“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Public Property Mtg Combined with Public Health & Safety Followed by Regular City Council Meeting

The meetings were well attended by interested parties tonight. A joint session of the Public Property (Bob Ankiewicz and Sherry Mayszak) and Health and Safety (Rodney Perez and Tony Ferrari) SPW Bleck explained the purchase of a portable ice rink and a bambini machine. The rink will come with a stablizer (?) to use on unlevel ground. He said his choices were Centennial Park because of the locale and the available parking or Baker Lake. A discussion was held regarding setting up landlord registrations and responsibilities and this will require a lot more discussion to get off the ground.

Should I have been surprised that Alderman Ankiewicz tried to knock down the choice of Extreme Pyrotechnics selected by the Recreation Board. He has continually attempted to undermine this process since it began back in September. The representative of the company has attended all meetings relative to this decision and carefully presented his companies fireworks proposals.  If you remember Ald. Ankiewicz did not want the fireworks company bids to go out until March instead of in the fall and then he delayed the decision at a Recreation Board meeting because the members could not figure out how to read the bids. At the last Recreation mtg, they grilled Extreme Pyrotechnics for an hour trying to find fault with them. Most reasonable people would have selected this company and sent it to the council for the final vote. Not Bob, tonight he brought up the fact that the other company Melrose had been doing the show for a very very long time and we know what we get but gee this new company I'm betting just can't put on a good show in spite of their excellent credentials. He then insinuated that Extreme would not test the area until 2 hours before the July 3 show. Fortunately the Extreme rep was present and he gave Mr Ankiewicz the facts that he and his company would be well prepared to do the show without a problem. In common language, I smell a rat....what do Melrose and Ald. Ankiewicz have in common?

Much of the council meeting was spent discussing our proposed contract with a waste hauler. I do not have have the spread sheet given to the council members but do know that 2 companies had a representative present and there was some controversy as to whether one of the companies was given special consideration and the other did not receive the same fairness. Sitting in the chambers listening to the presentations without the paperwork to read leaves me with only  a feeling that something had gone awry here.


Anonymous said...

Another toy to store in the garage. Always quick to spend money, never quick to figure out what the people really want. Why is ice skating the priority all of a sudden? And why is specialized equipment necessary. You know what many cities do??? They put some two by fours around the tenis courts and flood them. La vous l'avez, instant ice rink. But that would take some thinking. Somthing that is in short supply in Peru.

Anonymous said...

"Smell a rat." Shame on you making such comments to pollute the readers of your blog. Fact: you don't like Ald. Bob so you are against any company Bob is for. You are for a 'pig in a poke' because the rep said he is the best. Safe fireworks shows in the past mean nothing to you when you want to fight Ald. Bob. You have a lot to learn.

Anonymous said...

Think there is a possibility of some "under the table" payoffs?

Anonymous said...

Poor Mr. Ankwiecz can't get his way. Did he leave crying. He'll have to find another way to make more money, maybe, work a little harder.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:27 AM

You are incorrect, I don't dislike Bob I don't like his behavior. I have known the family for a long time including his parents and they were and are fine people. But this behavior which I have observed since the city decided to properly go out for bids on the fireworks is not appropriate for an elected official. He has attempted to thwart the process every inch of the way. He is not playing with his own money, it is the money of the taxpayers of the city and he should behave accordingly. Is there something wrong with that? I am absolutely sure he knew I would write this up and he continued on with his protestations? I want to know why and I don't believe for one minute that he was concerned that the company chosen would not perform in an excellent manner.

Anonymous said...

More fireworks shenanigans?

Linda said...

Didn't Melrose have to start out as an unknown company? Wasn't the city taking a chance with them the first year we accepted their contract? Life comes with no guarantees but hey, who knows, you may end up with a much better show than you've had for the past 14 years. And, if not, next year you go with someone else.

Anonymous said...

