This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Someone in the City of Peru needs to explain the Vactor Purchase
Who is currently in charge of the Crystal Ball at City Hall?
#vactor truck
#municipal equipment
#municipal spending
#no budget purchase
For My Friends At This Difficult Time
If you are also at a difficult time in your life, enjoy this lovely music.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Christmas Lighting Where is the Best
I have also driven through Rotary Park in LaSalle in which the city is creating a drive through with lighted Christmas displays which is growing in size each year. Very nice and all ages will enjoy this ride thru.
Feel free to add any special Christmas lighting you would like to suggest for viewing in public places, parks, businesses or homes.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Northern White Sand finally OK'd near U.S. 6 - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Old news to many but it is beginning to look like La Salle Cty will be owing their soul to the company store. There are going to be so many facilities owned by one sand company that involve so many cities, that it will be one big happy family or not.
This article is from September 10 of this year. I expect Peru will join the family. To every plus there is a minus and time will tell what the difference will be.
Letters to the editor: There has to be a better place for sand facility than Plank Road - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Everyone who drove by the signs on Plank Road and Ladd Road thought that “Schools Subdivision” meant residential subdivision. Eugene Hodges, of Northern White Sand LLC a subsidiary of Eagle Materials of Dallas, Texas, and their attorney, John Duncan, admitted that they purposely worded it that misleading way.' QUOTE from Patricia Lange Grant, property owner and resident.
This should throw up red flags about this company wanting into Peru! When you start with deceit, where do you go from there?
#Northern White Star
#schools subdivision
#sand transfer facility
#Eagle Materials
#Eugene Hodges
#Peru IL
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
WHEELER: Sand mining: The wolf is at the door
An open forum letter written in the Ottawa Times with one comment following.
Monday, December 15, 2014
A Few Changes From the City Council Meeting Tonight
****Peru city atty according to N.T isn't sure whether there will be a Planning and Zoning Committee meeting on Wednesday as origiinally scheduled because not enough members possibly might not show up and in that case the meeting will be held on Thursday. This is kind of like saying there is a city council meeting Monday and if not enough members show up we will meet on Tuesday. Since an agenda has to be posted 48 hours in advance with an exact time and date of meeting, it does sound like we have a legal issue involved here.
Please this is a governmental commitee, they need not play games, either set a meeting date and time and live with it or cancel it until next week. Do they not want a room full of people in attendance like last week?
Also the meeting by the Planning and Zoning Committee was delayed until this Thursday December 18 @ 6 PM, they were said to be short members available for Wednesday night, December 17 the date scheduled at last weeks mtg. This will again be about the Northern White Sands probable approval of annexation etc. If you know someone who should be aware of this change, please contact them and let them know of the change.
As of this morning these are the petitions turned into the clerks office. Fourth -Dave Potthoff, Third Ward - Dave Waldorf, Travis Nelson. Second Ward - Rodney Perez, Tom Payton.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Harvard study ranks Illinois among most corrupt states
I believe many of us have no doubt about this.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
What Will Be the Benefit to Peru of the Sand and Railway Approval?
An article in late October in the N.T. follows this post which puts a lot of what is being voted on now into perspective.
Next in line for benefits would be jobs for those in skilled in those areas, particularly the truck drivers which the article indicates are hard to find.
This meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was the first time there had been any public discussion by anyone involved with the city. Never discussed at any previous council meeting or any committee of a whole public session. I am wondering if the discussions took place in closed session. Did the atty mention last night that he had had previous discussions with officials? Who is in charge of public relations in this administration?
The mayor was seen at the meeting for a short time and most of the aldermen were in attendance. I guess this leads to the question, "Does the public have the right to expected to be informed of issues that may affect Peru?" Many people here in Peru believe the answer is NO.
Sunday, December 07, 2014
Saturday, December 06, 2014
Family Acitivities, Christmas Decorating and Shopping in Full Swing Now in Peru
By now you are wondering what this has to do with the city of Peru. They lit the tree with ceremonies at City Hall and I was told that the announcement was made that the Mayor was not present because he has "business" in Chicago to attend to. Many aldermen were there and the school chorus made it very enjoyable.
