“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

D-2 Quarterly Scott Harl Campaign for Mayor

D-2 Quarterly

You have asked for the list of donors for Mayor Scott Harl  who says he is not sure he will run for Mayor of Peru again. This is will take you to the State Board of Elections and hopefully the link will take you to the right page.  You will need to click on Itemized or any "blue" link. Draw your own conclusions as you read the list.


Anonymous said...

Its good to see that the Mayor reimbursed himself for his out of pocket campaign donation.

I don't like the idea of employees contributing to his campaign coffers.

Can your campaign donations be used to give to other groups or organizations?

Anonymous said...

A thouroughly disgusting report of a thouroughly disgusting and phony person.

Anonymous said...

Remember, the link only takes you to his most recent report. He has been collecting money for years.

One key takeaway from this report is:

Funds available at the close of the reporting period: $39,654.38

All to run for mayor of a small town of $10,000. Oh ya... forgot to mention, small town of 10,000 with a budget approaching $50 million.

Anonymous said...

Is it a requirement for all new employees to donate to his campaign fund?

Anonymous said...

1:57 PM

So disappointing to see our new young financial officer with a fairly large donation for a new young employee, employees should not be donating to a campaign, period.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the new financial officer felt pressure to donate. He probably received a mailer asking for money. What could he say, no?

TEST is a huge disappointment, buying their next no bid contract every year.

Why would an attorney in Chicago donate to Harl?

BHMG - Harl gave them business when he raised the electrical rates for certain companies.

Anonymous said...

You know, many cities have an ordinance that prohibits an elected official from soliciting or accepting campaign donations from city employees or individuals that due business with the city.

Reading these reports, it appears as if Mayor Harl makes it a requirement.

Any Aldermen reading this? Do you have the gumption to propose such an ordinance? Come on - show us you are your own man or woman and will look the Boss in the face and tell him how wrong this is!

Anonymous said...

This is old business and most bloggers will discuss grass cutting instead of campaign cash.

Anonymous said...

2:29, I agree. In fact, is it the purpose of the Legislative Branch of government (our council) to act as a check on the Executive Branch of our government (The Mayor).

Will they fulfill their purpose?

Anonymous said...

Its funny. You never here about this stuff in the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

WOW, I had no idea it was this bad. I'm pretty sure that Hvvee has received a fresh batch of grapes. It seems all of you have nothing but sour ones!
Have a nice day, and keep up the good work, you make me laugh every day.

Anonymous said...

Lois, someone should just list them all here. They count on only a few of the sheeple having the gumption or savvy to find it out. The newtrib would never publish them.

Anonymous said...

It would be easier to list who has not been cajoled into funding the Boss Harl campaign.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you one that is in the A-1 report - not listed on this link.

Anthony C. Raccuglia & Associates PC, $1,000 - 7/7/2015

And here is one from a newly hired city employee - Miller, Justin, $300, 6/30/2015.

I hope you allow this post. This information is publically available, so these individuals should have no expectation of privacy concerning their donations to Harl's fund.

Anonymous said...

3:42 PM, Very interesting to see how easily Peru cheerleaders like yourself can just disregard blatant corruption even when it stares you in the face. Before you say anything else, I know it's not illegal to accept campaign contribtuions. I get that. But realize this, corruption is not always illegal. That is the saddest part of all. As is the case in Peru-style corruption, there is always a fine line that must be walked by elected and appointed officials. The fine line that Harl and the others are always careful not to cross is called "Quid Pro Quo", which in Latin means "Something for Something". Even though it is crystal clear to me and many others that Harl's campaign contributions qualify as a Quid Pro Quo it must be established by way of usable evidence that there is a clear and obvious understanding or agreement between the parties that something (money) was provided in exchange for something else (favoritism in the form of No-Bid Contracts, preferential treatment in city purchasing of goods and services, etc, etc). As obvious as it is it only becomes illegal and provable when the guilty parties get careless and provide real evidence of the Quid Pro Quo. For example, they might send a careless text or provide a hurried email or voice mail that would reveal their true motives for accepting gifts or campaign contributions. As we all know, Harl, the aldermen, and other Peru officials are very aware that they are being watched and they are very careful not to leave usable evidence of a Quid Pro Quo for those pesky few Peru residents who might discover it and attempt to blow the lid off the Peru way of doing business. Essentially, a corrupt politician would have to be stupid or careless enough to incriminate himself to actually be subject to corruption charges. So, we must ask ourselves this question. Are Peru's officials, elected or appointed, stupid enough, careless enough, or more appropriately, arrogant enough to ever leave us some usable evidence of Peru's system of Quid Pro Quo? We shall see. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Nothing illegal was done in campaign contributions. If you are upset then voice your displeasure to your Mayor. Go to the meeting and state your case, write a open form. Campaign donations became common place in Peru a few elections ago. Mayor Don Baker was defeated by the campaign of Scott Harl. That campaign raised thousands from many special interest groups and Baker was defeated. Those same individuals who were involved in the original campaign thought nothing of raising money through unions, attorneys and others who had a direct benefit with Peru. Now--those same are crying fowl over the recent contributions made to the political coffers of Scott Harl?