If this was a new company with no references, no history with safe and entertaining fireworks, you might understand the aldermans objections. But that is not the case.
What is truly disturbing is his constant obstruction of the PROCESS for bidding. This behavior is what is disconcerting.
It smells of bid rigging and kickbacks in the worst scenario, and if he does not have a financial interest, it seems like childish retribution and fighting against others just out of spite. I almost would prefer it was kickbacks, because then there would be a rational explanation for his behavior, albeit an illegal one.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember last winter on the 10 clock news that there was a group of boys(ages 17-21) from the suburbs who wanted to play ice hockey? Well, here is what they did. At one of the boys home, in the backyard they built a beautiful ice skating rink. If I remember, they used 2x4's for perimeter, plastic liner(tarp or tarps), bags of sand or water filled milk jugs to hold liner in place around the outside of 2X4's. They used water from a city hydrant(without authorization from city). They had their large ice skating rink. These boys got arrested for tampering with a fire hydrant, and using city water. The boys went to court and had to pay the city for the water they used from the city. They might have had to do community service also, I can't remember 100%. I'm not condoning that the boys used a hydrant and city water being acceptable, however these boys could figure out a iceskating rink.

Anonymous said...

In most cases the company that did not get the bid would be upset. That may be the case with the fireworks. Nobody is happy when they lose a exsisting account. The question to ask is...Did the city save money?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what alderman Ankiewicz wants or says. The decision has unanimously been made by the rec board. I think to make the statements he made in front of the rep from Extreme Pyrotecs was inappropriate for a representative of the people of Peru.

Anonymous said...

11:07 There is no way the city could save money with the bidding process we use. We don't ask how much it would cost for X amount of fireworks. Instead, we say we have $20,000 to spend "what will you give us?" So, no matter what company we go with we will be spending roughly $20,000 if we continue this process.

Anonymous said...

Last nights council meeting operation promise, a program to educate teenagers against drinking and driving was brought up by Alderman Perez asking the city to handle donations. This program was erected in 2009. Hasn't there been 4 years of this program already done around prom time? What does Liberty Fire Company do with the donation money they request from we taxpayers every year?? Didn't Liberty financially support that program? Did Alderman Perez and Fire Chief King really want the City of Peru to pay for Operation Promise? Do other fire departments surrounding Peru donate monies to support this program. Utica? LaSalle, Tonica? Olgesby? Students in those communities go to L-P high school. This probably is not the area of this forum to put this topic of discussion. ???????

Peru Town Forum said...

This is a good place to start this discussion of Operation Promise. I believe that Liberty Fire did handle the donations once and as Chief King stated the donation checks were not always marked or designated correctly and money was going into the wrong coffers. Chief King agree that perhaps Liberty Fire is not the correct vehicle to handle the donations. To keep the error from happening once again Ald. Perez wants the city to handle the money and I believe they did last year. Liberty Fire is not technically a part of the PFD for the last several years and to explain that it might take several more pages. Operation Promise is actually a project of the education division of the Peru Fire Department which is part of the City of Peru so I don't understand why a separate fund can't be established to hold the donations for Operation Promise. Ald Potthoff seems to be the only one with a problem with this and come to think of it he has a problem with many of the ideas that Ald. Perez brings to the council floor. Perhaps he would like to explain that to us since it has now become noticeable to the general public.
The city does NOT pay for Operation Promise, donations do and Ald. Perez indicated they might need to go into a fund raising operation. BTW Liberty Fire is not a part of the PFD but a separate organization and not all Peru Firemen belong to Liberty Fire.
Mayor Scott Harl did not voice an opinion and neither did the City Atty and I don't know if the Treasurer was present, I don't think so but I do remember he was in on the same conversation last year.

Linda said...

Doesn't the city take the donations for the swimming pool? What's the difference and why the acceptance for one organization and the objection to another? Please don't tell me it's another one of those "it depends who wants something done" situations. I have to agree with Lois that it seems as though it's a vendetta against alderman Perez.

Anonymous said...

Why is just Liberty Fire Company responsible for this expense? And other communities should be contribute as well. If a person thinks about it, I have to agree with Alderman Potthoff that Liberty should handle donations. It took 4 years for them to figure out that peoples donations should specify what their donation is fo help fund. Mismanagement! , Why after 4 years is this request all of a sudden being made by Alderman Perez that city handle donations. Where are the board members of Liberty? How was the donation money to Liberty being handled in the past?? 4 years people! Something doesn't seem right here.

Anonymous said...

