“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Someone in the City of Peru needs to explain the Vactor Purchase

I have been hearing from the administration that we are moving into privatizing more of the city work, for ex: grass cutting, landscaping etc. because it is cost effective. Now all of a sudden we need a 400,000 dollar truck for a city of 10,000 people. This expected purchase goes against everything we have been told by those in administration. What's the deal, who gains with this? We are told it will pay for itself in 5 years and please tell me how the city knows we will be in economic position too keep this in good working order with knowledgeable employees using it.

Who is currently in charge of the Crystal Ball at City Hall?

#vactor truck
#municipal equipment
#municipal spending
#no budget purchase


Anonymous said...

The statement that this Vactor truck will pay for itself in 5 years is total fiction and based on a simplified premise that there will be "ZERO" cost to RUN IT WITH CITY LABOR, and MAINTAIN IT, and FUEL IT UP, and REPAIR IT WHEN IT GETS TORN UP. These phony elected officials are selling you a scam at a cost of 400,000 LARGE!! As per usual, they have no clue. Can't wait to see how the multi-faceted, multi-titled Super Chiefs shuffle the manpower around to man this Vactor "EVERY DAY" while the water lines continue to burst all over town with this arctic blast we are about to experience. Shouldn't Waldorf and Lukosus have to put some big boy pants on (doubtful they have any) to run the Vactor Truck or climb down in those icy water filled trenches in the next couple of months? Who thinks that might happen?

Anonymous said...

it is an election year. The incumbents need to put up a show for the voters.

Anonymous said...

I Don't think this truck has anything to do with the water mains. It is used to clean the storm sewers - which I don't believe will burst. But they do get clogged up with trash.

Anonymous said...

So.... did this money come from the Infrastructure Sales Tax?

Anonymous said...

No 2:56. You should know there is an abundance of cash now. Plenty of money to buy this new piece of equipment!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should get a pool then. I mean it is obvious money is no problem now.

Anonymous said...

Were you aware that when Heidi was let go and we hired a new "administrative assistant" that we also established a new position for the "part time summer helper" who worked with Heidi? Her title is "public services receptionist". The secrets just keep coming and coming and we keep spending and spending. Is there that much more work now that we need 2 people to replace 1 or was Heidi just that good??

Anonymous said...

these comments are a joke. I saw the numbers regarding the vac and it is a great move by the city. SV LASALLE OGLESBY OTTAW MENDOTA PRINCETON all have at least one and some have two trucks. They were all contacted and each confirmed having own vac truck saves them money. This blog has zero credibility since it says the city is wrong no matter what they do. Good thing it is a small group of nay sayers that post all negatives and the rest of us have cheap entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Lois please find out how Joey O and Jill B voted on the huge La Salle County tax increase.

Anonymous said...

is it true that Tom R works for the competitor who bid over 100,000.00 more for lawn care than D and M and that is why certain people wanted to rebid so they had another chance to get it this time.
Please print who bid what for lawn care.

Peru Town Forum said...

He had another job these days.

Anonymous said...

All Peru representatives on the County Board voted in favor of the tax increase.

Anonymous said...

4:35 Why aren't you interested in the way Larry B voted?

Anonymous said...

The vote for the county tax levy was 21 ayes, 6 nay, 1 abstain, and 2 absent.

Anonymous said...

The vactor truck was all Waldorf...the numbers are bs and distorted to make Waldorf look like some kind of hero

Anonymous said...

Joey O was a yes and the guy isn't even a homeowner...but used to taking from taxpayers so it's tradition

Anonymous said...

Who knows how to distort the numbers to make Waldorf look like a hero? We own a major business in the Midwest and are on the lookout for exactly that person.
Sincerely, Frank & Al

Anonymous said...

Peru police pension fund is underfunded when will our taxes go up? Can someone post the exact percentage that it is underfunded. You all know the paper guy won't do a story on that! Waldorph must think he going to be the next mayor! And our new accountant doesn't have a clue how to look up what's paid for what. Does he know what a shovel is?

