“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 23, 2015

June jobs update: Illinois’ workforce shrinks by 8,300, state has nation’s worst jobs losses at -7,500

June jobs update: Illinois’ workforce shrinks by 8,300, state has nation’s worst jobs losses at -7,500

What is this telling us? No jobs, no money to spend and are we the city of Peru depending upon sales tax  Thinking back to yesterday and listening to the excuses from people who have no economic sense (imo)  telling the citizens that Peru needs to have a presence in Springfield me left me speechless.  As. Ald. Potthoff remarked, this lobbyist is not in Springfield as an economic director and we all know that things like grants are disappearing because even the state cannot pay their bills.
The mayor responded that Ottawa pays a very high figure for a lobbyist and 24,000 is much less.  That would be the only comparison Peru can make with Ottawa.

Many of you have given Ald. Potthoff credit for his economic knowledge and now the mayor is not even listening because he wants what he wants.



Anonymous said...

The future State Rep's comparison proves how ill-equipped he is regarding the needs of the community. The argument that "they pay more" is irrelevant. It also should be pointed out that Ottawa has a plan and is executing it. You can argue about weather or not it is a good plan - but they have on and they are implanting it. I would guess this means that their lobbyist is taking this into account and is working with the State Government to help Ottawa achieve those goals. Peru, on the other hand, is not operating on a plan - at least not one that is above the table for all to see. We do get snippets of information about secret talks about a new multi-million dollar government complex "up north". But none of that is written down or open to public comment. We wont know when it is approved until our cheerleader news media publishes a picture of the ground breaking on the front page of the paper.
The sooner Boss Harl moves to Springfield the better. Heck - I'll vote for him just to keep him safely tucked away with no power. He won't be able to do anything for a decade or so. Perfect place for him.

Anonymous said...

Do these guys know what a lobbyist does? Is it economic development?

Anonymous said...

This is caused by the Unions.