“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, September 19, 2014

MIsuse of Committee of a Whole Mieetings

The committees of a whole were not designed specifically to be used as a forum to go into closed session but more or less meant to be an informal meeting of the council. Numerous cities use them but in a more open and productive manner than Peru is currently doing. At times on a special occasion  a closed session in a committee of the whole can be needed but certainly not like Peru is using them.

I have done online research of other localities and many cities use them productively. If the government knows that a closed session is needed to discuss a topic with all of the aldermen, than schedule one either before or after the regular city council.  What is being done at present is nothing more than a slap in the face to the residents and certainly discourages them from attending any of the meetings for that night. Many cities have a statement on their web site giving the mission of a closed meeting session, we do not.  I decided to check the minutes of the many committee meetings of a whole that Peru has held since they were formed early this year.  Online there are minutes for 2 meetings, that is all, altho we all know that there have been many more.

Interested parties might like to check the agenda for Monday's meeting.  It looks like the co supers of Public Works will now be getting additional compensation.  I recently asked about the number of people who had applied to be Director of Public Utilities for Peru and I was told, only 4 and of those there was 1 phone interview and it sounded like they were not interested in that person for the position.  You know now that the city will not be hiring the position of Director of Public Works also know as the Director of Public Utilities and thus the additional compensation for the Police Chief and Fire Chief.. Is the bookkeeper a replacement for Heidi? Also the hire of a Financial Officer will be announced and I predict he will be local and well known to the council and mayor.  On this I would be happy to hear, you are wrong.

#financial officer


Anonymous said...

The "only" thing on the agenda for the committee of the whole is a closed session. No need to attend that meeting as you will learn "nothing".

I was under the impression that the positions established for both Mr. King and Mr. Bernabei were temporary (originally were supposed to end in July) and that no additional compensation was to be awarded them. I guess the times they are a changing.

I would assume this also means a Utilities Directory will not be hired! I don't for one minute believe that no qualified individual applied for this position. There was, I believe, no intention of hiring said individual. Or, maybe no one wants to apply!!

Lois said...

It used to be that those whom we elected were public servants. Being elected into a leadership position meant that you had been chosen to serve the people of your city, your district, your state, or your nation and with that service came great responsibility. When you observe the words and deeds of your “public servants” today, do they appear to be in service to you? More likely, they seem somehow like your boss and seldom do they actually answer for or even address their responsibilities. Most have, in fact, woven an intricate web of bureaucracy that ensures they are free from nearly all of their responsibilities. When confronted, they offer platitudes and continue to impose legislation that makes your decisions for you.

In short, they do not serve. They rule.
From: http://andy-logic.com/2011/07/the-public-servants/

Anonymous said...

one thing to note. As long as he is a member of the committee, the Mayor can vote. In a regular council meeting, the Mayor can only vote to break a tie.

Anonymous said...

The phony policies and schemes that Peru's elected officials dream up prove that they have little or no respect for the intelligence of the citizens of Peru. The arrogance that they show by creating positions they say will not result in additional compensation for appointed individuals and then turn around and slap the people in the face by admitting they lied and we can all got to hell because they can do what they want. Phony titles mean nothing! Phony duties mean nothing! Phony claims that departments are running smoothly mean nothing! Phony aldermen and a phony mayor conjuring up phony policies in a phony manner should not be so easy to sneak past the honest folks in Peru. Will the eletcorate in Peru ever pay attention to the ridiculousness that has become Peru government?

Anonymous said...