Considering what I have just said, why has the city decided that this is the perfect time to get the "sand" meetings on the calendar and have all discussions done with prior to Christmas. Why?
According to the city web site, there will be a meeting this Wed., Dec. 10 before the Planning and Zoning Board
Friday, December 05, 2014
I Have Questions About the Proposed New Sand Facility, Do You?
What is your question?
I have seen the map but nothing more, but hope our officials have at least seen photos of the proposed facility as I am assuming that White Sands also has other facilities.
The first thing on my list is about truck traffic. 12 or 15 trucks per hour, does this mean on a 24 hour time frame? But now remember that EOG also has a lot of truck travel bringiing in sand for the RR transfer. Will both be using the same roads and what will the traffic pattern be and how will if affect the local auto and truck traffic? Will Peru be responsible for road unkeep? Will they build their own roads, specific to their sand transfer? Will this discourage shoppers from coming into Peru? Maybe silly questions but things I think of in the current conversation.
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Peru sand facility gets first OK (of three) from city - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
How Many Peruvians Will Fit in the Lobby of City Hall? (LOL)
I have been to the Peru City Hall many times and have a pretty good idea of the size of the lobby and once we set up the 15 foot tree and bring in the Peru Parkside Choir and the aldermen and their families, how much room will be left for the remaining residents?
Monday, December 01, 2014
Christmas Tree - Safety Meeting - Lawn Care - Bah Humbug
Recall the Xmas Tree/Safety Mtg expenditure of $1699. it turns out that the cost was for a very expensive Christmas Tree for $1500 to be placed in the center of city hall. It must have been a secret order as most of the aldermen did not know nor did the City Treasurer know about the purchase.
How many citizens do you think walk through city hall on a weekly basis other than the regular employees that actually work there? I get complaints about the outdoor city decorations that must be at least 20 or 30 years old and half the time no longer light up. Some pretty lites on the greenery around City Hall might be seen by the most people as they drive by on Rte 6, and could have been one of the downtown improvements being worked toward by the Rte 6 Tourist Association. Who owns the outdoor decorations put up by the cso and should some new ones be on our bucket list?
That leaves us with a $199.00 Safety Committee but it is a secret committee because no one knows the members, there is no agenda and there are no minutes and we the taxpayers are picking up the tab for the luncheon etc. From what I hear from others who have inside information, neither you or I will be happy about the receipt. Maybe they bought Happy Meals.
With that in mind, I just read in the news that Peru proposes a slight tax increase,
"The city Peru proposes a 4.98 % increase in its tax levy and then a slightly higher tax rate for following year" according to the N.T.
I propose they learn how to spend the taxpayer dollars a little more wisely.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
**IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR** | Village of North Riverside
How many cities of a similar size will find themselves in a situation like this?
Pensions case study: North Riverside
Interesting article and makes one think about how many small cities will be able to continue to fund all their required pension plans. This is about how they are turning over their Fire Dept. in North Riverside to a private concern which already runs their ambulance service.
Population 6,672
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Grand Army of the Republic Monument
I stand in awe at this fantastic figure and for the long time, it has been in our community but little attention paid to it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Peru to unveil Venture Drive traffic solution - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
I think most of the bloggers will be reading between the lines as I have done with this news posting.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Peru Fire Department New Promotions
From: Chief King
Subject: Promotion’s
I am pleased to announce the following promotions. Please help welcome them to their new positions and work with them to help them all succeed. This was publicly posted on the Fire Dept. FB page for the public to see.