The swimming pool donation have been handled from the beginning of pool donation by the city. Operation Pro-mise handled by liberty since programs existence in 2009. Why the request? Final cost of Operation Pro-mise last year? Alderman Perez would know, or Fire Chief King maybe. How long has liberty fire company been in existence as a fundraising organization in Peru? Did Liberty Fire Company ever help fund the stag that the fire department use to have? Why really isnt there a stag anymore? There was always a hugh turnout for that and very much an enjoyable evening. Just remembered that.

Anonymous said...

Operation Promise cost many thousands of dollars per year. Alderman Perez does a fantastic job with that program. Is funding it a problem? Have program every other year. Who pays if funds are short for program if specifications on donations is for this program? Has this been taken into account?

Anonymous said...

Mayor Harl had no comment about city handling donations. Here is something to think about. Mayor Harl appointed Chief King as Peru's Fire Chief, as was Chief King at council meeting along with Alderman Perez. In which from what I understand both Alderman Perez and Chief Kimg requested this. Monday night we will see what happens with this issue.

Anonymous said...

To: 2:41
From: Rodney Perez

Operation Prom-ise is an educational program through the PFD a program such as events held during Fire Prevention week; the difference is, the cost, magnitude of the event, and time involved.
Fire Departments throughout the United States put on similar events.

Surrounding communities like you've mentioned, do financially contribute to the event, and have done so without being solicited. Putnam County for example has contributed nearly $1,000.00 to the event.
The City of Peru has not financially contributed towards the event.

Two years ago PFD went under the city umbrella along with the accounting. This is the reason an Operation Prom-ise line item was created. There has always been a positive cash flow; the event is enhanced as the donations come in.
The City of Peru currently, and has accepted donations for IVAR, Friends for Peru Pool, CSO celebration fund, BB gun club, and several other causes.
If the city can create a line item for these sort of donations, the city should continue accepting for the PFD Operation Prom-ise' ( a city ran program)

The city has held open the line item for the PFD's event but chose to close it this past November.

For those who are unfamiliar with the event...it involves over 100 student volunteers from lLP, St.Bede, Hall, and PCH, several fire,police,ambulance services and both local hospitals, along with attorney's, judges, coroners from two counties and DOT.

There will be a motion on the floor for the city to continue the event line item for donations. If the city votes not to support the program the event may dissolve.

Thank you!
Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

To: Bloggers
From: Rodney Perez

Event is held every two years. However, it takes a year of planning. Event expense ranges from 9-12,000.00
Based on amount raised from fundraising.
My time is completely volunteer. No compensation whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

Out of all the issues the city has they are arguing whether or not to receive funds for that program I would imagine Dave P. isn't the only alderman against Rodney P. all we have to do is read the paper week after week and see that. My neighbors son was involved in that. It appeared to have an impact on kids. I thank Rodney for his involvement in the community and the City should be helping him every way they can, not working against him. That is for the kids for gods sake! Sponsor it and move on to real issues.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explanation Rodney. Doesn't Liberty Fire Company have a Treasure though? That keeps track of donations? .? Why change the process of these donations now and how the records have been kept.? Had something happened to request this change? When Liberty Fire Company sends it's mailer out to residents, Liberty Fire Company and it's members decide where donations are to be spent. Have a totally different mailer for donations for Operation Promise, much easier. No reason to make a mountain out of a mole-hill.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there discussion at some point about Peru having it's own ambulance service? And the fire department in charge of overseeing it? Did I read about that correctly? And now I read in the paper about donations for operation promise being difficult to keep track of and alderman Perez and fire chief king requested the city of Peru take charge if it. Imagine if a
Ambulance service came to be and the mess that could be with that paperwork. Whose in charge here? Where's Liberty Fire Company's Board? Who is on that board? Website?

Anonymous said...

To: 6:17
From: Rodney Perez

Yes, Liberty Fire Company has a Treasurer, Secretary, President and Board of Directors.
To answer your question...The "current process" is not through Liberty. As I stated earlier, The PFD went under the authority of the City of Peru two years ago. The public education division is through the Fire Department and the City.
Liberty Fire Co. Managed the financials, and all operational decisions of the Fire Department up until the city took it over two years ago.
Being Liberty Is their own separate 501, the city can not tell them how to manage their company, nor advise The PFD to move Operation Prom-ise to Liberty. That decision would have to be made between members and directors of Liberty and PFD.
Chief King is the chief of the FD and only a member of Liberty.

