“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, July 03, 2015

Pay to Play Illinois


Anonymous said...

It is not just the Chicago Mayor. Take a look at our own Mayor's disclosure report on the Illinois Board of Elections web page. Funny - no other Mayor in our area spends or receives enough money to require disclosure reports. Maybe Ottawa, but he shut his fund down a few years ago. LaSalle - no. Mendota - no. Hmmmmmmmm...

Now look at Frank Mautino's report. Hmmmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Its all about the money. These crooks don't serve the people - they TAKE from the people.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for the people of a state to ask the Federal Government to disband our state and break up the territory between the neighboring states? Sort of like reversing the process of becoming a state.
Personally - I don't think Illinois can be fixed. It is to late and we don't have the right type of political people to get the job done. Might as well just give it up and become part of Wisconsin or Indiana.