Chief Jeff King C-1
Deputy Chief Jim Duncan C-2
Asst. Chief Jeff Camenisch 305
Asst. Chief Todd Haegele 306
Captain Jake Urbanc 307
Captain Nick Biagioni 308
Lt. Ryan Rynkewicz 309
Lt. Earl Hocking 310
Lt. Bill Krolak 334
Lt. Rob Ankiewicz 335
PIO Dennis Lemmer 331
Public Ed Rod Perez 346
I notice some missing names on this list. I may not post all of your comments, so be straight forward with them and avoid derogatory name calling.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Committee Meeting of the Whole Peru versus Other Municipalities
Again I searched for information on how the mayor of Peru abuses the system. I usually go to You Tube to see how other municipalities are dealing or using with problems or development.
This is from the city of Geneva population about 21,000. Before you watch this video make sure you read the last download of our CMW.
This is a great conversation about economic development, incentives and a very good economic director. Something our aldermen should be reviewing and really listening and learning from. Kind of like an line class just for them.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Read the current disbursements online and ask your questions?
Not sure what the EC was doing at the IMEA but there was a phone chg and expenses for $259.51 in the October disbursements.
Did he go along with Mayor Harl ($211.35) and Ald. Jim Lukosus ($148.40) who also went to the monthly IMEA mtg? Now I am all for educational expenses but they should be dispensed to all aldermen to improve the knowledge they have about the city committee they have been appointed to. Oh, forgot for a moment we only have 2 committees for aldermen to be appointed to. It used to be 4 committees and the appointed aldermen had to do their work or at least try to be up to date on what that committee should be doing. Now I notice with only 2 committees that is no longer true and it sometimes it is no more than signing an attendance sheet and sitting thru the meeting. We sometimes critique the aldermen for not having discussions at council meetings but in reality their legs have been cut off at the knees, because they are now required than to do exactly that.and nothing more. The committee chairman of Finance is very capable of handling that meeting by himself and the remaining committee of Public Service is pre programed by Mayor Harl who sits in attendance at both meetings as the "hall monitor" The Mayor and the Treasurer do not speak unless necessary and that is pretty much true of the City Clerk and the Mayor also.
Can you only imagine what that type of work environment must be like at City Hall?
Monday, November 17, 2014
Column: A grand tradition - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
It is a liberating feeling to sign your name to what you think and believe. I also understand that many people are not in a position to do so. Sometimes I think that is the only way Peru will change is when people have the courage pro and con to sign their names. It is not only the critics of this administration but also the opponents of this blog who will not sign their name and that also says something about the city we live in. Take a minute and read this op ed by a N.T. reporter about the thought.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
How Many of You Take a Few Minutes and Look Through The City Disbursements
!. Dir. of Community Development ICSC Chicago Deals $1.117.56 on this disbursement but wait there is so much more to come, that was just a drop in the bucket.
Of course we paid $97.95 for his Crains subscription and
he also had a charge from Christy's Kitchen for provide $50.00 for doughnuts for the Rte 6 Committee Meeting. Did you even know we had one? Do we know who is on it? Have you ever seen minutes of these meetings?
I have discussed this one with the city before and I believe these meetings that seem to be using taxpayer dollars should have minutes listed on the city site and the members should be listed on the city web site. The idea behind the committee may be sound but it needs a little fresh air and transparency to all of you.
Friday, November 07, 2014
Sand Concerns in Earlville But Not In Peru, Why?
Are the Earlville residents looking at the same business that Peru is? Peru has no concerns and Earlville residents seem to have many.
Thursday, November 06, 2014
In A Democracy People Get The Government They Deserve

Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Post Election Some Democrats Won and Some Republicans Won
After the article about the election results which I found very interesting, I came across this quote....
"I have no answers,” a mystified Raikes said this morning. “I guess people think a man that believes a family should live on a lower wage, raise medicine prices for babies, be a bully to women, make fortune on crushing companies for bankruptcy, etc., etc. is what La Salle County needs.”
Is this the same person in charge of the rat?
Sure sets a bad tone for the unions!
Will Illinois now be able to move forward and become a part of the United States again.? I heard one analyst last night comment that Illinois considered a "dark blue" state, was like Argentina because we are so deep in debt while states surrounding are doing so much better economically.