Thanks for the questions and input.

Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

Is this rediculous or what? This topic will get more attention than pension reform. If the city is already taking donations for other functions and organizations what the Hell's the big deal? Talking about making a mountain out of a mole hill I'd rather see money being accepted for this thing than for a city pool that will never be seen. We have a bunch of damn kids on that council that would rather slash one another's throat than work together. No wonder why Peru's not going anywhere. I also agree with the other post. Just take the donations and move on! Geeez!

Jerry S.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely it's a great program, thanks to Rodney. I believe the blog was meant to say that if the program had a hard time being funded then have it every other year. No way dissolve it! Thanks Alderman Perez.

Anonymous said...

It is held every other year.

Anonymous said...

This issue clearly exposes the childish and dysfunctional behavior of the "establishment" members of the Peru city council. It is painfully obvious that Alderman "NO" (Potthoff) is the current spokesperson for the "oppose anything Rodney suggests" faction of the city council. Potthoff, Waldorf, Ferrari, Ankiewicz, Lukosus and Radtke are incapable of objective decision making due to their personal "dis-like" of Mr. Perez.
That should be un-acceptable behavior to the citizens of Peru.

Sorry, I forgot to include Harl in with that group of selfish and ineffective officials who should all be ashamed and embarrassed by their failure to put the city's interests ahead of their personal feelings.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:21 you're absolutely right however, the sad part is the vote will be 6-2 against collecting the money. Our council does not work together and they make it quite obvious who and what they support.

Anonymous said...

To use the city as a personal bank account does not look right.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:54 huh? Personal bank account? Huh? Who else is suppose to handle the PD, and FD accounts and finances? I do believe 100% of all city's manage their towns PD and FD accounts. I think you're lost in information.
Instead of city taxpayers paying for that video and education program, donations are collected to avoid that expense from us taxpayers. Why wouldn't Peru collect those donations. Wait!!!!... The City would rather spend taxpayer dollars instead. I got you now.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:21 Jan. 10th and anon 8:12 Jan. 11th: You described our current council to a T. They no longer sit up there and uphold what is best for the citizens of Peru. No, instead it seems to be a competition to see who can best criticize aldermen Perez and Mayszak's suggestions. And, even sadder than that is the fact that the mayor just sits there and stares into space.

Anonymous said...

Personal Bank Account! That post must be from someone who is making PERSONAL issues with Rod. Reading through these blogs and info I know is that Operation Promise is a City of Peru and Fire Department cause.
I tend to see that the problem with all of this is- its been made a Personal thing between Rod and his counter parts.
This subject has blown up on facebook. Isn't this a bad time to bring controversy to such a positive cause like operation promise especially at election time.

Anonymous said...

No matter what the vote is on Monday, as least Alderman Perez can rest assure that Operations Pro-mise has been a great success, due to his diligence and all the volunteers hours he has contributed to this program. AND NOT GER PAID, that's a class act in itself. Who handles the
Donations shouldn't be a big deal. The request for the city to handle them all of a sudden raises questions though.

Sherry Mayszak said...

Anon 10:59 am. I think it is commendable not questionable that Alderman Perez has asked the city to collect the donations and write the checks for Operation Promise. They did it for Operation Promise 2011, so its not a new thing. It is a safeguard. Nobody can then come back at Alderman Perez or the Peru Fire Department with claims of mismanaged funds. People making donations specifically for Operation Promise would not have to wonder if their donation went to OP or Liberty by accident. There would be a clear paper trail of every transaction with trained individuals handling that responsibility. It is wrong, and quite frankly silly, that some aldermen now want Operation Promise off the city books. This is a wonderful learning tool and it has huge participation and supporters. I think Rodney does so much with the program, managing the funds shouldn't be his responsibility - he should get some help from the city. It's a simple request and for any alderman to say a City of Peru Fire Department Community Education program should not be taken care of on the books of the city, now that raises some questions.

Peru Town Forum said...

Thank you Sherry and this project should not be pushed aside because there are aldermen who find it an annoyance and find the promoters an annoyance also.

