“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, September 07, 2012

Plan Ahead and Provide Jobs and Summer Fun


Anonymous said...

What do you mean provide jobs, we still hire the same pool summer help as before Harl closed the pool the only thing now that they do is 3or4 kids ride around the park in one truck and watch one kid work, this must have been that change that Harl had planned and this blog suported.

Anonymous said...

We can't spend money on a splash pad which would benefit kids but we can spend and protect projects like pickle ball that benefit a select group of individuals (not children). Sad but true!!

Anonymous said...

Plan - a scheme for making, doing or arranging something. Too many the method of choosing what is important to establishing a well rounded community which interests all ages to live within it.
Within the concept of a plan one would put his priorities in order of possibilities, needs and wants and a thought of a time frame of accomplishment.
For example a mature decision maker would realize that Peru is not providing the young family and or older grandparents a water facility for summer recreation for their offspring. Wishes are for a swimming pool are several years away and a realistic goal of splash pad was not paid attention to this summer or has been considered by Peru's Administration for next summer.
In a city which the question is often "Why are our young moving away?" Peru is taking tennis courts and converting them into pickle ball courts in unwanted locations for its local version of the 60 years and older jet set. Recently our overly busy Mayor and budget director have become potential hard rock twins and are working on the idea of Peru becoming a concert center for tourists to enjoy themselves at.
I'll leave you to arrive at your own conclusion why our youth is not choosing Peru as their future location of adulthood.
But Mayor and budget man please slow down and start to think you are screwing up Peru really good!

Anonymous said...

Amen 3:57 Well said. People are getting sick and tired of special people getting special treatment. Sick and tired of "it's not what you know but who you know."

Anonymous said...

Do you the majority believe that it is time to show proof of it is not what a few want but it is what we want? From recent reports on attendance at council meetings it is appearing that way. This is the year in which political interest will peak. Fill the council chambers, attend committee meetings, voice your opinions, don't sit back and wait for others to provide your needs and wants it hasn't and isn't working. Become active and express yourselves.
Get some fire in your belly and take your 3x5 card fill it out and make copies and pass them around than take your 3 minutes of freedom of speech increase it into three hour, three weeks, three months, three times the next three months and if enough of us do this we can take a look back in three years and be proud of Peru. THAT'S A PLAN

Anonymous said...

3:57 In Peru we have a committee called the Park and Recreation Board which appears to have total control and power over our parks and our city council. This committee makes all the decisions regarding the activities, equipment, and maintenance of our parks. They receive $50,000 from your property taxes along with $25,000 from the cities general fund. This board should have been paying attention to the need for a splash pad for our children but instead they've concentrated their time, effort, and money establishing a pickleball facility. American Nickeloid donated $4000 for play ground equipment and to this day I'm not even sure the equipment has been purchased. Once again it appears that this board concentrates it's efforts more toward adult activities than for our children. This committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 in the city hall. So 3:57 if you are concerned or interested in this committee's activities please plan on attending.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:45 AM

We have been thinking about significant issues that could be presented on the 3 x 5 cards. Remember no questions as this is not a question and answer session. If you have a solution or comment under 3 minutes, it will fit in with their guidelines. We CAN work around this and make it work for us and not to the benefit of those who would prefer we shut up and go home.

Anonymous said...

Request Recreation Board consider donating $20,000 per year for five years of their funding to help finance new pool.

Anonymous said...

Recreation Board is NOT interested in funding a swimming pool, or volunteering at swimming pool fundraising events. They have already been asked and no one on that committee has helped.

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea 1:39. I along with many others in Peru would agree with you. Peru needs a pool, plain and simple. Those of us who grew up around here have to many fond memories of that pool to not want it for our children. Do we need a 5 million dollar pool? Hell no! Give us something so the kids can get wet and play. Is that so hard?

Peru Town Forum said...