Lois, the subject of your latest blog comment is outstanding and awakens one to ponder many of the present management decisions being made which will affect Peru for years to come.
When someone states specific circumstances upon which a decision has been made only to find after this decision has been voted upon and passed by a majority of eight or nine that those circumstances are changed. Peru city council and Mayor in a tie breaking vote of 5 - 4 passed a increase in a sales tax of 1/2% with a sunset of 5 years. Upon passage the Mayor than stated in no way would he tie himself to a sunset of 5 years.
Now it is being considered to raise two appointed city officials annual pay that accepted additional responsibilities for a temporary period of time with no increase in pay.
Presently each of these two have a endless number of positions in Peru that seems no longer to be in the chain of command but rather to be the command. Who presently has a list of all the responsibilities that they now have that at one time was many titles and many specific jobs to many people. These positions were all full time, and called for education and experience in each field rather than a combination of duties to raise pay.
Knowing that certain council members read the blog questions that they must eventually confront are: Are they managing the City of Peru, a city of $50,000,000 revenue professionally by continually passing a ordinances with specific items and promises to never enforce them? Also do they really believe that they are getting a bigger bang for their buck by continuously raising the pay of two to perform the occupations of 5 or 6? Presently this is limiting many decisions to a few rather than many. Also who and how are these few to be replaced efficiently if for some reason they no longer are available? The City of Peru is not a small business and should not be managed as such. I ask, to obtain professionalism does the city have to hire a city manager, or are we being forced to employ a city manager?
In conclusion think back a few years ago to when Mayor Baker was the CEO of Peru and he never prepared anyone to replace him. It would be a shame to see Mayor Harl and the council to create a few positions of such importance that their would be no one prepared to replace them.
Recent experience shows that Peru has a difficult time in getting people to apply for much desired positions. This is taking place in a employers market, why are steps being taken to increase this problem? Why is this situation even exist when our city pays top wages, could it now be the environment and reputation the city has had created for itself.
Sadly I have to express myself over social media, but there are no longer informal council meetings, public comment is not a question and answer system and is frowned upon and transparency does not exist (as evidenced by closed sessions of city council and closed meetings of the whole).

Peru Town Forum said...

Looks like the IML meeting might be in session in Chicago this week.

Anonymous said...

It is IML week, let the party begin!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought the council had to vote on allowing council members to go to the IML to pay their expenses?

Why is it that no one on the council mentioned the IML conferences were being held earlier this year?

Did TEST/Chamlin's provide a nice dinner for all that attended?

Anonymous said...

How disgusting to think of our aldermen and mayor pretending to be "bigshots" in the big city while they and their spouses are wined and dined by TEST and Chamlin. I am reminded of the old political saying about glad-handing pols that definately applies to Peru's elected officials, "Pigs get feed and Hogs get slaughtered". Sooner or later, the Peru Hogs will have to go to slaughter. Hopefully that day will come for some of them next April on Election Day.

Anonymous said...

Lois again you and your loyal few followers have it wrong. The positions are not being made permanent. The managers are getting a increase in pay until the city makes final decisions about head of utilities and possibly a city adminstrator.sounds fair to me. The city is also hiring a finance manager and they already hired a city engineer. Sounds like they are heading in right direction. Hope you really don't think they should hire someone that does not have the right qualifications just to appease you people. I heard the appications for utilities boss was dismal. In the foreseeable future I bet you see seroius talks about a fulltime adminstrator. You are so negative but can't back it up. It must be killing you how well things are proceeding

Anonymous said...

Lois again you and your loyal few followers have it wrong. The positions are not being made permanent. The managers are getting a increase in pay until the city makes final decisions about head of utilities and possibly a city adminstrator.sounds fair to me. The city is also hiring a finance manager and they already hired a city engineer. Sounds like they are heading in right direction. Hope you really don't think they should hire someone that does not have the right qualifications just to appease you people. I heard the appications for utilities boss was dismal. In the foreseeable future I bet you see seroius talks about a fulltime adminstrator. You are so negative but can't back it up. It must be killing you how well things are proceeding

Peru Town Forum said...

9:57 AM

The Public Works Department has been without leadership since December 2013 and now going on 10 months later we have not been able to find a replacement. Who doesn't know what is going on? As to the City administrator if a true City manager is hired, I will be impressed but I don't see anyone at the top willing to give up one shred of power or prestige.

Anonymous said...