Will there now be less cash being sent back to favorite cities? This could all be very interesting.
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Medical Marijuana Dispensary and EOG Sand Terminal
Most definitely there were people opposing the medical marijuana dispensary present and they were able to get their point across to the council. Some were professional people and business people and not one person except Ken Molan expressed a desire to have this go forward in this neighborhood location. Since the city has no history of dealing with this type of business it was wise to not go forward with it.
The sand terminal will proceed and I hope with caution and changes to the original plan. Exiting from the proposed facility as initially laid out is a bad idea and without a doubt would cause not only damage to the roads in the Industrial Park but also to Rte 251 but I believe damage to people with increased accidents. The Council needs to study this more thoroughly on their own and not depend upon the company (EOG) for their information. A few of them laughed when I said to them to take a trip up to Chippewa Falls WI and see how it has affected that small community, talk to people, do your job. Thinking and taking only the information from EOG is a mistake. What company is going to tell you any drawbacks associated with their business when they are trying to get the city to cooperate with them about getting this off the ground. Also do your own internet research, lots of information out there.
Mayor Harl mentioned last night that all this information regarding the sand terminal was discussed in length at the 4 hour meeting last Wednesday. To Mayor Harl I would like to say"why did you not publicly get the information out to the public, you know how to use the radio and news paper for your own benefit and why did you not use the information available to inform the residents?" Facebook is free and you have a City of Peru page. It could have been brought up at several council meetings weeks ago. Encourage your aldermen to talk to the friends and neighbors. In other words COMMUNICATE, that is part of your job as mayor of Peru.
Thankfully we had one well spoken gentleman express concerns that many in Peru have concerning the location of the sand terminal. Thank you George Marple, well done.
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Ordinances to be Passed Tomorrow City Council Meeting
3024 E. 103RD ROAD, PERU, IL
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Second Thoughts About the Way Peru Does Business
similar aggregate or minerals, including equipment, buildings, or structures of storage for
property located at 3024 E. 103rd Road, Peru, IL
Taken from the Planning Commission Agenda for Wednesday October 29, 2014.
I had attended the Finance and Safety Committee from 4 to 5 PM. No one including the mayor made one comment about the very important meeting which would take place in a short time. From the brief sentence shown above I am not sure anyone unless they were in the inner circle would have known about this and it is my contention that this is the way the city government wants it to be. I can think of several people who would have made the time to come if they were aware of what was being considered.
Bob Vickery usually in attendance at the Finance meetings (but not at this one) keeps a running list of people interested in property in Peru for possible business ventures and he almost always at least mentions the possibilities. He never mentioned this company that I am aware of and this leads me to believe that all discussions took place in the numerous closed session so the public would not be aware.
I wrote this last night and at the time I wondered "Am I the only one in this city who thinks this way?" This morning I received a comment which in turn encouraged me to place my thoughts in the public. I will also copy that post to this heading.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Peru Planning Commission Approves Sand Terminal in North Industrial Park Off The Plank Road
After unloading sand the trucks would travel east on E. First Road, trucks would then travel 1.5 miles on Unytite Drive and Route 251 back to I-80.
Nearby RTE 251 already has more than its share of local traffic and yes local accidents in the area just north of I-80. After reading the report, I still have questions about exactly what the impact on the area would be.
There Will Be Music at the Music Powell Sculpture
I remember before the old music player broke that people would laugh at John Phillip Sousa marching band music coming out of a figure dedicated to classical violin by a world famous artist.
If you have to spend the "pork" money, please make it appropriate to the artist Maud was and play her music.
Anything less is certainly not appropriate to the lovely piece of art and don't insult her memory.
If you have suggestions please place a call to Alderman Sapienza, third ward alderman.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Washington Fire Chief Mike Vaughn resigns - News - Journal Star - Peoria, IL
This should be one position to watch for a city bigger than Peru with a population of 15,000 plus. The reasons for the drastic cut in pay was not explained.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Regional dispatch center planned for La Salle, Peru and Oglesby
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Its All About Google
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Why Does the City of Peru Continue to Make a Farce of the Committee of a Whole Meetings?
