“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, September 07, 2012

Adventure Corner


Anonymous said...

Great video!! I hope 100 more trucks run through there tonight! Harl you are a moron if you think that this is better than before. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Isn't that a cone that is knocked down by that truck? Didn't the engineer tell an alderman that trucks could run over the pylons and neither the pylon nor the truck would be damaged?

Anonymous said...

Wait!!! I thought those cone things were spring loaded and ready to pop back up? Is that guy from Chamlins smarter than a 5th grader? Hey Peru!!!!! is this video reason enough to fire Chamlins, and Harl yet? My 10 year old could have told Chamlin those things would not stand a chance when run over. Has the Peru PD issued any tickets in that area yet. Everyone knows that area is a gold mine for the city to generate revenue by writing tickets for all the illegal driving. Do Police Officers even monitor that intersection or is it a free for all??? PERU- THE LEADER OF NIGHT TIME COMEDY.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Rodney is a truck driver. Is that him? hahahahahaha. Way to research Chamlins theory. grab your truck and check for yourself.
Rodney Perez for Mayor!

ak said...

I ended up with a $400.00 ticket on route 355 for doing less than this truck driver did. I just brushed one of those big orange barrels on the highway and got a ticket for wrong lane usage, damage to government property, and leaving the scene of an accident. I didn't even do it intentionally, like this truck driver did. I hope, because of your cute little video of someone intentionally breaking the law, that they fine him. Maybe you send the video to his boss and see what he thinks of his driver being too lazy to drive around the block and intentionally driving illegally. Doesn't look as though he has many brains. Luckily, it wasn't Rodney in that truck. How would this look on a prom video?

Anonymous said...

An attorney would jump all over this if a driver or passenger injurs themselves! This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Open your checkbooks Peru and Chamlin!

Peru Town Forum said...

10:14 PM

This is what the engineer said to do for snowplows, city vehicles too large to get around and emergency vehicles. It looks like this truck was stuck in a bad situation as it would be more dangerous to back up that big rig than to do what he did. Sometimes you need to show the people in charge what is really happening for them to see the dangerous intersection they created.

Anonymous said...

It looked staged to me. Was somebody sitting there all day waiting for a truck would make an illegal turn?

Anonymous said...

Did the Mayor and Chamlins publicly say those can be ran over if need be, and did the mayor really publicly say the only way a motorist would get ticketed for running them over is if they are intoxicated? If so, great job Mayor and Chamlins!! I agree Lois, it would be much more dangerous for a truck to back that thing up 2 blocks rather than take out a cone. PD. couldn't ticket that guy being the city has authorized it. Are there truck route signs posted out from each business on which way trucks need to go so they don't get stuck at that corner like that truck driver did? Time to post more signs Mayor.

Anonymous said...

1:00 am Have you been up there or hear the results announced about how many illegal turns are made each day? Average of 500 illegal tickets per day could be issued. I doubt any are issued. It's also illegal for cars to be cutting through parking lots to bypass an intersection.
That is the Venture Drive AutoBaun 2012

Anonymous said...

The new mayor can put things back after elected.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the truck could not make a LEGAL right turn and was forced into making an ILEGAL left turn.

Anonymous said...

9:42 You need to work for Chamlin lol. Have you ever driven an 18 wheeler?
Look for these signs on the back of some trucks. This truck makes wide right turns. It's not because it is a grand conspiracy to make Harl look like a fool. It's because it is hard to do it without taking out those sticks.

Keep on blaming the drivers. There are so many more of them to blame than the few back room decision makers in Peru.

Anonymous said...

He no doubt wanted to go back the same way he came from, just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Could somebody please go to the 10:00 meeting this morning, record it, and give it to Lois to post so those of us who can't make the meeting can see it?

Anonymous said...

Nice work. A small sugestion...Next time wait till your truck diver(actor) is in the cab before starting the camera.
This was sooooo staged.
How many free DQ cones and margaritas from the restaurants did you get for posting this?
If you are so concerned with publc safety, why did you not make a citizens arrest. Barney Fife would have. Or at least turn the license number into the police.
Because you new the driver????
That's what I think.
I, for one, am embarassed by my second ward alderMAN.
I cant wait for the coucil meeting to be televised so that everyone can see how he fumbles his way thru the notes that someone else has prepared for him each week.
Anybody but Redney for mayor of PERU!

Peru Town Forum said...