Lois. You are so wrong. The public works has had leaders since Sean left. Give some example of how things have not been run very well.There has been more leadership then ever. I am not sure why it has taken so many months to hire a replacement but neither do you. Go to the meeting and ask someone but don't sit back and rant. Leadership is way more than a title. If you think that it is not you are so wrong. IMO!

Anonymous said...

Anons 9:57 & 11:31 A manager is a appointed position but it is not a substitute for leadership. A individual can be appointed to a management position, whether he is good or bad, as long as he is on the same page as his appointees he will remain a manager.

Briefly allow me to quote "The Essence Of Leadership"
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles...they don't flock, you find them one at a time."

Anonymous said...

9:57 If the positions are not being made permanent then why are we going to compensate temporary replacements? Why were temporary replacements given titles? And better yet when and if their replacements are found will we then eliminate the compensations we're giving them? Are you really so naive as to believe in these hard economic times that there isn't someone in the Illinois Valley who is more than qualified to handle the Utilities Director position?

Anonymous said...

Anon, 11:31, wow. Super Chief did write this one!

Anonymous said...

9:57 Just who exactly are "you people"? The residents of Peru?

Anonymous said...

11:31 Are you saying that for the last 5 years our leadership in the departments that are vital to our community were lacking in leadership? Sounds like it to me if so how could our government allow this to continue for many, many years?

Peru Town Forum said...

I asked the same thing as I looked around when I drove to Andy's Pet Shop in Peru and then came back east and into La Salle following Rte 6 most of the time. I asked myself the same question and wondered if the Mayor ever travels that route and what he thinks as he makes the trip. Anybody else notice what I saw? If he does why isn't he taking care of what needs to be done? I now think no department head has a clue as to what I am hinting at.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:53 PM This lack in the departments that are vital to our community has been allowed to contiue for many, many years by our government because Peru city officals have a management belief that it is not what you know it is who you know or are related to and that you are a long standing citizen of Peru without outsiders ideas. To be able to enforce the above reasons you need a non-participating community in which everyone is satisfied until it directly involves them or their pocketbook. Peru is a example of all the reasons listed above, so except for a few who are involved because of their love of Peru, we, you and me have ourselves to blame for our non transparent State of the City. We have been oversatisfied with our sugar coated question asked in a manner so they don't offend anyone and have accepted sugar coated non truths for answers too easily. I predict that the lack of interest in Peru City Government will be proven by the low amount of participation in the upcoming elections. I sincerely hope I am proven wrong because presently the correct answer appears to be to move rather than to face the reality of Peru's future ( high taxes with no progress, higher utillities than the other city's surrounding us, and a high employment rate with only low paying jobs if you are not a city employee plus non transparency and a government which does not care for Joe the Plumber or what he thinks). If you are inquisitive you can ask anyone who attended the IML Meetings in Chicago this weekend if it is better to announce that they are going or to sneak away to them. No matter which is best there will never be a report brought back from those who attended.

Anonymous said...

I support Lois 100%. She wont tell city hall what could be done to better Peru and correct something on Rt 6. You know what if they cant see it who is she to take 1 minute out of her life and call and let them know. We need to stick together and never once be accused of being positive. No matter what it takes lets get the mayor. Lois you are the best. You saw something that Harl and his boys have not fixed and to prove a point lets show them. It is who you are and why we love you. I cant stand those who think you are an crotchy old woman. How dare them! You love Peru and it shows. Lois please run for something. Linda got on rec and now look it is paradise in our Peru parks all because of her.

Anonymous said...

448 and 449 just hit it out of the park. We have to stay strong. There is not many of us but we are strong. We have the highest electric, water and sewer rates and property taxes in the area. Our roads are the worst and no one wants to build in Peru.
La Salle and SV are the best. Lets get them.

Anonymous said...