Whomever is setting up the agendas for the Committee of a whole meeting is performing a scam upon those interested in attending. A for instance take the meeting last night, there was an agenda which was not followed and the entire Committee Meeting of a Whole actually consisted of a closed session that lasted so long it went into council meeting time, I was told.
So why was a closed session not held prior to or after the regular meeting? And call it what it is.
My example from past minutes of the COW are from the minutes of Oct. 6, 2014. Meeting scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM.
Closed session began at 6:38 p.m. ended 7:23 p.m. Regular council meeting starts at 7:30 PM. Why be so deceitful, call it what it is and stop playing childrens games.
Since Mayor Harl likes to talk suburbs, I suggest he go to You Tube and look up the Committee of a Whole meetings held by Wood Dale IL, a city of 13,000. It looks like they have held real COW meetings, once each month for the past year.
And did Ald. Radtke say. what difference did it make as no one attended the Committee of a Whole meetings. Do you think anyone on the council wonders why
There appeared to have been a problem at last nights meeting regarding a residential problem with flooding. An area where there had been a sinkhole and this is the same problem that caused Ald. Waldorf to be in dispute with the residents about the cities lack of restitution last week in the parking lot. The problem erupted last night and it was said that our city atty. told the people to go ahead and sue the city. Well the minutes to the Public Service minutes were online yesterday because I read them and today they are gone and all that comes up is Error 404. Why would the city take down minutes that had been approved and placed on line?
Now that all of the minutes of the Committee of a Whole have been posted, please take a few minutes to read through them. I can see they are mostly an excuse to have a "closed session" even if it lasts only 13 minutes and why would have have the same mini closed session embedded into each and every COW meeting. The city calls them CAW meetings. Who is getting their instructions before each regular meeting. The committee reports shown on the minutes are merely what looks like a rehearsal for the same thing to be repeated minutes later at the regular City Council Meeting. Something is not right with this.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Harlem Ambassadors Fundraiser - City of Peru, Illinois 61354
I was checking the city web site for Halloween information and found done but did find this activity taking place tomorrow here in Peru. Might be an entertaining afternoon. You must click on the link to bring up the information.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Starved Rock Country Alliance visits Galesburg incubator - The Times: Local
I hope someone else from the LP area was present beside Janko to see what can happen with cooperation and it must happen between the numerous local cities.
IDOT spends $143,000 on zombie-themed seat belt ad
We are broke in Illinois and Idot is wasting money on useless filming. The video is at the bottom of the article, you need to view to get the total impact of the craziness of this expenditure.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Please Share Your Sources for Reading Local News
Much to my amazement today, almost all of the police reports were about Ottawa and a couple of La Salle, Marseilles, Spring Valley and Depue. None that I saw from Peru. A little from the county and the state law enforcement.
So either the local paper is skewing the news or we really do live in the city of milk and honey. Perhaps all the real news is only put in the published paper and if you don't subscribe, tough luck.
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Reading Between the News of the Peru City Council Meeting Last Night
Everyone knows that Public Comment in Peru has definite rules and among the first is that if you wish to make a Public Comment at the beginning of the City Council Mtg, you must fill out a 3 x 5 card with name, address and topic written clearly on it. Of course if you are the mayor and have favored friends, you don't have to follow the rules enacted by the City Council. Early in the mtg the person who set up the BB gun program in Peru was asked if he wished to make a comment. We were then told that the mayor has the discretion to break the rules that we all have to follow that is first submitting the 3 x 5 card. Mayor Harl it might be a good idea to set a good example and follow the same rules the rest of the city residents must follow. Just looks like you are playing favorites and I am sure you don't want the residents to think that, do you?
