“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, January 18, 2013

Cost of Watching Television in the Illinois Valley

OK, the price of everything is going up and we are starting to feel the pinch. And yet LP wants to spend millions on a sports complex and Hall H.S. wants a new building and Cherry has NO money and will close their school district.

Who is going to pay for all these expenditures?

My husband was all set to pay our Comcast TV bill and wow, wait a minute the cost went from 67.23 to 76.82 and included in that is an additional charge for the boxes when they initially changed their service from free to 1.99 per box per month. This is for the basic extended service. This has to hit many families, seniors and those with children.

Is it legal to tell you something is free and 2 years later they decide to charge you?

From garbage, to the grocery store, expenses are increasing. Yet we as a city are not watching our expenses and I don't need to enumerate those as you are well aware of the waste. I am waiting and watching and waiting for city hall to say, We can't afford that new truck, that ice rink and bambini and next year when we go out for fireworks, we will NOT offer $20,000 but instead let them bid and tell us how low cost their company fireworks are.


Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing when I got my Comcast bill - "how can you charge me for something you gave me for free 2 years ago?" When government overspends and businesses need more income they charge the citizens. What do we, as taxpayers, do when we can't afford things anymore? Who do we ask for help?

Anonymous said...

Interesting how city hall isn't posting videos of the council meetings anymore.We supposedley have the same set up in Princeton as Peru does and our meetings are on the web site no later than 2 days after each meeting. What's going on over there?

Peru Town Forum said...

2:32 PM

We are all asking the same question. The last time I asked, I was told the video was too long and they didn't know how to compress it to put on. Supposedly they asked for help from Connecting Point and I have to assume no one knew how to help because our meetings just aren't being put on so it must be that you folks in Princeton are a whole lot smarter that us here in Peru.

Anonymous said...

we were told here that if the city video records council meetings and makes them available to the public they have to be posted regularly and not just when they choose to. anything that the city does that raises questions of transparancy is a violation. evidently a city doesnt have to record meetings but if they start the process they have to continue with being transparent.

Peru Town Forum said...

do you think that perhaps the council and mayor did not like what they saw?

Anonymous said...

I think they don't want the general public to see how they act in council chambers not only toward each other but toward the citizens present.

Anonymous said...

And the schools are asking for a 1% sales tax again. I think it will probably pass this time becasue municipal elections generally have a lower turnout. The Peru turnout will be strong, but what about Ottawa, Streator, and Mendota? Get ready, the cost of most everything will be going up.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:31 PM

The last time they tried to approve the tax, it was on very short notice but now we have several months before the election which might be enough time to give exposure and if the economy does not improve, they may be surprised at the turnout against. Wonder if the FB page is up and running once again, will check.

Anonymous said...

Lois, I just love how your thoughts can get everyone fired up. Good job and keep the pressure on city hall. We are behind you 100%, and know the amount of work that it takes to keep us informed. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

You can thank the president of the US for the cable rate increase under the Digital Transition and Public Safety Act cable companies were required to give 2 boxes to customers boxes for 2 years free now they are clear from that requirement.

Anonymous said...

The voting public better 'get fired up' because we all know that if approved, they will ask for more again. And again, and again, etcl.

Anonymous said...

8:01 Yes we all know the president makes all the laws, writes them, passes them and makes sure they hurt us. Thank God the legislative branch had nothing to do with the DTPSA.
I wonder when Obama is going to send me my new resume I asked him to type up for me and give me a ride to the airport for my interview. He has to do something about this unemployment rate.
I am glad all those people told him what they need him to do in the news tribune. I only hope he has time to do my laundry for me too.

Anonymous said...

Please pay close attention to the 1% school sales tax increase. The schools are locking in their projects now because the state is going shift more of the burden to the local school. Not only will you have the debt, you will see an increase in your property tax too. If these schools have so much money for new extracurricular activites but are so broke that they can't fund their general operations, you've got a real eye opener coming in 5 years. The taxpayer has to say NO now. The schools have a budget. Live within your means like everyone else. Why is it that Catholic schools can run on a little more than half of a public school budget. Why is it that most of the medical profession comes from overseas and are trained in facilities that are substandard to our education system yet they seem to be more advanced than our own physicians. Just wait, the % of your tax bill allocated to schools is going to increase huge in a few years. You think the $23 a month is tolerable now, just wait. Better start looking for a part time job now just so the football, baseball, and basketball players have a place to play.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that Catholic Schools can run on little more than half the public schools budget?

Isn't it great you can just throw out simple irrelevant comparisons and people will accept it as the truth? Why don't you support the statement, and also give some of those reasons, from the balanced view of the opposition? Why is their budget half the spending per student? Do you know some reasons?

What exactly is your point about the medical profession? How is that relevant to a simple tax increase for public schools? What percentage of students go on to become doctors? .25 percent. That is the crux of your argument? And of those , half go into research.

Just use the relevant arguments , you don't need to go Tea Party crazy to argue against a tax increase.

There are foreign doctors because it the education cheaper and they can make more with our unique non universal health care. The US ones don't become GPs because they want to make more.
Whats that? The sound of crickets and deafening silence?