“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Get to Know Mike Hart Day Mark Your Calendars

On Sunday January 20, Mike Hart will hold a Meet and Greet at the Eagles in Peru from 1 to 4 o'clock. Not sure at this point if other candidates will be included.


Anonymous said...

I will be there. I'm looking forward to hearing Mr. Hart's ideas for Peru. Thanks for telling us about it Lois!

Anonymous said...

I too will be there. Anxiously awaiting some new ideas and plans for Peru's future. Hope they will be sincere until the promises we were given 4 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Great! Thanks for this info. I also hope to see a debate or some type of town hall forum between the candidates. Although my mind is made up I won't be voting again for Harl. I'd like to hear what the others are saying.

Anonymous said...

Correction to my 8:12 Jan. 6th post: "unlike the promises"

Anonymous said...

Great News!!!
Let the politics begin..

Anonymous said...

In my mind the politics has already begun with the mayor putting so much emphasis on getting an ice rink established this year (election year). And moving on the power house demo and possibly the pool demo.

Anonymous said...

These are the same questions that were brought forward four years ago. What business experience does Mr. Hart have? What type of public service experience does he have? What eperience does he have with running a city with 100 employees? Why is he running for Mayor? Why hasn't he run for city council? What new ideas? If the answer is none to the question, then why would we be fooled again? Please explain this NEW favorite.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:31 PM

I will not publish your post as Mr Hart is making himself available to the general public on January 20. I suggest you attend and ask him directly about your concerns.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a endorsement! Good Luck Peru

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to take a chance on a new mayor at the next election. I'm interested in hearing what Mr.Hart has to say. Regardless a mayoral candidate has not been an alderman shouldnt matter, as our current Mayor was not an alderman either. I will be listening very closely to the candidates to read who's a better people person. I never voted for Harl because it was clear to me during his campaign he was not a people person. I read him perfectly.
We need a Mayor who will work with the people and businesses of our city, and not just the laborers.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:56 PM

It seems that the aldermen who have had the most years in city government are the least qualified to take on the job of mayor as they lack one very important qualification, people skills. So as a result we find it necessary to look elsewhere for our leaders.

Anonymous said...

Lois, Didn't you have the same opinion last election? And the same complaint? I have called Mayor Harl, Alderman on a few occasions and found them to be very friendly. They listened and helped. I think the important fact your missing is that he may not bend to "your" daily issues. That doesn't imply he's not a people person. It may indicate he's just not "your" self serving Mayor.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:01 PM

No never had the people person feeling with the current mayor and didn't you ask that question once before? As far as aldermen they are definitely not all the same.
Agreeing with me on a daily or consistent basis is not what I judge a person on. But let's face it the mayor has a hard time dealing with women on an equal basis and I know many women who will attest to that fact.

Anonymous said...

Your opinion on the women issue sounds like a cop out to me. Because your a female, does he have to agree with you? Does he have to meet your demands? What makes you judge him as having a hard time dealing with women?

Anonymous said...

10:31. What should a mayor of a city do when he sees and hears alderman being disrespectful (facial expressions/verbal comments) to persons being men or women at council meetings who are in the audience? I believe this behavior has happened from reading these blogs? Unacceptable behavior in my opinion of city officials.

Anonymous said...

9:01 the problem seems to be that Harl doesn't even consider bending. To him, compromise is not bending, it is breaking.

Anonymous said...

Agree to disagree in a respectful manner is how it should be. To anybody who reads this blog site will read that Lois is very respectful.

Anonymous said...

3:35 I definitely don't think he should just sit there and say nothing (which he basically did).

Anonymous said...

3:45 disrespectful behavior should not accepted from both standpoints. Elected officials should be respectful of residents and those who have other opinions should try to be respectful of the officials. Democracy is set up for a variety of opinions, with that said you have emotions and disagreements. Get use to it. The comment that Mayor Harl has a hard time with women may be disrespecful to many others including his family. Its a two way street.