QUALIFICATION? RESUMES? EXPERIENCE OF ON THE JOB THAT THOSE APPOINTED TO POSITIONS? CERTIFICATIONS THEY HAVE? NO ANSWERS TO ALL THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN ASKED!!!!! Must not have any. Come on Harl, answer these questions. I can stand over a project and pretend I know too. Alderman, have you as a representative of the people asked these question? Are you doing you job? If not, you should resign immediately.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 PM You are correct when you say no one wants to build in Peru, sadly it is also correct to say no one is building in Peru. Also no one is updating in Peru, but if you travel to downtown LaSalle you will see a lot of it and if you choose to drive to North LaSalle next to the Flying J you will see the result of Perus' inexpensive electrical rates in living color. Peru has a retail sales store called Wal Mart, Spring Valley has a huge distribution center called Wal Mart now compare the wages of those two and tell where you would rather attempt to make a living for a family. Peru has Kohls' a retail store Ottawa, Il. has a huge Kohls' distribution center if you were supporting a family which of the two would you perfer getting a paycheck from? Are you starting to understand? Take a walk through downtown Peru and than downtown Ottawa and decide which is better.
I must admit that LaSalle and Ottawa each have a very similar condition in that Martucky is next to Ottawa and Pertucky is next to LaSalle. Peru is in a backward mode and the rest of the area is moving forward. WHY? Take a look at the progress Streator, Ottawa and LaSalle are making in comparison to Peru plus none of these other towns belong to the IMEA. Why does Peru have a line item for carbon tax in the electrical bill? Streator, Ottawa, and LaSalle all have outstanding people in place for future development and it is showing what does Peru have a developer of bakeries and auto shops. That is a strong foundation for development in the future. If you can't attract business in a area with the low wages and high unemployment that Peru has you had best get out of the business of being a economic developer. I pray that they teach this in Chicago when that expense account is ringing up.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:26 You get what you pay for sadly in the political world of today you don't even get a dime on a dollar. Much of what takes place today are the exact same reasons the pilgrams founded America.
When people took interest in their country, state, county , city, village it was a great place to live all had a voice and greed and financial accumulation was not the legal rule for a few. The footprint of this countrys' success is recorded in our history we just have to start to live by it again. This also means a registered voter turnout of more than 20% and a occasional talk with God.

Anonymous said...

I see that another huge debt in the amount of $700,000 which the Water & Sewer Fund has borrowed from the Electric Fund will be "forgiven" at tonights council meeting. This is something they sneak by pretty regularly in order to hide the fact that the W&S Fund is unable to sustain itself as currently capitalized. In other words the W&S Fund loses money much more often than it makes money and has to be propped up by robbing cash from
the Electric Fund. This is just one example of how Peru's phony elected officials abuse Home Rule in order to "cook the books" in order to make it look like all funds are solvent. This tactic was "tailor made" for the type of politicians currently in office in Peru. A phony accounting trick condoned by and approved of by a group of phony elected officials. The reason they have done this for many years is because they lack the courage to raise W&S rates to properly capitalize the fund so that it can sustain itself. They continue to rob Peter to pay Paul because it's more important for them to stay in office then be honest with the rate-payers. They would lose votes if they ever raised rates. They have no sense of ethics or honesty in anything they do. Cowards and Con-Men is what we have. What a shame!

Linda said...

4:48 Yes I am on the rec board and yes the parks are beginning to take on a new look. I have been working well with chief Bernabei and we are making progress. I take my appointed position very seriously and hope to continue making changes for the better in our parks. Your sarcastic comments are very rude and hurtful. I am signing my name and if you wish to contact me to discuss this further my number is in the book.

Anonymous said...

Good questions 7:26. Where is transparency?

Anonymous said...

9:27....Where did you get this info, as I do not see it on the agenda for tonight?

Anonymous said...

