“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Changes at LP HIgh School Are They For the Best?

Making this space available for anyone who is concerned about recent events at LP High School. I don't have a opinion because i don't have a personal connection to the school right now, so feel free to speak up and tell us whats on your mind.


Anonymous said...

I believe the Board, with a majority as elected by their peers, made the right decision. My only comment would be, the decision was long overdue in my opinion.

Amy said...

La Salle Peru is on the down slope. That much is obvious. Myself and several people who have graduated within the last ten years have all discussed this and agreed that LP is running itself into the ground.
The decision to rid the school of teachers that are "tough" on their students is just the administration bowing to the demands of terrible parents raising terrible kids and getting bent out of shape when the kid gets called out.

What happened to the days when we celebrated these teachers and coaches? Their firm styles helped form us into strong human beings willing to fight for what we thought was right. They garnered our respect and were the ones we remembered long after graduation.

Now we are shoving them to the side because some parents can't stand the idea that their little angels aren't the perfect cherubs that they think they are.

LP is letting BAD PARENTS run the school.
Take a look at this generations Highschool kids and take it in. Because they are the bieginning of the end.

Thank you LP... for shaming us Alumni into hating that we ever went here.