Anonymous said...

Hope Jill can afford the tax increase.

Anonymous said...

Butkus voted yes And even the ones who
Voted no voted yes on there budgets

Anonymous said...

Bernal voted yes She got her pickle
Ball court moved, so shes happy now

Anonymous said...

I love rodneys car lol wonder who paid for that

Anonymous said...

All elected officials take from tax
Payers your precious rodney included

Anonymous said...

Because butkus is a republican and thIs is a republican forum

Anonymous said...

is a doctor from Peru still on salary at LaSalle County as the county doctor and if so what is his salary. If no longer doing it when did it end and what was his pay?

Anonymous said...

Why does a company or business owner get a contract when their business nor the owner live in our city or county. What is up with this? This city is a crock of crap.

Anonymous said...

It's typical Peru politics every meeting same thing

Supermajority Waldorf passes a no bid contract and pothoff reports how he is please that sales tax is up and the rest snicker on how they are gonna spend our money

Anonymous said...

Are the citizens of Peru finally getting a clue as to what is going on with their representatives? Hope so and hope they get involved and learn more and try to help correct the wrongs. Ask questions and demand answers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:15 Gee I wonder who filled that cozy new office assistant job? Drum Rollllllllllllll No one other than Alderman Waldorf's daughter. Ding Ding!!!!
I see Alderman Perez hit the campaign ground running. Smart move. I was driving around Peru yesterday noticing his signs all over Peru. I was giggling telling my mother I wonder if he has any signs in LaSalle. As we were driving to Moores in Oglesby I noticed a black and Red billboard for Perez rolling past Moores. Mother was hysterical.
Sharp looking vehicle. Mother said Perez will win because he's nice and handsome and doesn't take crap from the crooked mayor.
Perez is very aggressive and believe he's not touchable in this election regardless who Harl puts against him. I know D Biederstedt well. The mayors plan was to have Biederstedt and this other fella who's actually running against Perez file petitions but Harls plan fell apart about two months ago when he became diagnoses which then left this other fella going nose to nose with Perez. The other part of the plan is to publicly distance Perez's opponent from Harl for the fact more people have turned against Harl and don't want it to reflect on this other fella who I can't remember his name for the life of me.
Harl loath's Perez and will discreetly fund his opponents campaign in hopes of a victory. Harl has told my close affiliates he's concerned whether or not Perez is beatable. Harl has his cronies ready to take him on. But from what I see from Perez so far they may have a harder time than they think.
And to Waldorf's and Potthoffs opponents with one being Perez's brother. They need to get out there as aggressive as Perez and hit it hard and now! Because Harl does not want to lose anyone except Perez. And sure doesn't need to Perez's serving so expect an interesting election. In my opinion I think the voters will want to have both Perez's on the council to keep Harl on his toes.

Anonymous said...

If you remember D&M wasn't even the lowest bidder on all the properties when it was originally bid . Another company from SV and a small company from Peru were lower but it went to DM because he's buddies with Bernabei.

Anonymous said...

The paper says the city made $13,000 from the bid auction on city property with the most expensive piece going for $6100. The list the clerk posted following the auction added up to $28,615. And the most expensive piece was like $7,800. Where did the other $15,000 go ? This is why Peru sucks and will continue to be the most corrupt city in the valley ! The continued stealing from this City needs to be stopped !

Anonymous said...

How is it it was reported that Bernabei told the council the sale of equipment brought in $30,000 in cash at the council meeting and now Newstrib and radio are reporting it brought in $13,000? Who's pocket is the other $17,000 in ? ? ? Typical Peru BS ! How can one town be full of so many crooks ?

Anonymous said...

My belief is that Harl appointments to oversee the SPW wanted new vac truck. Three weeks ago a city vehicle with two people in it were looking at trucks up off the frontage road in peru if my eyes weren't playing games on me.

Anonymous said...