Anonymous said...

Our other city officials should take note of how these two Alderman and Alderwoman get along and work together for the betterment of your city. These two are a class act. If the rest of the city of Peru aldermen worked together like these two. Things would probably get done better and faster. They seem not to only look out for the people first, but also each other. That's teamwork.

Anonymous said...

I noticed Dave Bartley not in favor of the city being in charge of handling donations. Might it be too much work for him? Wouldn't he be the one to actually do the accounting etc....for this?????Maybe the city should cut back salaries and not give raises. There is an old saying, "you get what you pay for.". The city of Peru "pays for what they get.".

Anonymous said...

Maybe the city of Peru could handle the finances and donations for the "concerts for charity", that way they would be able to see on the books how they ------- themselves. Of course this is my opinion. Not to bring up that fiasco, it
just popped up in my head. Alderman Perez-thanks for the OP program and for all of your time volunteering to make it a success. And thanks to all the other volunteers

Anonymous said...

In agreement 2:17. We can thank our lucky stars we have two alderman that represent the taxpayers. Maybe after April we will have more.

Anonymous said...

What's all the fuss? Ald. Perez should pick someone he can trust and have him/her handle the money.

Peru Town Forum said...

because this is a city sponsored program by the PFD which is a city fire department with city employees and you want to allow an alderman to handle the money privately? And you don't think that would create a hullabaloo at city hall. Open your eyes please.

Anonymous said...

When I picked up my older kids after school, while waiting for them to get out, I rolled the window down and heard one of the younger grade kids shout at another one, " I'm right, you're wrong, you stink". I kept asking myself, what does that remind of? Then I remembered. Peru City Council.

I wonder if Harl needs a campaign slogan.

Anonymous said...

To 2:36
From-Rodney Perez

Dave Bartley has no problem with handling the funds. Dave Bartley has made that clear to me. Dave's comment was simply meaning...It may be easier for Liberty to manage it. The Clerks office is fine with managing it, and, ready to continue doing so; in fact, Operation Prom-ise currently still has funds being held in the city account, waiting on Monday's vote outcome.

Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

Clerk Bartley feels the pressure from the aldermen who dis-like Rodney to question and challenge and never co-operate with Alderman Perez, regardles of the situation.
If these aldermen don't like you personally their method of operation is to "freeze you out" or ignore you. It is so childish and unproductive it sickens me.
We have got to get some new faces in there.

Anonymous said...

Why should it even be discussed? I suppose if you want to pick nits, the City would need to "donate" the time for accounting services and check writing. Other than that, something like this is within the perogative of the executive and should be handled directly by the Mayor and Clerk. If the council has a problem with donating the service, then the Mayor and Clerk would need to charge a service fee. If that is to difficult, I'm sure there is a local bank that would be willing to slap their name on it and benefit from the good will of the community. This is not difficult.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been a 4th ward resident of Peru my whole life. I went to my first council meeting a few months ago. I generally don’t get involved into politics but I feel I must comment on our existing council and mayor. I witnessed Alderman Ferrari act in an unprofessional manner. I witnessed the Mayor do nothing to address Alderman Ferrari behavior. The lady who Ferrari claims rolled her eyes over the pickleball stupidness deserves an apology. I witnessed all the council members attack Perez and Sherry over pickleball and the Mayor Stay silent on the issue. I left the meeting thinking the only professional members on the council are Perez and Sherry. A friend of mine just told me about this blog and I will also encourage other residents to view it as well. It would be great if you can post the video meeting I went too, so everyone can hear and see what I’m talking about.

Anonymous said...

Just keep plugging along Rodney. The voters are listening. All the parents that have had their teens attend the prom thank you and are listening. All the parents that will have teens attend the prom thank you and are listening. Just keep doing what is right for the residents of Peru. They are listening. Jill Bernal

Peru Town Forum said...

5:53 PM

That video because of the length of it was never put on the web site. I had an audio and we attempted to get it together for use it with a still shot but I will check into it again as I know the city does not want the video to be seen and it has been squashed.

Peru Town Forum said...