9:27 your a sad example of misuse of a public forum like the blog. The water rates were raised 4 years ago to pay for the sewer improvements needed in our city. Most of those residents supported that increase as a way to eliminate sewer backups. Millions of dollars to stop water in our homes.
My water and sewer rates are much lower in Peru than my relatives that live in other close towns including LaSalle, Ottawa. As a matter of fact so are my real-estate taxes from the city portion of the bill. Phony accounting trick? Your reaching for air? Rates are higher than 2010 and my taxes have been level and we have a much greater sense of safety with our home. Tell whoever is my city council person I'll take a sign in my yard.

Anonymous said...

For the first time in more than 30 years, there are more businesses shutting down than starting up. This is due to the failure of the Obama Administration and Democrat politics - over regulation and over taxation. Businesses are leaving the State of Illinois in droves for the same reasons AND the lack of right-to-work laws. Add to this the fact that the City of Peru's only goal when dealing with any development is increasing sales tax. A distribution center does not generate sales tax. An advanced manufacturing plant does not generate sales tax. While Peru may have a strangle hold on retail in our region, Peru's Mayor is not bright enough to realize that retail does not generate sufficient job growth to sustain consumer spending. Furthermore, Peru's retail is not all that special - meaning people do not travel to Peru from outside the region to shop. The consumers all come from LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, Spring Valley, etc. What will happen when the unions finally drive the few remaining manufacturers out? What will happen when Peru's retail bubble pops?

Anonymous said...

9:27 This sounds like the same campaign that Harl ran against Baker. Are you going back to a old formula? Many voters still have buyers regret.

Anonymous said...

So, what ever happened to the electric department rainy day fund that the treasurer wanted... the one that got him in hot water with the Mayor. The reason we need several million dollars put aside for the electric department is if a major disaster takes out Peru's electric grid. We don't have the resources of a major utility like Ameren and it will take months to get financial aid from the State and Federal governments. Meanwhile, the City of Peru will be without electricity.

Anonymous said...

Nice article in the Ottawa Times about the role of townships. Access real-estate taxes, help the poor, maintain roadways. Looking at the Peru Township it looks like great strides have been made on real-estate taxes. How are they doing on helping the poor? Any aid to the homeless shelter?

Anonymous said...

10:45 am, You're not paying attention to what I'm saying. Your figures are irrelelvant to what I'm saying. My point is the W&S Fund cannot support itself! They are constantly propping it up with funds from the Electric Department. The current rates paid by all users of the system "Do Not" adequately fund the systems operation or needed improvements. The previous rate increase you mentioned was mandated by the Federal government to force the city to demonstrate they would be able to pay for the government loans the city has had to take to do the seperation work. The rate increase you refer was for paying off loans, not operating the system. I repeat. The Water & Sewer Fund does "NOT" generate enough revenue to support its operational or maintenance needs! If it did there would be no need to borrow from other funds and therefore would be no need to "forgive" indebtedness from the Electric Fund as they will do again tonight. By the way, when you place that yard sign for the current council person let me be the first to remind you that it's people like you who don't have the slightest clue how damn incompetent ntheir "council persons" actually are. You are just as much to blame as they are
because you don't pay attention to the facts right in front of your face. You probably get your information at the deli, the coffeeshop, or the barbershop instead of putting in real work or research. Get a clue!

Anonymous said...

But wait :) We have a sales tax to fund "infrastructure." Oh.... that's right, Boss Harl borrowed against the expected five year revenue to pay for street resurfacing - to get votes and give jobs to his local 150 boys.

Anonymous said...

12:45 What a well written, intelligent blog you posted. Thank you for seeing reality for what it is and pointing it out to those who haven't a clue.

Anonymous said...

There is a gathering storm across the country concerning water and waste water. For decades, short sighted politicians have under funded municipal water to such a degree that the entire system is on the verge of collapse - literally. In many cities, water distribution piping is over a hundred years old - this includes Peru. Politicians do not have the gumption to tell their constituents that water and waste disposal is not free - in fact, it is very expensive.
We need to raise rates, and raise them immediately - and it won't be a small raise either. We should start with a minimum floor or "tap fee" per month - $50 water and $50 sewer - then set a per gallon fee after a certain amount that needs to be determined. The point is, everyone connected to the city water system needs to pay a minimum of $100 per month - it would go up from there depending on usage. There should not be any considerations for people filling their pool either.