As a resident of North Peru and experienced the flooding issues. I was outraged that Peru did not have a Vactor truck to maintain the sewers. Alderman Mertel at the time fought hard to get a vactor truck and the city did not have the funds. One of the recommendations to prevent flooding was to have the sewers maintained, we are now pleased that the city is buying the truck and will utilize the truck. The grandstanding by Alderman Perez shows no respect to those in North Peru as he opposed the purchase.

Anonymous said...

Indeed perez did No vote

Anonymous said...

LaSALLE has 2 vactor trucks. The city spent hundreds of thousands in vactor services in the last few years. It looks to be a easy financial decision. Unless they decide not to maintain sewers line. We all know what the result was of not doing sewers, not having a vactor truck.......flooding and millions of dollars of damage to homeowners in Peru. Easy decision and it should have been done before. Thanks to those who voted and enabled the city to make the purchase.

Anonymous said...

5:15 Are you sure the receptionist is alderman Waldorf's daughter? Not same last name.

Anonymous said...

9:09 - the key is "use the truck." I to agree that the sewers need to be cleaned out on a regular basis. But, just because the city has this tool does not mean it will be used, or used correctly. We shall see. But, I'd be more comfortable putting something this important out to a contractor that will complete the task in a timely manner EVERY year. I hope I am wrong, but based on what I have seen there is a good probability that this truck will start collecting dust this summer.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why the success of clean sewers narrow down to the decision of whether Peru owns its own Vactor truck or does not own its own Vactor truck.

I would first consider all the variables of whether it is more responsible at the present whether to purchase or to continue to outsource.

Anonymous said...

5:15 am Its a serious time for serious candidates. It would have been better if Weberski would have run against Potthoff. With the other Perez running for office, it takes away from the Rodney Perez campaign. They will lump them together and the results won't help Rodney.

The vactor truck purchase was a good investment. Like other tools it has to be used. The Perez opposition to the purchase was just a political move against current Alderman Waldorf. It was ill conceived. Most of Peru wants action and clean basements. Much kudos to whoever was responsible for the action. Yes, even Waldorf.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Jeff King -appointed co-super SPW live up in North peru where there was severe problems with sewer backups? How much influence on vactor truck purchase did he have? Didn't our city attorney live in the same house Mr.King and his family lived in when that home was new? Didn't many of those homeowners over the past several years have problems with backups? If the vactor truck is actually going to be used for its intended purpose and used on a regular basic I'm definitely behind this purchase. This is one purchase that I agree with. I still believe we need a new mayor, some new alderman. I will vote for Alderman Perez even though he voted nay for vactor purchase.

Anonymous said...

So the owner of the Vactor service that Peru has been paying for several years stated at the meeting Monday night the total he has been paid by the city over that entire period was in the tens of thousands of dollars, right? Like $40,000 or so I believe he said. But the city financial person said the amount paid for those Vactor services was about $150,000. It seems that something in somebody's arithmetic is askew here. Anyway, what I find so amusing about the whole scam is how quickly these elected officials will turn on somebody(Michelini) who has been and will likely remain an insider. Harl has accepted significant campaign cash from this guy in return for giving his company hundreds of thousands of dollars in city work and Harl wouldn't even speak up at the meeting on behalf of Michelini while the council was stabbing him in the back as he begged and pleaded to keep his Vactor truck on the city dole. Not one word of support from Harl who can chalk up another bridge burned and another double-cross of a loyal supporter. It seems to me the only thing Harl is actually adept at is alienating the people that helped him get elected in the first place.
What a genuine guy our mayor is!

Anonymous said...

Most cities have their own truck and use it on a continual basis.

According to the news the cost of out sourcing has been done and over a few years the city can buy the truck and save in outsourcing fees.

If done in the right way the truck should be used to clean all the sewers in town. And the city has employees to do this. LaSalle has two trucks, Spring Valley has one, etc, etc,

The city shared the financial benefits of owned vs outsourced and apparently came to the conclusion that owning as opposed to outsourcing was more beneficial.

I wonder if we would have saved a lot of problems if the city had this vactor machine before the major floods. The truck has many uses besides cleaning sewers.

