all this to take place because he would be watching out for the whole city not just a few or he would be fired or in the least reprimanded.
As people keep telling me "It is not what you know, it is who you know in Peru that counts" Which is the reason so many of our youth leave this community. This incident just happens to give Peru another black eye and at the rate they are going, they are running short of eyes.

Peru Town Forum said...

Can you believe that tonight at the public property meeting, Ald. Ankiewicz stated that he has one man drive by the 28th St Park once a day and that man never sees anyone playing tennis, therefore if he does not see anyone playing tennis as he drives by then that is sufficient to make the judgement that no one ever plays tennis at that park. At this point, it is he alone that is causing the elimination of tennis. My only question at this point is why?

I do believe that 1st ward Ald.Ferrari would like to see tennis remain at the park but 3rd ward Alderman Ankiewicz is saying no. What sense does this make that the alderman in a different ward is controlling what takes place in Ward One?

Anonymous said...

Did the sausage Puller happen to release the name of this ghost rider so this can be verified. Or is this ghost an anonomous? If this ghost rider that drives by the park is anon. This would have no validity through the eyes of the city council. If anyone asks Harl or council they will tell you anon has no credibility.

Anonymous said...

That's the kind of management you would have if you elect more than two aldermen from 1 ward. It would be everything for 1 ward and nothing for others. STUPIDITY!!!!

Anonymous said...

It makes no sense at all because no one has been able to justify why this change is needed immediately. This, apparently old game, pickle ball has not even been introduced in this area and already we're eliminating a court that has, and continues to, entertain young and old with the well known sport = TENNIS. We keep being told it's only temporary yet the nets will be permanently attached to the court fences and there will be 4 courts permanently striped for pickleball. All tennis markings will be eliminated.

Anonymous said...

As a resident of the neighborhood of 28th Street Park, I can assure you that the tennis court gets daily and frequent use. The same goes for the basketball court & the playground. The 30th Street portion gets more use for soccer practice in the fall. Pickleball will take away a valuable asset in the tennis court.

Anonymous said...

Lois, I see on a daily basis the number of tennis players that use the courts. Now, I realize that I should have been keeping record and maybe getting signatures of those playing. But my question is...would the aldermen take this into consideration. It seems they do not want to believe those who can tell them how this park is used. I have absolutely nothing against pickle ball, and I will say it again that the court could be used by both. This would make everyone happy, and what would be wrong with that. Please Alderman Ferrari and Radtke do what is right for 28th St. Park. I am not lying about the amount of players that use the court. Sincerely, Jill Bernal

Peru Town Forum said...

5:57 AM

The Alderman said he would NOT tell us who the ride by man was.

Anonymous said...

Lois, I would like to formally invite the alderman and his ride by for a beverage some afternoon in my backyard to observe the activity at the park. Jill Bernal

Anonymous said...

Lois, I would like to formally invite the alderman and his ride by for a beverage some afternoon in my backyard to observe the activity at the park. Jill Bernal

Concerned Taxpayer said...

Lois I think it's painfully obvious to see that unless we get some new blood in the city council we will never get a straight answer about anything. I have to ask since you frequently go to committee/council meeting: Have you noticed anybody who would be a worthy candidate for this upcoming election? I'm specifically speaking about alderman, since they do make a majority of the decisions. My concern is that if you haven't, then this blog will forever become one disgruntled post after another.

Peru Town Forum said...

New blood on the council is vital to the city council. Not the same but similar when yesterday I tried to stress at the public property committee that we also need new blood on the recreation and other committees where we need to enforce term limits to make way for others interested in public service.
Yes there are a couple of people that I am trying to persuade and yes they are thinking about possibly running for an aldermanic seat.

Concerned Taxpayer said...

Lous; can you name names or have they requested to be anonymous?

Peru Town Forum said...

We have time and no one is ready to make the announcement. Sometimes it is better for the potential candidate to keep quiet for awhile.

Anonymous said...

To Lois and Concerned Taxpayer: I am with you CT, it would be beneficial to know their names, before you know it the ballots will be out

Justin Loger said...

Concerned taxpayer and anonymous: it is an idea that I should run for the fourth ward but it is still just an idea.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:19 PM

The library is governed by a 9-member board of trustees. The trustees are appointed by the mayor of Peru with confirmation by the the city council. The trustee’s term of appointment is three years, with the option of reappointment.
Looking through the list, I would say that most of our current members have served more than one term and were reappointed by the Mayor and approved by the council. Their names are all public knowledge.
A reader asked who the mayor had reappointed so I suggest they find it on the internet as I did.
Don't look for the comment, it was not published because of the words used by the blogger.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ms. Bernal, that park is used daily. Maybe the sausage stuffer, could get someone to actually, sit and watch the park for how many people use it in a day. Just driving by could be at midnight, when everyone is home in bed. Wake up Ankwiecz.

Anonymous said...

Maybe "SAUSAGE STUFFER" and "REVEREND GODFATHER HARL" could sit and watch together on their plastic bench.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we're using the drive by method as a means to determine whether or not a facility is being used then we need to eliminate the FOUR (4) TENNIS COURTS at Washington Park. Have driven by there several times and as of yet have witnessed no one playing tennis. Let's not forget also that we were told tennis is a dying sport. Maybe we could eliminate one of those courts and turn it into a pickle ball court.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: 28th street park has already been used today. That information should be noted by one alderman in particular.