Anonymous said...

Right-to-work in 2015!

Anonymous said...

Why is a car accident investigation being sent to the FBI?

Anonymous said...

12:45 Just checked with a reliable official at Town hall. Your wrong, no rates were mandated and the city did raise the rates a few years ago. Your rant at 9:27 claims rates were not raised. The fund will cash flow soon, as the capital projects come to a close. The electric fund has cash flowed retirement funds and other improvements, according to the source. The alternative is to raise taxes. Your options are? Raise rates, Raise taxes? So the fund will look to be solvent?

Another fact that was shared...our police, fire, public works areas do not generate enough funding to be solvent. The solution is to have all Peru residents increase your taxes and fines to keep these funds solvent. Let us know down at the deli when you will be running for office. We know a bad batch of lunch meat when we open the wrapper.

Anonymous said...

2:45 - we either need to charge for the services or cut them. People will pay the appropriate fee if it is explained to them what the costs are. But beware - anyone asking for an increase better be ready to prove that waste has been eliminated. All waste, not matter how small. That means if you can get an extra 10,000 miles out of a truck, you do it. If you can avoid giving raises, you do it. If you can stay at a low cost motel for a conference, you do it. I don't see much of this thought process in the City of Peru.

Anonymous said...

We got a new one in office that can't wait to raise rates on anything. We don't need another. Stop down the deli 12:45, we will give you more solutions. Raising fees and taxes isn't a solution!

Anonymous said...

Fees for services should be raised. People have control over how much water they use and how much electricity they use.
Municipalities should also consider pay per mile to augment road repair funds. As cars become more fuel efficient, less taxes are collected on gasoline. We need to consider another fee for each mile driven. This can be done simply be implementing a city sticker and brining your car to city hall for an odometer reading once a year. It can also be elaborate using GPS tracking to determine exactly how many miles you drive in town. Again, this is better than implementing a or increasing a tax - it is better because people can control how many cars they have and how many miles they drive.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you people? I say instead of raising taxes or adding taxes or adding charges to services why don't we ask our government to quit spending money on things we don't need? How many new vehicles have we purchased lately? We added another building to store them in and yet we still have some sitting outside of the buildings. I've even seen 2 trucks parked in the fire station parking lot. Why don't we ask our government to live within their means as we families must live withing a budget? The more we give them the more they will waste.

Anonymous said...

please read the 3:14 post completely.

Anonymous said...

Please explain how many city vehicles does one appointed employee need?

Peru Town Forum said...

The mayor commented at a recent Finance Meeting that the city is down 10 employees and I assume it was speaking of the Public Works and Light Dept. So what is the need for all of these trucks and who uses them all at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Lois, your husband was in the car repair business , he will tell you it gets to a point where it is more expensive to keep something running that isn't worth the money your putting it in, therefore up grade it where you have warranties and low maintenance bills for the long haul. It's called good business .

Peru Town Forum said...

9:17 PM

No he would not agree with you. With good care and proper maintenance, automobiles and trucks can be used for a very long time. All of the cars we currently drive were bought used and maintained and run well. The depreciation on any new auto or truck the first year is astronomical. He could put it into words much better than I just did.

Anonymous said...

What is the average miles/car or truck before it is replaced in the citys fleet? Years ago General Motors claim was that they didn't manufacture a car that should not reach 100k with proper maintenance, now I am told that it is common to reach 250k and still have a very good running vehicle. A good question is how many vechicles does the city need when I always see 2 to 3 workers per pick up riding around town? As fall is upon us lets hope that Peru does not have a reoccurance of the missing dump truck at the Hennepin hunting reserve, when do you claim a truck is missing - from the day it is taken or when you finally discover you are short a truck? That truck was not all that was missing as it has been stated that a city employee in a management position was out of state but still on the payroll as being at work. But this could not be true as Peru recently had a retired judge and the FBI conduct extensivew ivestigations?