3:36 PM

Most of the people who have been involved in the pool fund realize that a pool of even 3 million is down the road away.
But you can have a splashpad for about #100,000 or less and it would give children something.
When the pool discussion was paramount in the discussion in Peru, we were told by people who were closely involved with the swimming pool, that after age 12, the kids were not interested in being at the swimming pool. If you continue to insist upon a pool or nothing, you will have nothing for many years to come. Sometimes compromises have to be made.

Anonymous said...

Well, get petition going to present to recreation committee to donate $20,000 per year from their funding for five years to build splash pad. The money which has been collected in pool fund so far was for a pool, not for a splash pad.........and yes a pool may be quite a few years away, but that does not mean we should stop moving forward toward a pool.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:55 To obtain a $200,000 splash pad by having $20,000 a year placed aside it will take 10 years. Does this give you any idea how far away from having a multimillion dollar project, the swimming pool, Peru is?
If your wishes are for a form of water activity in Peru such as a splash pad It is evident that you are going to have to vote in people with different desires.
Presently the political chair holders have not shown any desire to facilitate the demolition of the older pool which has been closed for two years. What will the cost of this demolition cost?

Anonymous said...

Were you out to donate on Tag Day
to help raise money for the pool??
I did not see the motor mouths that run this blog!!!!
So put up or shut up! Get your facts straight!!

Anonymous said...

I heard the pool fund had over $300,000 already. Why not build a beautiful splash pad for the young kids? Older kids do not need a pool. In a group of 10 kids, you will probably find they have at least 3 pools amongst them. The way to go is to build a splash pad.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:23 AM

The proposal at this time is for Michelini to demolish the pool at no charge but the problem is that when the city went out for bids to carry away the debris, no one bid for that project. I was told privately that it was because Michelini was doing the job free, it would keep funds from being put into some type of union pension fund from the money being paid to the workers by the city. If that is incorrect, feel free to correct me.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:56 AM

To whom I donate and when I do is none of your business. Also where I go on any particular day is also none of your business.

Anonymous said...

Which Park Board, and CSO Members were out collecting for Tag Day? Doesn't the city ordinance place the pool funding, maintenance, etc. under the Park Boards authority? I think the pool is more of a priority to Peru than a 1,000.00 per minute Firework show. Since the CSO is such a great volunteer organization for Peru, I would imagine every store in Peru had volunteers collecting money.
I think if people are going to be standing on corners MOOCHING MONEY from people it should go to a cause such as PADS, or Food Pantry. Not to pay for a pool. The pool should be paid for by the city just like every other community does. Peru is become such a laughing stock of a town.

Sherry Mayszak said...

Currently the pool fund has approximately $100,000. We had a nice turn out for Tag Day. I got many comments from people who think it is a shame that Peru does not have a pool. I also got many comments from people who said they spent their summers at the pool and "we need to give that to today's kids". We are definitely looking into building a splash pad AS PART OF a new pool facility. Unfortunately the money has to come from donations and fundraisers because the present administration does not feel a swimming pool is worth the cost.

Sherry Mayszak said...

7:56 a.m. Were you at every location that we were collecting money yesterday to know for sure that Lois did not donate? Do you see all the research and information she puts on the blog about splash pads? Do not criticize unless you know for sure what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:56 AM Many who were not out to donate on Tag Day realize that the vast amount of funds needed for a swimming pool are so far away that a interim plan has to be implemented. Presently their plan would be to build a splash pad so that there is a form of water recreation for all to enjoy.
Their has been a deaf ear turned to those who donate their time to maintain this blog by the Mayor and other city officials in reference to the splash pad as well as many other ideas that a waiting period has been realized and it appears nothing is going to be done, even the demolition of the pool, until after the April election.Depending on the candidates for the next election and who you, me and everyone else votes for possibly something will be done.
I appreciate your vigor but I believe we must all stand together in our goals to achieve a better "Peru".
Anon 7:56 from your determination I take it that you have spent a lot of time supporting the pool but I wish you would please acknowledge those who maintain the blog, especially Lois, for the amount of time she has donated in the last three years to the blog and the only form of open end discussion that we have in Peru.
In reference to a pool, splash pad and all other ideas let us define our goals work together in prioritizing these goals, determine what are achievable goals and in a long range plan go after them together and kick BUTT.
But good! Anon 7:56 I hope you get that swimming pool and it is soon enough that I can still place a old fat man in it. Me. Keep working hard and good luck.