7:53 AM

Why did the city not realize that a large number of semi trucks need to negotiate through this area and post truck route signs to eliminate any confusion? Possibly a different driver each week or each delivery, not knowing what the previous driver did. Maybe they should have been in a conversation with the affected businesses early on.
Rodney is not responsible for this silly mess but is looking for a way to correct it. I attend each council meeting and am always ready to shake his hand and that of Ald. Mayszak also and say GOOD JOB ONCE AGAIN.
I keep trying to figure out why our other alderman have become supporters of the Mayor, it has become embarrassing that I know.

Anonymous said...

Actually I took the video, not Rodney. I was in the DQ parking lot and saw it coming. Don't you think if it was staged I would have took the video from the south side of the street so I can get the full event? There wasn't enough time to do so bc as I was walking out of DQ I noticed the driver looking around wondering what the hell he was going to do and walk back in his truck. At that moment I knew he was going to do what many of them do and I wanted to record it. I then passed it along to Rodney.

Anonymous said...

Obviously that is a well known company truck ran by a corporation. I don't think any driver in the right mind would knowingly help Rodney out by staging this with taking a risk of losing a job. I'm sure the driver was better off doing what he did rather than back that thing up two blocks. maybe there should have been signs for a truck route.

Anonymous said...

Is there any room left at that intersection for any more signs? Every time a problems arises or a question is posed "put up another sign" seems to be the answer. To me, that says that problems exist at that intersection and a more thorough study should be done before anything else is added. I think pride needs to be swallowed and all affected by this change need to be listened to and a compromise reached. I cannot believe that city officials pride overrules businesses losing money.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob, I think you need to start paying closer attention to what is going on in the town. Alderman Perez and Alderwoman Mayzak are the only 2 who seem to care about the lost revenue of these businesses. I think he is doing a GREAT JOB. He is not afraid to speak up unlike the other little group, leftover's from the past. We need some new blood on the council, out with the old in with the new. Time for a CHANGE!

Anonymous said...

12:46 i think that's more like Dave than Bob. i highly doubt Rod is stupid enough to stage something like that. i think if someone staged that they wouldn't use a truck with a name displayed all over it and would have shot it from an agnle just to show the point of the turn.

Peru Town Forum said...

The Public Works committee met this morning. Engineer from King Engineering brought to the committee another design which would allow northbound traffic on Venture Drive to proceed across the intersection after stopping. It looks like there might need to be some redesigning of the lanes and adding red flashing lights.
The only thing agreed upon was to remove the shrubbery and trees on the Dairy Queen corner. Ald. Waldorf stated they would look at the design meaning Clinard from Chamlins will be doing the looking.
And they may remove the stop sign to the left on Venture Drive.

Anonymous said...

And the live experiment continues. Sad. This is considered normal here.

Peru Town Forum said...

Peru City Council Meeting was over in 15 minutes. It was announced that the tree and bushes on the corner of 38th and Venture Drive by DQ were removed this afternoon. The Mayor also announced that a fire engine had successfully negotiated the turn without taking down any pylons.
Also announced that starting in 2013, aldermen will be received a yearly salary and will not be paid per meeting.

Anonymous said...

If you count the number of pylons that are up now as compared to how many were up when the change first took place or even last week , you will find there are less today ! Once again the mayor lies and thinks we are all as dumb as him !

Anonymous said...

The great pronouncement echoes throughout the land, after ten years of debate and secret tactical night strike roadwork, on this 10th day of the ninth month in the year of our Lord 2012, the city of Peru successfully maneuvered a fire engine through the Adventure Straights , thereby silencing all critics from now until the end of days.
The sound of clapping and slapping of backs rivaled the control room at NASA after the moon landing. "We have done it!" was the cry heard throughout the halls. No longer will anyone be able to say that our magnificent design will not allow fire trucks the access they had prior to the change. The access is even better now, for the firefighters can see pretty pointy sticks rising from the ground as they scurry forth to save peoples lives.
The mayor was heard to say that he hopes his plans to put boulders along the drive in a zig zag pattern to allow drivers to hone their defensive driving skills, and his strategic bunker placements to defend against rogue bloggers, will not be met with the same narrow minded criticisms from the northern businesses. The entire council left safe and secure in the fact those businesses soon will be protected and unreachable by any pesky consumer or delivery truck. Yet by clever design, the demolition trucks will be STILL be able to make the necessary turns to tear down the stores while the fire trucks put out the fires from any protestors. Alderman Ankiewicz also pointed out that Chamlin and Associates had guaranteed the intersection to be zombie proof, once more choosing safety over chaos. God save the King!