Anonymous said...

I agree with good care a maintenance that they last a long time, even so , it gets to a point where it's foolish to put in let's say $ 2500 worth of engine and transmission work when the vehicle is only worth a $1000

Anonymous said...

the city should not be concerned with the depreciation of a new vehicle. As Lois stated, it happens quickly with a new vehicle.
If maintained correctly, the city should get ten or more years out of a truck. Furthermore, they are commodities that should be used until they are essentially worthless - more than once the city has talked about selling old vehicles. If a truck is sellable, it should be kept in service instead of buying a new one.
We should not be purchasing vehicles just because "we have the money." The city needs to concentrate on putting aside a substantial amount of cash reserves - possibly up to a year or more of our current budget.
For individuals, the old advice used to be to keep six months salary in cash reserves. Some advisers are now advocating one year of salary in cash reserves. A city is no different. A major disaster could put Peru in serious trouble if adequate cash reserves are not maintained.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 8:47, but most of the city dump truck fleet is 20 plus years old, due to rust and you can only fix so much it becomes a safety issue not just for the driver but anyone near that vehicle while its in use. The city is lucky, they have one of the best mechanics to maintain the fleet, if he makes a judgement call that the vehicle is shot, then it's time to replace it.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of city vehicles have you noticed lately that there are 2 big dump trucks parked behind the fire station, vehicles parked outside the Peoria St. garage, vehicles at the park barn, at the cemetery, at the electric station up North, and who knows how many in the building we rent from Maze lumber? And, let's not forget the SUV's that our leaders have and those that are parked at city hall. Supposedly we have a drastic cut in personal so how come we need so many vehicles? And, as someone mentioned previously there are usually 2 workers per vehicle.

Anonymous said...

I'm fine with that 9:57. But, we should use terms like useful life remaining vice putting a dollar value on the vehicle. I know the mechanic and I know he can make anything run - but I agree that at some point in time you need to stop dumping money into an old truck. What I'd like to see is the council discuss the vehicle being replaced - sort of justifying the purchase of the new vehicle by stating how much it costs to maintain the old one. They never seem to do that.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:18, you hit it right on the nail head!

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure some of you are seeing some of the same trucks twice. Or three times.

Why does it matter if two people are riding in the truck if they are en route to a job that requires two people? Doesn't this actually make sense?

Why are we debating the maintenance of vehicles? Half of you think we should buy new ones and half think we should maintain what we have. They seem to be getting the job done and I do not see any evidence that the city is just buying vehicles for fun despite some of the stupid comments to the contrary.

What qualifications do any of you have for monitoring the use of city vehicles and how they are used? If you have a question about a vehicle then call someone who can help you.

This is craziness as usual. Move on.

Anonymous said...

This has been going on for many many years. The City buys vehicles because they have money. They more vehicles they buy, the better the chance of a local connected company winning the bid. That is what Peru is all about. Taking tax money and spending it with the friends of those in power.
I once heard a councilman say that if we have money left over at the end of the year then we are not doing our job right. Every dime they collect gets spent and then they ask for more. No - they don't ask, they just take.

Anonymous said...

1:52 you are lying. No one on the council wants to buy a vehicle that is not necessary. No one said they spend every dime because they don't! STOP FREAKING LYING!

Lois your blog is lost all credibility if it ever had any. Completely ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

1:52 - Some of the Aldermen like being the big shot buying trucks and things. They love spending money, especially when it is not their own. I was at the Council meeting tat Ferrari said, and I quote, "As a council, we are doing something wrong if we don't spend our entire budget."
This group will spend until the cows come home, then take out a loan and spend some more.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:33 PM Please understand that Ferrari as many other of his peers do not understand business and apparently never will. Sadly he was the only person running and could not beat himself.
Unfortunely the barn door was opened and forgot about, our local cows got out before it was shut and they have pretty well emptied the fields. Would the airport make a nice gazing spot for them before next years concerts?

