“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

City Council Meeting Vote on Raising Salaries and Pool Referendum


Peru Town Forum said...

Video by Sherry Mayszak

Anonymous said...

Didn't council vote to video all meetings and put them on the city web-site? Didn't council purchase the necessary equipment from Connecting Point? Then why is the last recorded meeting dated 8/19? Faulty equipment? This is another example of wasting tax payer money.

Anonymous said...

Rodney like the Senators can turn back in their paychecks because of their wealth. What about the young person or single mother that needs the few dollars to survive? I will believe it when I see it on video that he gives his check back to the city.

Anonymous said...

Why should Rodney hand over his paycheck when the others won't? He asked that it be voted on to lower all of their pay because of the reduction in meetings, and not one of them made a comment. The vote to reduce the number of meetings went thru, but nobody agreed to lower their pay. Rodney does more volunteer work than the rest of the 7 aldermen and mayor combined.

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous to suggest that any of the other alderman or Mayor reduce their pay because public meetings are cut in half. It is more than obvious that most of their work goes on behind closed doors and in private meetings that us common folk would never be able to understand.

When they give their reasons for things, I am always at a loss to understand what they are talking about, proving how brilliant and right they are.

Sometimes I feel really dumb and ashamed, like when I get the urge to watch the videos. I know I should not be so nosy but I just am sometimes.

A of DS

Anonymous said...

Kudo Hugs to Alderman Rodney Perez for standing up for us who do not have time to make these meetings. Although he's not my alderman I feel he truly stands up for all of us.
I agree that pay should be reduced if their meetings are cut in half. Anything beyond meetings is discretionary of what these Represenitives do for and within their community. I never see them out within the community except for 1 or 2 of them.
Commend you Alderman Perez.

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain the financial compensation that a alderman will recieve as of January 2014. I am interested in when this position became a salary position? How much the salary amounts to per month? Are there any other benefits? Are the aldermen donating their pay per meeting to any charity such as the pool fund on occasions that they are absent from a city meeting? Surely being a public service they are not taking the pay for a meeting they do not attend, or are they?

Anonymous said...

I am sure there was a percentage of wages assigned based on the number of hours of meetings attended. If the number of meetings is reduced, the proportionate share of the wage should also be reduced.

Anonymous said...

11:48 and 11:51 Rest assured their salaries will remain the same as they were when they held 4 meetings a month. The only thing that is changing is the number of council meetings they have to attend. (from 4 to 2)

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:11 Are you stating that the city council:
*voted to take a annual pay written in stone established when they met 4 x's a month
*voted to reduce the number of meetings from 4 x's a month to 3 and maintained the same annual pay
*within the same year, 2013, that they have reduced their number of meetings per month from four to three have voted to again reduce their number of monthly meetings to 2 and still maintain their same annual salary for the year 2014.
These individuals are making it evident that they are using the public offices for their own self serving goals rather than for the betterment of Peru.

Anonymous said...

336 pm
Please don't clump Rodney in with the rest of the aldermen. He voted "nay".

Anonymous said...

3:36 All except Rodney.