Anonymous said...

9:46. So funny. You are good! You should be a writer!! Keep up the funny posts, they are needed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Driving while on crack is not safe for anyone, including this semi driver. This is a staged act of stupidity. DQ should tell this joker to quit counting cars and quit filming. He's only hurting the business.

Anonymous said...

The caption on the bottom of the video says Rodney posted! What is the purpose of this video?

Peru Town Forum said...

The video was downloaded by me from Facebook when there was a hefty discussion taking place there on the intersection.

Anonymous said...

It states Truck Route 251-Rodney!

Anonymous said...

I asked Rodney about the fire truck getting into north venture drive, then I asked him if they got called for another emergency while there which way would they go?
Rod said, we'd do the same thing that truck driver did. Drive over the bounce back cones. Hahahaha........ Get it? Bounce back cones??? Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahhahaahjahahahjaahhaah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What if they needed 12 firetrucks at the scene anon 1:45? And 150 fire fighting vehicles? What is your point? I think the point is its not a problem.

Anonymous said...

What driving test does fireman have to perform to be able to drive a fire truck? And who gives the test? And the person giving the test, what are their qualifications?? Let's see if peru's fire chief will answer this. Someone way saying that the firechief was out of town vacationing again this last weekend so he was unavailable to answer this question. As was he 2-3 weekends ago too.

Anonymous said...

The mystery is now about the number of cones. When were they taken out and what reason? Were there 17 or 20 cones and now we have fewer.

Anonymous said...

You know what is really troubling to me? This intersection change, while not perfect, might actually be one of the better compromise solutions given the desire to spend very little and reduce back ups. Note I said one of the solutions possible, not the best.
But the manner in which the change was implemented is what is the hallmark of the administration. Do it in the back room, make sure to do it when the alderman is away, don't approach the businesses with the studies that show the current problem to get their input before the decision is handed down. Just do it and say you are being a strong leader.
Sometimes even the best changes will be met with fierce resistance when the lack of communication tells the people or business they do not matter. I do not believe this change was the best nor worth the issues it is causing to the businesses affected. But how much more patient would they be if they were partners in the process? Pickleball, power plants, concerts vs the FAA, Cleanups vs the EPA, they all share the same theme-Getter done! He never knows what compromise could be because he just does, assuming like an operating engineer that gettin er done is the end game. Mayors need to be diplomats, not bulldozer operators. The motto better to beg forgiveness than ask permission may sound good at the bar, but there is a pattern here. It is real, it is why this blog seems to always be complaining, and it needs to be exposed and stopped in its tracks by a strong candidate to oppose this man. Peru needs to step up for the people he runs over. The people need to demand answers, accountability, compromise and transparency. They need to make sure all opinions are heard. They need democracy, not back room deals.

Peru Town Forum said...


Very well said!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WOW 8:44

Tom W. said...

What a great statement 8:44. Everyone (myself included)is anxiously awaiting the election this coming April. I saw on an earlier blog that a friend of my daughters (Justin L) could be a candidate for mayor. Although I have never met him I was curious if anyone else has ever spoke to him or got his views on anything. I had also seen that Tom Rioridan was also a potential candidate. Even though the petitions wouldn't go out until the end of this month is there any way to facilitate some kind of discussion with these two? Obviously this blog is a great hub, but I was wondering if there was more that could be done. Anyone who has any answers to these questions is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Perez for Mayor!!

Anonymous said...

8:44 I agree with Lois, very well said!

Thank you!

Linda said...

Amen 8:44 Well said and extremely accurate.

Anonymous said...

RODNEY, answer 3:03 p.m. questions. Since you should know because you are a fireman. Alot of bloggers were wondering. Thanks. Why would we expect he who is in charge of FD to answer!!!

Anonymous said...

From:Rodney Perez

The requirements to drive a fire apparatus requires a class B license.
Through a first year probation period- a probie must complete a list of required activities, such as: equipment familiarization,physicals, and class B license.
The safety officer takes the probie on several test drives with each truck before releasing to drive an apparatus to a call.

Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding to questions. It's surprising that only a class B is required, due to the length of fire trucks. A semi with a trailer is not much smaller in length that Perus longest fire truck. I also don't believe that this intersection would pass the test of all fireman who have a class B license. However, we taxpayers don't always agree with what the newspaper states in regards to issues. Who and how many years experience did the driver(fireman) have maneuvering this fire truck that passed the test at intersection. Results can't be determined by just one person.