Anonymous said...

To 6:52 PM, Take a pill dude. It's somebody's opinion. Accurate or not it's an opinion. You have yours and that person has theirs. This is a blog, not a Ken Burns historical documentary on PBS. Ever heard the old saying, "Taken with a grain of salt"? Think about it, and put some extra clothing on that "thin skin" of yours.
Geepers Creepers!

Anonymous said...

10:47 Do any of them understand business? Any have business experience?

Anonymous said...

How did this set-up with Bernebei and King begin? Did they approach the mayor or the council and offer their services or was it the opposite?

Anonymous said...

9:12 - Yes, I believe one of them has an MBA. But then again, if you fill a room with MBA's, you would still find it difficult to manage a Kool-Aid Stand.

Anonymous said...

MBA's are under worked and over paid. Just liked PhD School Administrators, they aren't worth what they flush down the toilet every morning.

Anonymous said...

Just because somebody has an MBA doesn't mean they know how to run a business.

Anonymous said...

I guess we should ask if any of those political lemmings have run a business.

Anonymous said...

Lukosus, Waldorf, Mueller, have run their own businesses. Potthoff runs a business, but he doesn't own it.

Anonymous said...

Peru is a business in excess of $50million. More than having the experience of running a business I would look for someone who can manage a big business successfully. Enorous difference and although not in favor of a city manager it may be the quickest path to Perus continued success. For example if the businesses of the 3 aldermen were combined it would still not have the financial responsibilities and be near as complex as the YMCA. The major difficulty of hiring someone to manage public works is that no one on the committee has a clue as to what is needed and therefor it has become a never ending problem and has expanded in difficulty over the last nine months. Over 270 days wasted in what a efficient committee should have accomplished in less than 60. In todays job market you yourself are at fault if you can't find qualified candidates to fill open job positions. A sound business approach with different people than those presently on this committee is sorely needed.
In private business when someone fails to produce they are replaced in Peru government when a committee fails they are only increased in size and continue to fail.

Anonymous said...

In private business when someone fails to produce they are replaced in Peru government when a committee fails they are only increased in size and continue to fail.

Anonymous said...

We should outsource the Public Works Department and sell the Electric Department.

Anonymous said...

Experience has shown a committee that is comprised of the wrong or inadaquately prepared people for whatever reason normally end up taking too long a time frame for a bad decision. They result with being the straw that breaks the camels back rather than starting its successful journey. A strong possibility is that Peru City Government should take a step outside the box or forget the box and start to analyize their own thinking or worse yet evident lack of original thought.

Anonymous said...

Our roads and streets are at an all time worst ever. We need a professional for the public works department.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be long and a vote will be taken to see how the citizens of the 3rd ward think of the upkeep of our roads and streets and many other decisions such as the TEST contract. Alderman Dave "No Bid" Waldorf present term is ending and if he decides to remain in office will have to run unless he discovers some way to enforce the "Super Majority" to make his chair a permanent position.
Who have taken out petitions to run for aldermen in Peru? Who is the new finance director? What is transparency?

Anonymous said...

Mueller, Waldorf, Perez and Mayszak took out petitions for alderman. Is Potthoff retiring from being an alderman? I've heard somebody is running against Waldorf, but it was a rumor so I'm not sure if it's true. One would think people running for an office would want it to be public knowledge that they're running. So is Potthoff running or not?

Anonymous said...

Don't know. Hope Potthoff does. If he doesn't, hope he becomes a bear in the woods, and stays very much involved in city politics. Maybe he could rake the leaves in the woods, and run for mayor, and back other candidates for Alderpersons for the future.

Anonymous said...

Being you can get petitions off the Internet, Potthoff might have his and is getting ready to get the signatures needed. You have to wait and see who turns them in at the end.