I just attempted to listen to the video of the city council meeting from 9/8//14 and it is so annoying to have speakers not press the button on their mike so it can be heard. First it was the mayor who had to repeat his comment and now it is the city atty. If these microphones are too complicated for our officials, please invest in something simpler in nature.
This issue of relatives working for the city is and has been an issue with the majority of the people living in Peru for a long time and as long as we have the type of government of Mayor-city Council here in Peru, this issue will not go away because it becomes a buddy system. In other words, Ald. A has a son, daughter, nephew or neighbor etc that he would like to impress and he mentions it to whomever oks the hiring and he will be favored over your children or mine. In return The other 7 aldermen and other officials give an unofficial OK by not saying anything against this policy knowing they might want to take advantage of it at another time.
Until the people of this city are ready to take the bull by the horns and insist upon professional management, this will not
The ottawa Times has had several good articles lately. One was about the mayors of LaSalle county working on regional and state issues together and specifically mentioned was the Mayor of Ottawa and of Streator, along with Mayor Harl of Peru.
Today I read about a very extensive bicycling venture the city of Streator is attempting to get underway. Both I don't believe were covered by our local paper but if they were feel free to correct my comment. They don't allow non subscribers to read online but Ottawa does, so that is what I read.
Saturday, October 04, 2014
U.S. recovery jumps forward, Illinois falls back 03 Oct 2014 | Michael Lucci -
Entire article can be seen at
Friday, October 03, 2014
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Peru Finance and Safety Meeting October 1
TIME: 4:00 P.M
Approve new fiber customer 5 year contract $275.00 per month-Bernabei/Bartley
Approve donation to Illinois Valley Animal Rescue
Discuss Building Permit Report reporting
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
MIsuse of Committee of a Whole Mieetings
I have done online research of other localities and many cities use them productively. If the government knows that a closed session is needed to discuss a topic with all of the aldermen, than schedule one either before or after the regular city council. What is being done at present is nothing more than a slap in the face to the residents and certainly discourages them from attending any of the meetings for that night. Many cities have a statement on their web site giving the mission of a closed meeting session, we do not. I decided to check the minutes of the many committee meetings of a whole that Peru has held since they were formed early this year. Online there are minutes for 2 meetings, that is all, altho we all know that there have been many more.
Interested parties might like to check the agenda for Monday's meeting. It looks like the co supers of Public Works will now be getting additional compensation. I recently asked about the number of people who had applied to be Director of Public Utilities for Peru and I was told, only 4 and of those there was 1 phone interview and it sounded like they were not interested in that person for the position. You know now that the city will not be hiring the position of Director of Public Works also know as the Director of Public Utilities and thus the additional compensation for the Police Chief and Fire Chief.. Is the bookkeeper a replacement for Heidi? Also the hire of a Financial Officer will be announced and I predict he will be local and well known to the council and mayor. On this I would be happy to hear, you are wrong.
#financial officer
Monday, September 15, 2014
True or False Office Max Call Center is "maybe" Leaving Peru
Friday, September 12, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Streator school will receive nothing from benefit - The Times: Local
The jobs done by the volunteers look like they were hired help who worked for free. Now that we know what volunteers really do for the "charity" event, Peru should without a doubt end this "nonsense" and perhaps along with Ms Noonan give a public apology because without the aid of our city this could not have taken place. since it required our Police, our Fire Dept, and our Public Works Dept. And yes even the aldermen parking cars at below minimum wage at our Municipal Airport.
We the residents of Peru are not proud of what you "our city government" have done once again. That is my Public Comment, what is yours?
Monday, September 08, 2014
It Seems The Things Don't Change They Remain the Same in Peru
The council is now considering rewriting the public comment ordinance and Alderman Waldorf reminds us that "no questions allowed".
I understand that the council meetings are beginning to look more and more like a circus and perhaps they are doing this for the few remaining hardy souls who dare to enter their chambers in hopes of discouraging them also.
I was not in attendance.