Anonymous said...

HECK, one would need a CDL LICENSE with 30 years experience in city driving to properly get around in that intersection. I chuckled at the newspaper article that stated fire truck passed the intersection test. Are you kidding me?

Anonymous said...

Rod told the council Chief King drove the truck through the intersection test. If the other firefighters that questioned the turn then they made the right choice by avoiding it the night of the emergency call to adventure drive.If it's true the chief took the road test then how bogus is that? As the one poster asked before,did the chief take the truck back out the same way he went in? Just for kicks, lets say he turned the corner and an ems call went out. could he have turned around and went back out, or would he had to drive around adventure drive?
Rod, can you answer this please? after-all you seem to be the spokes-person for the FD and the city of peru.

Sherry Mayszak said...

I watched Chief King take the fire truck to Venture Drive. He made the turn, but he went into the southbound lane to make it. That's okay for a fire truck because every driver knows to get out of the way when they see an emergency vehicle. How does a semi compare to a fire truck in size? Nobody will think to move out of the way of a semi unless the semi is coming at them in the southbound lane. Chief King then proceeded north on Venture Drive around the curve to North Peoria Street, turned left onto North Peoria, and then turned left on 38th Street, stopped at the mall 3-way stop sign and proceeded straight to 251 and turned right. I wanted him to come southbound on Venture Drive but was unable to get his attention to ask.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Makes sense now! My opinion, Mayor Harl wanted to report back to the council that intersection passed with a fire truck. DIDNT MAYOR HARL APPOINT CHIEF KING AS FIRE CHIEF WHEN HE GOT INTO OFFICE? Did Harl ask King to do the drive test??? So that Harl could report a positive outcome to council as to say it possibly didn't pass? POLITICS IN PERU!!! How about the probies? They didn't drive. I guess Harl thinks we taxpayers don't think and are stupid! Again Politics and whose --- you r ------g. SHADY.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bi Golly I think you're on to something here. If Harl never put the chief up to it then why didn't chief take the other firefighters up to show them or have them try it? afterall it wasn't their chief with the issue getting through that mess. The way it appears as everything i have read their chief did the test the same day as the meeting? I SMELL A RAT!!
I guess the Peru Fire Chief leads his men that way. IF I CAN DO IT, YOU ALL CAN DO IT! NOW GO PUT YOURSELVES IN HARMS WAY!! JUST DO AS I SAY!!

Anonymous said...

1:23 and 1:30 . You have great points. Very sensible thinking. I wonder why Alderman Perez didn't think of that. Oh, I forgot hes on the FD, and doesn't want to ruffle feathers. I've noticed he doesn't say too much about the FD on here when ?'s have been asked! PEREZ FOR FIRE CHIEF! TOM FOR MAYOR TOO!

Anonymous said...

I think Rod's playing it smart. When he goes into a fire he may need back up.

Anonymous said...

????????????Alderman Perez/firefighter, Does chief King drive fire apparatus to fire calls???????? IF SO OR AT ALL, HOW OFTEN????

Anonymous said...

Citizens need to get approximately $700 and advertise on one of the big billboards (on 251) this forum and website so more citizens can get involved. Most taxpayers don't know about it. Can you imagine the involvement we may have as taxpayers if more citizens knew? True! I'll donate $25, let me know where to send money.

Anonymous said...

I read these blogs and find them to be very informative and entertaining to say the least. Thanks to all involved. Venture intersection/emergency vehicles maneuvering: there is no way in my opinion that this intersection isn't harder to drive fire apparatus than how the intersection use to be! This isn't rocket science Mayor Harl and Alderman. I'm hoping to see a light at the end of the tunnel in April.

Anonymous said...

THE TRUE TEST OF INTERSECTION IS YET TO COME. HOLIDAYS FAST APPROACHING. It's simple, was intersection easier to drive thru the old way or now?? Obviously the old way is better in many opinions. And to put it bluntly, IT'S OK FOR ONE TO ADMIT THAT A DESIGN DIDN'T WORK. ITS A COP OUT TO STICK TO YOUR GUNS TO SAVE FACE.

Anonymous said...

