This is the new protocol for commenting at city council meetings. If you are not comfortable with this and you have an issue that needs to be addressed, you might call the city clerk as he is usually up to date on city problems. Otherwise go directly to one of your 2 aldermen or if that is not good for you, call an alderman from outside your ward, the mayor or department that would be involved with your comment.
And if all else fails, post it here on the blog, and see if one of our readers can help you.
If anyone is shy of the podium have someone present your comment for you. Possibly stand next to this someone and discuss comment alongside him. As for Mayor, Alderman, other officials are they going to be limited to three to five minutes as citizens are, or are there two constitutions in Peru - one for city representatives and one for citizens of Peru. Amen Harl.
Is seems there is no procedure for citizens to submit written statements to the council for inclusion in the record, to be read aloud by the clerk if under 5 minutes?
This would allow handicapped or citizens unable to attend the meetings due to work schedule to comment on agenda items.
Just as an FYI, we are submitting these rules to several pro Bono attorneys today petitioning to challenge as violating the OMA and to file suit on free speech principles. The open forum rules are unconstitutional in our opinion and if the ACLU agrees they may represent the case for free. Our hope is that the story gets picked up by the AP as representative of unnecessary free speech regulations by local government bodies and getting additional non local press coverage .This will be a good civics lesson for our kids. Expect response in a couple weeks.
sounds to me like your a marked person from the start of your question . wonder how many will be herassed after a few times at the podeum ? maybe by police or taylor or some of their groupies ( good old boys of this term ) .
looks to me like their trying to keep people from comming to the councile meetings . i'd go but i've been told not too ! i figure i'd end up in jail . i
hope the DISRUPTIVE PART GOES FOR aldermen and mayor , tresurer and city clerk, police and fire chief ?
I don't think anybody should have to give their address publicly especially if the meetings end up being televised or video taped. That's personal information.
That is one of the issues being presented to the attorneys... along with statement about content. Banning fighting words is allowed but detrmining relevance is considered restrictive in most cases.
The time limit is also vague as written. It should be up to 5 minutes. Shorter comments should be allowed meaning less than 3 minutes.
The rules cannot be designed to inhibit public comment.
If this passes the city will get sued and come April if its still in courts the new mayor will get rid of this illegal stupid Harl rule.
Make sure when talking to the ACLU you tell them that this was created because TR who is running for mayor next April against Harl wasn't afraid to speak the truth of the illegal acts that go on in the city and favoritism for a select few. And he brought these up over and over at council meetings over the last year in public comment and apparently is ruffling alot of feathers and motivating others to do the same!
Return Peru to the people in 2013 !!!!!!
8:14 the ACLU will not get involved over any grievances with the city, only counseling on the legality of the ordinance as written and in practice. In addition their contact list in the AP pool of journalists may pick up the story, which could carry the issue as a focus or special interest story. ACLU is a long shot and dependent on exactly how Harl implements the ordinance, but the Illinois Citizens advocacy center will definitely assist us in fighting and exposing this within the state. If enough news agencies see it, one will pick it up and ask why such an unnecessary regulation in this small town, then they can pick up on more of the stories here. There is a lot to investigate here. This gag ordinance will serve as bait for the press at large, FOS issues bring all kinds of press out of the woodwork because where there is smoke there is usually fire. Bigger cities have similar ordinance and they are getting heat from them as well.
Is the city attorney involved with this issue?
Send this to Bill O'Reilly and Fox News Channel!! They would have a hey day with this!!
This is a good start but more work is required to completely solve the problem. If the people are to be fooled into thinking they have any influence on this administration, the deck must be stacked with pro-Harl speakers at every meeting. These speakers must use up all the time aloted for "public comment." Meanwhile, the agenda can be pushed forward under a veil of democracy. Brothers and sisters, Peru is the "Leader of the Valley." We have made many gains in this City and other towns are ready to organize. We must break the tyrannical rule of the so called tax payers that oppress the working men and women of our cities and towns. Sit down and watch your wages go up, because the secret of power is organization. They need us, we don't need them.
Public Sector working men and women unite! Solidarity forever!
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