I will add more as I acquire more information.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
BBQ rib cookoff kicks off blues festival in La Salle - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
Tonight will be the Jazz on First and it is one casual but classy event held in the IL Valley, may not be in Peru but it is enjoyed by many Peruvians, I have seen them there.
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Finance Committee Turned Down Request For Ad in LP Yearbook
I want to tell the aldermen that the people pictured in that book also spend money and lots of it because many live in Peru and the rest live in communities that shop and spend money in Peru.
I believe the ad is something all local cities should spend the money on because the school is educating our children. If you know what cities buy an ad, we on the blog would be interested in hearing about it.
Ald. Perez asked about a donation to the LP band and NO was the answer. It was also said by someone that they thought LaSalle did donate.
But then they turned around and made a $500 donation to Illinois Valley Super Bowl for the 17th Annual Illinois Valley Professional Bowlers Tournament September 6th through 7 because they spend money in our city.
As I left the City Hall, lots of young people were bringing in boxes of candy to the Community Room as they get ready to work and sell candy for the Band. The kids take the time to do this regardless of the weather and the time away from their fun stuff. Rather Ironic isn't it.
If you would like to encourage the aldermen to turn their decision around and yes donate some money for an ad in the yearbook and look like a city that supports your schools.
Think about what just happened a few weeks ago when the city eagerly spent dollars to support a private business venture at the airport and the aldermen and clerk willingly donated their time to park cars and not enough money was generated to even give the "requested charity" any dollars.
How much money did we spend on Central States? Was it all because you thought the travelers were spending dollars in your city? Maybe they did and maybe they didn't.
Present at this mtg was Ald. Potthoff, Ferrari, Radtke, Sapienza, Mueller, Lukosus, Perez, Mayor Harl, Dave Bartley, Doug Bernabei, Eric Carls (engineer).and Bob Vickery. The committee then went into closed session after the meeting.
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Ordinance 5096 Seeking Director of Public Utilities and Establishing ASM and PSM
ASM = Administrative Services Manager
PSM= Public Services Manager
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Everyday There is Something that Needs Fixing in the City
Another something to think about. On August 16 the city assisted Ms Noonan to have a hard rock concert at the airport and we utilized public works, police and fire in this effort. I guess the effort was so we could help support a charity of her choosing which this year was Streator Centennial Elementary Public School. Now if you remember last year the Peru Little League supplied numerous volunteers so they could be the recipient of some "charity" and the concert fell short and they got proceeds from one night of pizza sales.
Now you would think it would not happen again, right? But it did and the last concert for the Streator school, produced no money for the school even though once again the same support from the school and the city was present. I privately received info that the school got no money and I was able verify that this indeed has occurred, in spite of a huge volunteer effort.
It is time for this to stop and for the city never to again assist this private enterprise from using the airport for any type of concert. Enough is enough.
Monday, September 01, 2014
Decision Time Coming in Peru
Also need someone to step up and handle the petition for the possiblilty of hiring a City Manger. The red alert is now on for the city of Peru from what I am seeing and hearing and know about the happenings in City Hall.
Many of us are more than willing to go out with the petitions but everything needs a leader and city hall is certainly showing us what happens when there is no responsible leadership.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Planning Commission Minutes Proposed Marijuana Growing Facilities
If you are interested in the proposals, location and ownership of them, you will find the minutes quite interesting.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Letters to the editor: Is Peru acting fairly toward all pot company applicants? - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL
As I have watched the number of companies interested in establishing the "pot" growing facility here in Peru, I thought about other cities around us and several with a larger population and some close to ours, and wondered why it was only Peru that was putting names of companies out to the public.
I do not know whether other cities were perhaps handling requests in a different manner and considering them privately with city officials only in the know and then deciding which one they would endorse after looking through all their qualifications.
I would like to know but at this time do not. I posted a news article a few days ago and it included all the districts applying, some in detail and some barely mentioned.
Personally I don't believe Peru should endorse a particular one but let the state do that since the city has now been put in an uncomfortable position. I also do not think at this point that there is anyone in the city qualified to make an endorsement and that includes the mayor and council.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Local governments can now consolidate if they so choose «
Does this mean we can start to eliminate Peru Twp.?