Who is to blame?

Anonymous said...

10:34 - how about talking about it on-line? You get more bang for your buck than talking at a meeting or writing a letter to the newspaper.

The Mayor of a town of 10,000 (probably less in the next census) should not be soliciting funds from contractors, employees, and unions. Personally, I would expand that to any population. Anyway, the point is, the Council has the legal responsibility to create a law that prevents this.

Anonymous said...

I asked my dad how much he needed to run a campaign for mayor and he would say 3-5 thousand dollars. He would not ask for donations and if someone would want to help he would generally accept. At the end of the campaign he would donate what was left to a local charity, normally horizon house. He was not someone who needed a lot of money for campaigns and would say that if people liked the job you were doing they would vote for you.
I don't know why the current mayor has to raise this much money for but maybe he should just not accept these donations when there is not a campaign.
Bob Baker

Anonymous said...

Bob - the current Mayor is going out and asking for the money. Asking for money from the people that work for him and sell stuff to the city. Your Dad cared about the city and did what was best for the City. Not everyone agreed with the way he did things, but that is all in the past now. Based on this information, you can tell what the current Mayor is all about.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bob for your very honest and insightful comments. That may put things in perspective for many of the readers of this site.

Anonymous said...

11:55 we all are asking the same question.

Anonymous said...

Jeff King donated $600 a couple years ago. And magically he was appointed by Harl within the last year or so ago a full time fire chiefs position along with a couple other titles to the tune of $84 k plus benefits, and then an additional $12k raise. WOW.

Anonymous said...

10:34 - it can be illegal if we make that way. Do you think it is a good idea to allow an elected official solicit and accept money from city employees? What about businesses that do millions of dollars of business with the city?

But, even if it is not against the law, it is wrong. And the voters really need to know who Mayor Harl works for.

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself that 3500 was used for another campaign in last alderman race.

Anonymous said...

The problem is Bartley will not enforce foia and police chief is in mayors pocket.

So when a foia request comes in and email goes to the alderman or chief and says Do you have any emails related to this request?

That's it they don't independenly check email or endorce it

It's a scam they just don't ever provide it

Anonymous said...

To Bob Baker, Six corrupt politicians today or a half dozen corrupt politicians 10, 20, or 30 years ago is all the same as far as I'm concerned. Corruption is corruption and quid pro quo is quid pro quo. Don Baker did it as mayor and Scott Harl has refined it to an even higher level. Right is right and wrong is wrong and the Peru way of doing business is wrong. There is no middle ground on this issue, Bob.

Anonymous said...

7:20 AM Great comment may I also add that you cannot pick and choice the laws to be enforced and those not to be enforced. I understand that in certain known areas laws are enforced that a city financially benefits if the guilty party is caught with evidence and money but if a person who is to enforce another law he may not because he himself receives huge illegal financial gains. Upon recently moving to one of these areas it was expressed that these illegal acts have gone on for so many years that they are considered a fringe benefit added to the benefits already received.
Upon questioning my relative and appointed state employee he went ballistic and questioned me on what was the specific area and if I knew who was involved. I've never seen him angry before nor has he visited my family so often normally he is bringing another co-worker with him.

Anonymous said...

11:42 I guess, my comment would be that who is doing what that is illegal? And what are the fringe benefits that are so called city council is getting? With the daily headlines politicians everywhere are getting pinched. Why are you pointing out corruption without naming names. Your blog isn't believable without actual real situations and names. I see a lot of fluff or general topics. Any of your accusations apply to any of the area politicians?

Anonymous said...

12:43 You do realize, don't you, that 11:42 is an anonymous poster and that it is their opinion they are expressing and it is "NOT" the blog creator Lois's?

Anonymous said...

Well its all falling into place just like I predicted , Mautino is stepping down and Harl will move on to bigger and better things.

Anonymous said...

Wait until the next mayor election. Bernie and King will be getting out knocking on doors to keep their positions . Guaranteed if a new mayor comes in those two are out !!

Anonymous said...

I'd knock on every door in town twice to get paid $120K/year.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't he done enough damage to peru? Whoever would vote for him ever has to question their choice. As a lifelong resident of this city it bothers me how depressing tans run down it has become under his tenure. Just pitiful

Anonymous said...

We got Slot Machines though. And a Pot Farm is opening up soon in Oglesby.