I love all the know-it-all comments about the fire department.
The fire chief does drive an emergency vehicle to scenes. It's the command vehicle you like to complain about paying for as taxpayer. Remember that vehicle? Or did you forget? That's what Chief King takes to the scene when he's in town for a fire call. When he's not in town, this chief that's paid a minuscule city wage is 1)likely visiting with family that lives out of town or 2)working out of town. Both of which are legitimate and plausible reasons for being out of town whomever it applies to. Interesting how those two things are considered vacations in the minds of some disturbed people. It's called a fire department and it's comprised of a team of people and a chain of command; by design, like all fire departments. And of course fireman/alderman Perez is playing it smart. It takes "smarts" to play both sides of the fence. What he doesn't realize is that some folks are smarter.

Anonymous said...

DRIVE THAT AND A FIRE APPARATUS AT THE SAME TIME? Let's not skirt the questions. I also really don't think you want to go there about vacations and being unavailable by our fire chief. ASK THE PAST, RETIRED
, and ALL (MEANING ALL), fireman about this! Why were other fire chiefs in Peru through the years available most all the time? As you say measly pay. They didn't complain!

Anonymous said...

Dont dive in the deep end blogger if you can't swim. From what I read here the question is fire apparatus at this intersection and how it's testing procedures were performed. Blogger, you opened a can of worms maybe. We need to thank the FD for the job that they do do. They seem to be compensated well for a part-time job, community service and a hobby. And yes, volunteer (paid per call) is a hobby to most fireman. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Are you a fireman 11:32? Maybe I misinterperated your blog. Were you dissing Alderman Perez/fireman/brother? I hope not, but your blog speaks otherwise.

Anonymous said...

The command vehicle (Blazer, recently donated to Peru rescue), is the command vehicle that had been discussed in regards to it being driven to and from a firemans full-time job with taxpayers paying for it! Thanks
Alderman Perez for having the courage to answer questions on here. I will be waiting to hear your answers to the remainder of them.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Mayor Harl ask Alderman Pere to do the
Driving test at this intersection? DOESNT
He a professional truck driver(his full-time job)? AND HE'S A FIREMAN ON THE FD! Strange why he
Didn't get asked to do it. I believe Alderman Perez would have reported his professional opinion. Did anybody think of this?

Anonymous said...

11:32 I'm not sure Peru Fire Chief would want you speaking on his behalf. Minuscule pay? Vacations or out of town visits, and work schedule? You make that position sound as though it deserves more? If the chief is in a position he can't hold do to pay and other priorities it seems as though he should resign and let someone that has the time to do it take that position. How was Eccels able to do that for so many years? Maybe that position belongs to a Full time Firefighter with qualifications. That would give the city a full time chief, with full time pay and benefits. Theirs the answer! I would agree with the blogger who commented about Rodney being "dissed" by you. It does seem clear you are a brother firefighter, or chief of alderman/firefighter Perez. Rodney seems to defend your fire department so curious to why you would dis him in a public blog?

Anonymous said...

Willing to bet that 11:32 hasn't been on the FD very long because he wouldn't have blogged what he did because evidently he doesn't know what the truth is! So true about when Gary Excles was chief. Maybe 11:32 was with Chief King for 4-5 days over new years and again 3 weeks later for 4 days in Las Vegas in January 2012, and many more times since that being unavailable and out of town! That doesn't include the years previous. Ask your fellow brothers if this is true??? Rodney would know this to be true, but he's in a tight spot.

Anonymous said...

You are so correct. If a person accepts a position where they oversee a whole group of people and can't fulfill it's responsibilities and have others cover, than they should resign from that position. Being a fireman doesn't have the same responsibilities as a fire chief. Step down and be a fireman. The old saying, "Don't bite off more than you can chew."

Anonymous said...

@11:32 waiting for a response from you. Since you seem to be the Chiefs spokesperson you should fulfill your obligation. After all you opened up the can so don't instigate then run and hide, unless of course you now realize the rock you turned was the wrong one?

Anonymous said...

11:32 ?????????? It was nice to see the picture of Gary Eccles in the newspaper this week putting a safe house sign on the outside of the firehouse.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading all these blogs today because it's my day off from work. I hope alderman Perez answers the above questions.

Anonymous said...

10:30- I think whoever the fire chiefs spokes- person is ( 11:32) is who I'm waiting for answers from. 11:32 is obviously not the alderman.

Anonymous said...

@1:54. Me too! Just curious why Alderman Perez didn't get to test emergency vehicle(fire truck) at this intersection. Better yet, all fireman test it. And videotape it to show council at a public council meeting.

Anonymous said...