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Will the Lobbyist Sign the Same Contract With Same Wording
This is the previous contract:
Monday, August 25, 2014
Vote to Retain the Lobbyist in Peru
The vote was 4 and 4. Potthoff, Ferrari, Perez and Mueller voted no. Harl broke the tie.
Thank you Alderman Potthoff, Alderman Ferrari, Alderman Perez and Alderman Mueller for showing good judgement with your vote.
And to those who voted yes to retain the lobbyist, Alderman Lukosus, Alderman Radtke, Alderman Waldorf and Alderman Sapienza, we hope the voters will gradually show you the door out of city hall and bring in some thinking representatives.
I knew with the above 4 still in office that there was no way this would be defeated and I was hoping that Mayor Harl would have to break the tie vote. Now we know that the mayor really is a politician and that his political ties are more important than being a good mayor for the residents of Peru.
Again my thanks to the Aldermen who voted for Peru by voting against the Lobbyist.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Demographics of Peru Are Being Noticed
Many of us realize that they probably see the right market for their products in senior housing in La Salle Peru. Seniors also desire to have nearby groceries and medical facilities and possibly drug stores that include other amenities. So we will need to wait and see what is built if any housing does become a reality.
And on the other end of the spectrum is the question of how much money should be put into "decorating" Route 6 businesses. Mayor Harl prefers banners instead of flower baskets and I am sure that is what we will see along the route. Vickery is working with businesses to develop a facade improvement program and at the current time, Peru will put in $25,000 toward a 50/50 city/business payment for whatever is decided upon. I would like to see the Peru side of the Route 6 Tourist Assn. began to put their minutes on the Peru city web site, since we will be adding dollars to the program and actually does involve city property.
And on the A-Unified lawsuit, I am told that the N.T. had an article last night which states the city now has the title to the property at a cost of $250,000 approximately plus court costs. But the company has no money and what are the court costs?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Peru Can Definitely Afford One (a Lobbyist) Said Mayor Harl
Mayor Harl is also now considered a member and he was present with Ald. Lukosus by his side and Ald. Sapienza also present. Strangely Treasurer Hylla was not at the Finance Mtg. Definitely something going on there.
They quickly got to the rehiring of Timothy McAnarney as Lobbyist for Peru for another year and as quoted in the heading the Mayor said that any city that can afford a lobbyist has one and Peru can definitely afford one. Ald. Ferrari said the aldermen had never seen any information until he got the foia'd information but only after the information which I foia'd first was put on the blog. So that means the mayor did not feel that anything the Lobbyist was doing during the last year was important enough to share with his aldermen. But I will clarify that by saying I do believe that he shared any and everything with Ald. Lukosus but none of the others.
But today at the meeting he said the Lobbyist was doing so much for the city and not all that he had done was written on those reports and sometime the lobbyist is talking to people in the Legislature and elsewhere but does not know if anything gets done or not.
He picked out a couple of things he thought was important from the foia'd papers.
November 5, 2013 Talked to Ameren re: Unytite and the proposed move to LaSalle.
November 27, 2013 Per request of Bob Vickery he called ATT&T to look into poor reception in downtown Peru..
Lukosus said Peru could have had a grant for a bike path and that would have been because of him. ???? Also that he is of great help with the airport.
The Mayor also said something about not knowing what was in the original contract to hire and I suggest he read contracts before he attaches his name to them.
This vote will go to the Council Meeting Monday and I believe with the help of Ald. Lukosus, Sapienza, Radtke and probably Waldorf and with Ferrari being the question mark, it will pass even if the mayor has to end up breaking the tie. And those of us who disagree with this, must remember that there is an election next spring in each ward and it will determine if Potthoff, Waldorf, Perez and Mueller are returned to office. Possibly there may be a referendum to put on the ballot changing Peru's government to a City Manager-Council format.