I do give credit to the city for making flood prevention a big priority. They are separating sewers, diverting water, repairing manholes, and the purchase of the vactor truck helps keep the sewer lines clean. If you experience the flood problem then this purchase is a good insurance policy.

Anonymous said...

Sure the storm sewers need cleaned at times but the original problem of the storm sewer situation in Peru steams from the City engineering firm and not separating storm and the sanitation sewers much sooner. How about creating a future plan to correct problems before they happen! When the City does expand will we be ready or will the Engineering firm think of future expansion or will they build another sewer plant that that can't handle the volume again! What about having a better storm sewer system too help in the expansion areas. Not just creating more ponds to cure the problem.

Anonymous said...

11:11 You have all the good reasons to purchase a vactor truck. If you support the councilman that didn't support the vactor purchase, that's your choice. You ever wonder what would happen if you had 7 others that thought less of your property protection?

11:20 In reading a few blogs ago, your city council was criticized for protecting contractors that were included in the list of untouchables. And now the city buys a service that handles sewer service? And the city has hired a in house engineer? And your critical because of the city saving money? Isn't it hard to be critical of both sides of the fence?

Anonymous said...

11:33 The sewer systems have been expanding and separation is happening. The front of my house has been torn up for months. I give credit to those who are planning for the future. Go to the public works meeting and see the progress.

Anonymous said...

From what I've been told and what I've heard thru the grapevine the sewer lines have been vacuumed, some replaced, smoke tested, etc. and yet the reason for the problem has still as of yet been discovered. Fingers are crossed that the sewer line replacements on 28th street will be the answer but no one seems to be positive. Whether we own our own vac truck or not the sewer lines have been supposedly vacuumed since the first 100 year rain and yet we've continued to have problems in that area. Prior to the backups there didn't seem to be any concern about cleaning sewer lines.

Anonymous said...

People need to keep their eyes open after the spring thaw. This tool better be out and in use 5 days a week somewhere in the city. Like someone said, the storm water lines need to be cleaned out EVERY year. Last year, I saw a sapling tree sprouting from a catch basin on 13th Street!
But - if the truck is not used nothing will change. Some of the people working for the PW department need a little coaxing to actually work - from what I have heard. I watch and I see City trucks driving around all day - but I don't see a lot of things being done. Just guys driving trucks around.
So we have another city vehicle to watch out for. Need to keep your eyes open for the vacuum truck and the street sweeper.

Anonymous said...

1133 exactly the city is doing more than ever and I can assure you that the majority of the residents appreciate it very much. The small group of people obsessed with putting out all the negativity most of flat out lies is sickening. This negativity says volumes about the group with your agenda and taking advantage of lois falling for it and being your messenger. You are all evil people.

Anonymous said...

Lois - check out the Illinois News Network. They have a report about the population of Illinois actually decreasing this year. Looks like people are voting with their feet.

Peru Town Forum said...

I have a question. Everything anyone buys that is mechanical, especially cars, trucks etc. has a need for upkeep, maintenance, cleaning, replacement parts among other things plus the usual depreciation quite soon after purchase. Just like the city is now choosing to privatize our grass cutting and some park care so the need for buying mowers is reduced but we still have close to the same number of summer hires??

Since we have been privatizing and hoping that individual with the vactor truck will properly maintain his eequipment so he can use it for maintaining our sewers without us making an investment in a vactor truck. So how much of the previous cost can be looked at as that person maintaining the equipment so we don't have to make that investment and what additional cost will there be for us to maintain or to hire a specialty company to do repairs now that we will own the truck.

Anonymous said...

1:46......you may be right. But, the purchase of the truck will help to solve many issues.

2:47....like everything you need to use it or lose it. And its time city employees don't dictate what work needs to be done. Good chance to thin the herd!

Anonymous said...

Lois: We don't have close to the same number of summer hires we actually have 2 more even though we took some of the work away from them and hired it out. That's why I can't see how we saved money on this deal.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:00 PM
Thanks I did find that web site quite interesting and encourage anyone interested in Illinois government to check it out. 10,000 people leaving last year is sizeable. I remember reading somewhere recently that the population of Peru is estimated to be down by about 200 people since the census was done.

