“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thought For The Week


Anonymous said...

SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Monday's committee as a whole meeting will once again be an entirely closed session. So, stay home. Nothing will be discussed openly.

Anonymous said...

6:12 pm. No surprise about the CAW meeting being entirely a closed session. Did you see the regular council meeting agenda? There's hardly anything on it. Transparent Harl is only taking care of business behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

10:51 You are exactly right. I did look at the agenda for the regular council meeting and there is virtually nothing of significance on it. And that business, which is conducted behind closed doors, never seems to reach the people until the decisions are already made. There must be an awful lot of secret stuff going on in our town because these closed sessions have grown into 1 and 1/2 hour long meetings. Transparency no longer exists in our town.

Anonymous said...

Food for thought: In years past it was discussed about whether or not the council meetings could be started earlier for the convenience of citizens. I believe 7:00 was offered as an alternative. However, the same aldermen that sit before us today said it would be inconvenient for them and chose to not change the time. Now these same aldermen seem to be able to make 6:00 meetings. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

But Jeopardy is on at 6:00 !

Anonymous said...

I find Monday's agenda of council meetings quite unusual and a little deceiving. If I have interpreted things correctly the "committee as a whole meeting" will start at 6:00 as a completely closed session (public advised not to attend). Then at 6:45 there will be a "PUBLIC" hearing conducted by the city council with regards to the north marketplace. Then at 7:00 another "PUBLIC" hearing will be held with regards to the Halm property. Then I assume the regular city council meeting will begin as usual at 7:30. If this is correct (and that is what is posted) I just wanted to let those who might be interested in the hearings to know that they are open to the general public.

Anonymous said...

Yes Lois but one could enjoy power and with proper use it would compliment reason. The proper use is very dependent upon the intelligence and mental balance of the individual using it.
Possibly someone would have insight to a problem that we in the USA are having huge problems with: Our country and its political leaders are confronted with a group, ISIS, which is estimated to be a group of anywhere from 18K to 40K who openly challenge us. Approximately 7 decades ago we defeated huge, organized militaries. What has happened or is happening to us? Have we lost the desire, the ability to win by becoming too intent on being fair? I wish that those of all ages answer my question? ISIS and other organized groups from that part of the world hate us and believe that we should all be dead as a religious belief of the Koran.

Anonymous said...

That big company everyone is looking for is coming. But not Peru. Hennepin may become the hot spot for jobs when ISP Steel comes to Putnam County.

Anonymous said...

We are going to use the sale of the Hennepin plant that has been closed for years to criticize Peru? ANY jobs in the area are a good thing! Let's hope the jobs follow!

Lois I have followed the blog for some time although mostly for entertainment. I am officially signing off for good. The comments have often been ridiculous but lately most are pretty strange to be honest with you. I am sure your intentions are good but this is not a place for any meaningful dialogue and your negativity and the terrible comments serve no good or purpose in our community.

That is really too bad, but good luck to you.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:44 PM
You made little sense and good bye but I just will bet your will be stopping in to see who answers your blog and to once again to tell me that I am negative. I have made very few comments lately so I say you must be hallucinating about my blogging.

Anonymous said...

Not much information on the Internet about "IPS Steel." Maybe a startup?
Anyway, I'm sure the decreasing cost of energy in the U.S. - enabled by technologies like hydraulic fracturing - had something to do with the potential resurgence of this facility. I hope they are able to tell the unions to stay home!

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:44 pm, Good riddance! Closing yourself off from open dialogue is a real grown-up way to communicate. Are you jumping up and down with your fingers in your ears yelling NAH NAH NAH?
Free speech brings with it some downside when we disagree, but we have to allow all to say what they please. You will not be missed as you obviously cannot deal with "dissent". You and Peru's elected officials have that muich in common. Too bad for you and them.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that there is an awful lot of secret business going on in Peru (closed sessions). What I don't understand is how come minutes from these meetings have never been released so the general public knows what's going on in Peru. I also know that they cannot be released until things are resolved but some of these meetings have been over for years and no minutes have been released. Can anyone answer this question - where are the minutes from these closed sessions that are being held on a regular basis?

Anonymous said...

To 10:44. 9:47 has a good question as do many bloggers. Instead of being critical why don't you take some time and try to find answers to some of these questions? Then you could be a positive contributor to the blog instead of another negative one.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:47 & 9:56
Many bloggers have the questions they do because have tryed to find answers from people who have made the unanswered questions and have never been answered. They have become a positive contributor to the blog by seeking answers to the many unanswered questions that have been caused by unsensible actions.

Justin Loger said...

4:34 p.m.;

"The proper use is very dependent upon the intelligence and mental balance of the individual using it."

If you believe the effectiveness or fairness of a system is dependent on who is in power, then its a bad system.

Anonymous said...

Very true Justin, the present system which governs Peru, HOME RULE, is only as effective or as fair as the honesty of those in power.
If this is what constitutes a bad system than we have a bad system.