Also 5:53 PM
With regard to what happened at this meeting, this is my take on it. The mayor as usual was not paying attention as to what was going on, he probably did not hear Ald Ferrari make his "smirking comment" and the mayor only came to life when the the voice of the husband of the lady who was insulted spoke. When he heard Larry defending his wife, the mayor perked up as he knew it was someone in the audience speaking. The first words out of the mayors mouth was something like "public comment is later", and the reason he said nothing to Ferrari and he never even heard it or else he just didn't care. The mayor pays no attention during the meetings and this was a perfect example of that behavior.

Anonymous said...

8:19 Lois

Sometimes it seems there is so much wrong that everyone becomes desensitized to it. But that one instance- where the video of a meeting was suppressed, a video where a low rent cabal of small town bureaucrats behaved reprehensibly - that is the shining example of the state of politics in Peru.
Cover up, minimize and hide, nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing... anybody considering to locate a business in Peru searches the Internet. I wonder what the folks at Trader Joe's and Costco think of all this.
I'll tell you what. They think "amatures" and will either come here and walk all over our officials with demands for low utility rates, low taxes, etc. Or, they will not come here because they think we are just a bunch of stupid yokals that can't get our act together.

Anonymous said...

Why does a new video have to be made? Not all of the students know who are playing the parts, so can't they reuse last years video? What else is the money spent on? Not trying to cause any commotion, I was trying to understand the program. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


The first year we put this on the impact was even greater for those who participated, we had 35 participants who were all Seniors. Last year we wanted to have that same impact the other participants had so we were easily able to recruit 125 students from four high schools. I have testimony after testimony from students that not have only participated in the event, but who've seen the video. This is an Educational program and to keep interest and awareness alive... We must change it up every two years. We mainly use Juniors and Seniors, then in two years, those freshman and sophomores can play a part, or have the memories of the event as they go through the years.
I posted on my Operation Prom-ise Facebook page from someone who saw the video and sent in a testimony. I'll ask if Lois can post, or copy and paste it.

If you, or anyone else have not yet seen the video, contact me for a free DVD or, again, perhaps Lois would post a trailer of one of our clips.

Thank you,
Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

From- Rodney

To answer your question on what the money is spent on.

The biggest expense is production,and editing, along with DVD copying. We get discounted rates on advertising, however we are still putting out for local advertising approx. $3,500.00 shirts, wristbands, banners, event programs, etc. last years community event, we about filled the LP auditorium.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dave Bartley should have no say so what so ever about whether the city starts recording and keeping donations!! He's not an alderman or the mayor! If the council votes "yes," than it's in Mr. Bartleys job description to keep accuract records. His opinion on this matter shouldn't mean diddly squat. Taxpayers pay his salary!!!!!!! Mr. Bartley shouldn't have a say so what so ever, if you think about it!

Anonymous said...

Taxpayers also pay the aldermen's stipend.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bartley is an elected official and his office is in charge of keeping the books. The office of City Clerk has a lot to say about this. In fact, since we are not discussing City money, the Council has the least to say. In order of input, it is the Clerk (his people will be tasked), The Mayor (this could disrupt daily operations), and the Treasurer (he controls the bank accounts). Anything the council has to add is political. Finally though, Operation Promis should try to get a local bank to help them as suggested above.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing stinks just like the trash program , a oil of bs we can't get along in this city to like a public education system work, or fix the stupid one can trash system. We should be able to put out two cans with a stupid sticker this city is being lead by the stupid and I will not vote for harl like I did last time

Anonymous said...

After reading the newspaper article on Thursday in regards to Alderman Perez and Fire Chief King requested the city of peru to do the bookkeeping for this and after reading these blogs, this would be similar to IVAR ( Illinois valley animal asking the city (LaSalle) to do their bookkeeping, or a baseball organization asking the city to do their bookkeeping. Sounds like passing the buck possibly!

Peru Town Forum said...

2:40 PM

Your comment would only be true IF the Peru Fire Department was a private organization and not a Peru City Dept. Liberty I don't believe is part of the city but the Fire Department is and OP is put on by some of the members of the Fire Department who are now considered city employees as they are paid by the city

Anonymous said...

6:04 I hope all of your friends and neighbors feel the same as you when it comes to voting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rodney! I now can see why donations are needed for such an outstanding program. Saving young lives is truly a great reason to continue this program.