Peru Town Forum said...

Anyone else notice the new, bright red, awnings at Debo Ace Hardware. Very eye catching and look great. Peru must have changed their MAROON AND WHITE ordinance that was in place for about 20 years more or less. Surprised that no one at city hall brought our attention to the improvement. Let's hope we continue to see more diversity in the down town.

Anonymous said...

The outsourcing of city grass was a good move and according to the PWS it saved a lot of cash. The company deserves to continue next year.

Anonymous said...

According to the Newsless Tribune it said Perez Voted No because he wanted the $400,000.00 Vac Truck to be in the budget?
Was the Vac truck not in the budget? If it wasn't in the city budget then I agree with Alderman Perez. No purchase of that amount should be made unless its budgeted for. Unless of course it was an emergency which I doubt that was. Lois would you know if the Vac truck was in the city budget or did the city just write a check? There needs to be fiscal responsibility with that administration. every municipality business and family should have a budget to live by. if the funds aren't in the allocated envelope you cant take money from a different envelope then say you have the funds. if it needed to wait until the next budget then thats what you do.
The issues with city flooding goes beyond what a vac can do. It's an engineering and upgrade issue.

Anonymous said...

106 the sewer separation is only being done because federal and state funding became available. It's at a Very slow pace. ask how great a job the out of state contractors did in Ward 4 and ward 3. I experienced the slow pace and saw the problems it created. I know that's the past, but have the mayor and council learned anything? Just like the mall intersection failure in the past! They should have ask the business in that area there opinion. Only one alderman did and that's sad. Positive point in 2014 they reconsidered the problem and now made a point to make it better. Our council needs to take ownership of its failures.

Anonymous said...

3:37 Just because someone said we saved money doesn't make it true. Until someone can show me in black and white how we saved money I'm still skeptical. If we didn't eliminate anyone on the payroll and hired out some of their jobs how did our expenses decrease?

Anonymous said...

3:49, Peru has always viewed the budget as a "recommendation" not and actual requirement. This is an inherent problem when you operate day to day without a long term plan. You can think of it like grocery shopping without a list or menu plan. You always end up spending more. Peru goes to the grocery store a lot and generally without eating a meal first.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 3:49 if $400 thousand wasn't budgeted the city shouldn't have spent it. It's called planning which I don't feel the city does well. Seems like they spend as they go which is very irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

4:03, I agree with you, we had more summer help last year than the year before, the Supt/Chief is a pro at manipulating the spread sheets and this council buys into it every time, I'm surprised the Treasurer or the Finance committee, which is Potthoff, Radtke, and Perez, are either intimidated by Bernabie or got the blinders on.

3:11, what do you mean thin the herd, they did that by almost 25 percent a few years ago, so you don't know what your talking about, if they want to make this Vac truck used the way they are talking they will have to hire one if not two people to have the truck run full time .

Anonymous said...

the sewer separation is only being done because the EPA sued us.

Anonymous said...

Rod apparently voted no after saying he was for it but wanted it in next years budget. It was then clarified it would not arrive or be paid for until next budget anyway so Rod got exactly what he asked for. Rod admits he misunderstood that part and otherwise it would have been an 8-0 vote. What say you people. Cant wait till you manipulate this now. I also live up north and am thankful the city is buying this equipment. I talked to a city worker who said there existing crew can and will run the truck.

Anonymous said...

all this non sense appears to being posted about lawn mowing is driven because a buddy of someone connected in the city did not get the bid last year. Lois please find out how much the company Tom R used to work for full time and is now only part time would have cost the city had they been given the contract based on their bid. I heard it is almost 25 thousand more it would have cost us. If that is the truth post that and put this nonsense to bed. If you don't it will look like you want complete falsehoods on this blog and are protecting a couple of your friends.

Anonymous said...