Anonymous said...

To:Friends for Peru Pool Vunteers
From Rodney Perez

Great Job!.. And Kudos for your commitment and dedication to our community. I wish I had the time to assist you with Tag Day but with my kids sporting events and the health of my father I could not commit.

Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

To Sherry Mayszak   11:19 AM September 09, 2012

‘we need to give that to today’s kids”   Where do you and your Public Property Committee and your Friends of the Peru Pool get your data?  You as an Alderman, you as committee member, you as friend of the pool have done absolutely NOTHING TO GATHER DATA proving how many children will use the pool and what to charge for admission for maintenance of the pool. You have done NOTHING TO SHOW if residents are willing to pay for the new pool. No data, no studies, no questionnaire to residents. Why should anyone donate, support, attend fund raisers until YOU DO A STUDY proving the need and desire to pay for it by residents.  Thank you to the Alderman who are not living in a financial fantasy land or a desire to “to give that to today’s kids”  with NO DATA to back up the residents willingness to pay for this pool? Did you ever consider that may be the reason for the lack of donations and enthusiasm for the project? 

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:04 When do you think Peru will get a pool? If Peru ever does get a pool and if it is as far out as I think I don't know how you can give a close estimate of admission and attendance.
The lack of donations and enthusiasm for projects today are the job market, the economy, climbing hospitalization and educational costs, taxes and insurances etc.
The general public has reached a financial point in which they just cannot afford much. Yes DATA helps but where are you going to get the money?
The failure today is that no one is learning the lessons of yesteryear's political outlook and are still failing to PLAN.
Maintenance is less costly than buying brand new, I do not think that the swimming pool could have been maintained any longer or better. Peru got everything out of it that she had to offer but as far as vehicles, buildings salaried personnel, equipment and on and on and on we are really being short changed. What will the total cost of employing forty some adults and students for summer help to cut and maintain grass all of this summer? Please don't blame the forty plus but give a thought to who determines decisions such as this in next years elections.

Sherry Mayszak said...

6:04. I was simply stating what people had told me as I was collecting donations for the pool fund. One man told me he thinks the opt-in option where you can donate on your monthly utility bill is an excellent idea and he can't wait for it to be implemented.

I understand what you are saying about surveys and gathering data. When this committee was first formed, I was stopped in the hallway of City Hall and asked to join a fundraising committee by the mayor's secretary. She said the request came from the mayor. I assumed that the mayor was in favor of a new pool and had done some research. I had heard that many people packed city hall to protest closing the pool. There was a new design for a new pool, and I thought everything was in place except the funding. I thought the mayor and all the aldermen were in favor of a new pool. I was told the aldermen voted 8-0 to keep the pool open and the mayor closed it any way.

I did not grow up in Peru so I never went to the pool as a kid. I have 3 kids who are all adults now and we had a swimming pool in our backyard when they were growing up, so they rarely used the city pool. I'm not sure why the pool is so important to me, but it just seems like the kids should have a place to go to have some fun and learn how to swim. As I have said before, the people in the 1930s provided something to Peru that was used for 80 years. I believe that now it's our turn to provide it for future generations.

There was a survey that went out about the pool after Mayor Harl was elected. At last week's council meeting, I asked to have a survey put in the utility bills to see if the public wants a swimming pool. There is a way to fund the swimming pool that wouldn't cost the taxpayers, it would be thru the Hotel/Motel Tax. We could take half of what the fund generates and use the other half for other projects. Sorry I've gone on too long, and I hope I didn't put you to sleep. Thanks for your comments. If you want to discuss it further, please give me a call at 815-488-0562.