I am from Spring Valley and I need your blogs help to get a serious situation looked into. My son is very good friends with a young SV Firefighter. He told us that Peru recently asked SV Fire to have an auto aid agreement in place with Spring Valley so SVFD would automatically come to Peru for actual structure fires on your west side and Peru would automatically come to SV for fires on our eastside. Supposedly, Peru and LaSalle and SV and Ladd already have some agreement already. I guess SVFD said no to Peru and the word is because their chief is afraid that Peru would get to a fire in Webster Park faster than SVFD if they were called out at same time and he will not let that happen. This firefighter told us that SVFD has a very slow response time during the day as it is. Everyone on his department knows he is very tight with some people from Ladd also. If this is all true, it needs to change at once. My goodness it is ridiculous that Ladd would be sent to a house fire in Webster Park or at the hospital before Peru who would be much closer. Someone’s life is more important than some chief’s ego afraid another department would beat his crew to a call. Please help me and see if anyone can confirm this. In addition, if any SV council member read this blog so I hope they look into it as well.

Anonymous said...

I was at the last council meeting. Alderman Perez stated his reason for voting no on the vactor truck was because it was not in this years budget. He stated the budget process is happening now and would like to see it in the budget first. I've talked to him before and he told me he thinks the city should be run much like a person's budget for home. You plan ahead for major purchases. Perez is conservative and watches non-budgeted spending very closely. Unlike our other council members who spend spend spend! This purchase could have easily waited until the new budget and we could have continued to outsource. I'm one who believes this truck will end up like the road repair truck. Sitting in an empty hangar at the airport until the next time somebody decides to sell some equipment.

Anonymous said...

Amen 451, I guess your considered evil for telling the truth. The truth.

Anonymous said...

536 if this is true it affirms the is no common sense by the Peru Leaders.

Anonymous said...

609 It is SV that is in question Reread the 536 post

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous 5:36 pm December 31st I'm not sure where you get your info but as a senior member of fire dept I can tell you that is not true what so ever. I'm willing to bet your info is from a disgruntled ex-firefighter and what does your comment have to do with the city of Peru buying a vactor truck. Happy New Year. A good resolution would be to stop spreading rumors and mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

Today, new Years Eve, a very unsafe driving act was performed on US6 by a policeman on duty and driving a black and white with the Serve & Protect sign on its door. It was a situation in which one vehicle was breaking the law and another vehicle continued to progress directly towards it without taking any precaution, nor pulling over and correcting the ongoing problem. Upon passing the unsafe act upon a state highway the police car continued on its way. This was a continuous dangerous act taking place approximately when and where a bad accident happened this morning.

Anonymous said...

From:Alderman Perez

First and Foremost, Wishing you all a Healthy, Prosperous, and Happy New Year!!!

I will clarify my Nay vote on the Vactor Truck motion; I stated prior to the vote that I supported the idea, however, being we never budgeted for this purchase in 2014 I suggested we have further discussion and consider it for the 2015 budget that we will soon be working on.
Regardless if the truck wouldn't be delivered until mid 2015. We still have a budget process which consists of committees making recommendations for the following fiscal year budget. Then, we decide whether or not we would allocate a specific line item. Furthermore, Steve M. Who's very familiar with this sort of equipment commented prior to the vote that we should explore other equipt. options that would've been more cost efficient...That too was ignored by the majority.
I researched all approved public services minutes pertaining to this truck and there seemed to be many lacking details. I also wasn't convinced the committee explored all possible options in seeking a Vactor truck.

Lastly, in regards to the landscaping bids; there was at least one contractor who missed out on bidding last year who would've liked to have bid this year. In addition... 2014 was to be a trial run to give us a better idea on how to bid it in 2015. That was discussed with other contractors present, therefore, those contractors expected to bid for 2015.
Bidding wars and competition is a good thing... If one company overbid on a certain location last year, maybe they would've been lower this year.
It's called competitive bidding for a reason. Regardless if one company knows what the other company bid the year prior should be no concern of ours...that's how the private sector works. The only thing we should be concerned about is getting the best service for the best price. No bid contracts over $20,000 and super majority rulings are irresponsible..at least the way we've used it over the past couple years.

Hope this helps answer your questions and concerns.

Alderman Perez ;)

Anonymous said...

T&T and River Valley Lawn care were low bidder on several city properties but didn't get the contract because DM are buddies with Bernie. You'll never get the businesses to speak up and go against the city because every business is always trying to get a contract with anyone that offers them. If they went against the city they'd never get a city contract again. Why do you think Michellini was so polite about losing the vactor service in Peru , because he didn't want to lose his other contracts . The city of Peru is the biggest bully in the Illinois Valley.

Peru Town Forum said...

Anyone who has a problem with Ald. Perez and his comment, please contact him directly to resolve the issue. I will not subject him or any other public official who wishes to comment with a name signed to any public disparagement.
I will be firm with this and delete comments I believe to be just trying to cause trouble or public insults. We try to encourage those to honestly sign comments but few have the courage to do so.

Anonymous said...

From:Alderman Perez

I always encourage open communications. I will be more than happy to discuss with anyone, concerns, or disagreements they may have. However, I will not debate an anonymous shadow.
I'm the easiest person to communicate with and can be reached pretty much 24/7 365

Please feel free to contact me several ways:

Phone- 815-245-7566
Facebook- Alderman Rodney Perez
Facebook- Rodney Perez
E-Mail- aldermanperez@yahoo.com
Twitter-Alderman Rodney Perez
Or stop by to visit.
1433 Rock St. Peru

Hope to chat soon:-)
Alderman Perez

Anonymous said...

What a hypocritical blog you own Lois!Happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Hey big mouth talking about the mowing , if you want the bids from last year from the mowing companies , FOIA them and read them yourself . Lois isn't your secretary ! I know Tom as good as i know Rodney , and nobody does more for this city as those two do . Obviously you know him too, why don't you ask him. But since he doesn't own any of the businesses that bid you probly won't get far with getting an answer from him , try talking to the business he used to work for . But you probly know you'll get a punch in the face since all you're doing is trying to talk crap about someone to protect your own interests .

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lois for this truthful and openness of a blog site. People and businesses don't like it when their antics are disclosed. Gov. Included.

Anonymous said...

With reference to the "Vactor" truck - this is a brand name. Why did we limit ourselves to this one manufacturer? I've read everything available on the city web page and newspaper and the reference is always to this single brand made by Vactor Manufacturing - none of the other manufactures - as if it was preordained that this would be the one and only brand under consideration.
This smells funny to me.

Linda said...

Please remember one thing anon 10:27 Lois may run the blog but she doesn't control what others think or feel. Their comments are their own and whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Lois may own the blog but she doesn't own people's opinions and she allows them to express themselves here.

Anonymous said...

I think 10:27 needs to start their own blog site.unless 10:27 reads what Lois is reading then they shouldn't jump Lois for how she runs her blog. Unless of course 10:27 is the one blogging what she won't post. I think Lois is saying if Rod is blogging and signing his name then she would expect if someone is going to blog back in a dis respectful way just to start trouble with Rod then sign a full name to it as Rod does. Lois has always allowed anonymous bloggers go back and forth with each other but she seems to expect the same with those who sign their full name to do the same if they are on an attack. If someone is going to attack a public official on a blog than I agree with Lois. Sign your full name or it won't get posted. Too many cowards out there to confront officials like Rod. It's obvious from seeing what Rod blogged that he wants those who disagree with him to contact him. I've known Rod for years and he's easy and level headed and not like some officials who would scream and call you names.

Anonymous said...

Boy all you guys are so smart. You seem to have all the answers.

Anonymous said...

To 3:10 PM, Thanks, I do!

Anonymous said...

4:48 Your not happy with your supervisor and resent extra work? The advice most residents will give is that you should man your post and except additional responsibilities. If you wish to knock the SPW, your supervisor, just find another hire paying government job.

Anonymous said...

@4:48, do we have 2 co-supers? Who is honestly running the Public Works Department? Is it a longtime city employee who has been employed with that department? But, appointed persons get the credit? How about our electric department?

Anonymous said...

its funny when i was present at a city meeting back in 2013 i remember kristy standing up and presenting the idea of the city purchasing a vactor truck and they laughed at the idea saying the cost would be riduculous- but why is it now a good idea when bernie invents the deas?

Anonymous said...

Alderman Waldorf is in charge of the Public Works Department. He is not the only candidate running in the 3rd ward and the person running against him seems to be the direct opposite of Waldorf and running exactly for this reason. So if you want new, fresh ideas that are proving successful vote for Travis Nelson. Personally I will vote for Travis Nelson because I believe in competitive bidding which Waldorf for some undemocratic idea does not. In fact it scares him to perform represeentation fairly.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who takes the time to contact Travis Nelson will find him a independent individual who stands on his own two feet with functioning brain cells and the willingness to recieve and share ideas with others.
Travis is a alternative and in contrast to the present 3rd ward representation which has been, presently is and if allowed to in the future been no more than a echo of Chamlain, TEST, D&M, and the Mayors appointed Chief All.

Anonymous said...

Travis? Not at all chech his record terrible vote

Anonymous said...

2:03 I have also found the current 3rd ward alderman to be arrogant, rude, and condescending at times.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:25 PM

Travis has never held elected office, how could he have a record? Maybe you are confused?

Anonymous said...

Travis has good ideas and will stick up for the city and us citizens . He won't be a yes man !

Anonymous said...

Lois, although Travis has never held a elected office unlike some who have held office he has backbone which he expresses his OWN opinion and beliefs. I do not consider present 3rd ward representation which is only a ECHO of many others to officially have a record of their own.
I have confronted Travis Nelson and at times have not always agreed with him but have always respected his opinion as being well thought out with present 3rd ward aldermen I cannot say the same. I think there is a huge difference between someone who takes the opinion of otheres and combine it with their own rather than someone who has no opinion of their own and only ECHOS the opinion of others.

Anonymous said...

11:22, there are 2 SPW, but the dominate figure is the Police Chief, he is the one getting all the credit even when the Fire Chief is out with the guys learning what is going on and getting very little credit for it. Yes you are correct when you say an employee who has a position is running the department as is the Electric dept, the sad thing is they get no credit for making the other two look good.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:21 If this is the way you say it is lets get it out in the open so the voters are aware of what is truly taking place. The tools are available to all to express themselves freely. The blog, the open forum in the newspaper, the radio station, word of mouth are all free and effective. Peru has a lot of dead political weight to get rid of between now and April. Presently it appears that Alderman Perez is the only incumbent worth keeping.

Anonymous said...

7:21, nobody should be getting paid a big salary when out on a job with their hand in their pockets, leaning over looking in a ditch, when somebody is standing explaining what's being done, learning a job when they don't have any experience for that department in which they were appointed to supervise and accepted. This city is so messed up. My opinion is that Harl should not have appointed anybody to anything, he was doing job security for friends. What do others think of this?

Anonymous said...

10:52, I can't disagree with you, it's tough for an employee to respond to political appointees without having a clue about the job, but dictating everything as if they have more knowledge than the person in the ditch. LaSalle didn't have any trouble finding qualified people, find one for Electric and one for PW, along with are engineer, this situation could take the city far.

Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't be ticked off if he or she had expertise in their job whereas their supervisor does not. Remember nobody has taken a stance and given information to us as far as the expertise/qualifications of those who Harl has appointed. Could this information solve a lot of the comments on this forum to set the record straight? Suspecious isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Would expect someone to say to go directly to the person or persons and ask them directly. Here is what I would respond to that, make it public information. Shouldn't taxpayers have a right to know what we are getting out of employees for what our tax dollars are paying them? City/Government employees are not private business employees, tax dollars do pay them. The blogger who blogs the comment, get a life, needs to try and blog something intellectual. Seems that blogger could be upset that people who participate on this forum could be on the mark.