“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Agenda for Council on September 5 A Chamlin Day

Topics from the agenda Sept. 5

PUBLIC WORKS Waldorf & Lukosus (Electric, Street & Alley, Water & Sewer) Motion to authorize Chamlin & Associates to prepare bid specifications for the final demolition of the Power House

PUBLIC PROPERTY COMMITTEE Ankiewicz & Mayszak (Recreation & Parks, Airport, Buildings & Grounds) Motion to approve Chamlin & Associates as airport engineering consultant REPORT

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Motion to re-open Venture Drive and 38th Street Intersection


Anonymous said...

Lois, what is that motion under unfinished business...to re-open Adventure Drive?

Peru Town Forum said...

I believe it is meant that the alderman wants to restore the original intersection until something that works can be designed. One that is truck and small vehicle friendly.

Linda said...

I totally agree with that decision. That intersection may have helped to eliminate problems on 251 but it has created a multitude of potential disasters at the intersection itself. Not only turn arounds but many running through the various stop signs. On top of that it has adversely affected prominent businesses. I think more time and thought needs to be implemented so a decision can be made that will benefit all involved. My opinion!

Anonymous said...

Peru is not truly turning the clock back to Day I 38th &Venture Drive. To cave in will drive up astronomical costs to the city. The only way now any changes would be engineered should be changes of improvement, not a complete start over.
If you don't realize that something should have been done long ago your time at this area must be very limited.
Forget this insane idea of a door to door straw ballot and continue down the path of improvement. The only accomplishment of door to door ballots is to stir up hornets nests and prove you can't satisfy everyone.
Continue on and have this area prepared for the holiday shopping season, under the old plan it never had been. Move forward not backward.

Anonymous said...

Linda, how much more time and thought do you feel needs to be implemented? Possibly another ten years of time and fifteen minutes of thought.
By the way are you the same Linda that is riding the Marquette Street bike path and performing the rain dance over the pickle ball courts?

Peru Town Forum said...

12:51 PM

And your alternative suggestion is.
You do realize traffic is diminishing at that intersection. People know what they want to do ahead of time and there is no longer the hesitation of where to turn around or where the U turn should take place.I was never caught in any traffic jam in that intersection before and many say the same thing.

Linda said...

12:59 That seems to be the way we do things lately (with very little thought to those it would affect the most). I don't understand your reference to the bike path but yet I do ride my bike daily. Rain dance over the pickle ball courts? Once again I don''t understand your logic but I do know that the noise is not in your back yard. I voiced my opinion as you voiced yours as every citizen is allowed. The difference -- I signed my name - did you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, my name anonymous.

Anonymous said...

By the way 2:59 where is the Marquette Street bike path?

Anonymous said...

I will, and have not been back to retailers in that area since they changed it. I shop Menards , Wendy"s and when I crave tacos I go to Fajitas in LaSalle. I drive 251 daily and every time I pass by I see someone doing some sort of u turn.

Anonymous said...

I want to focus on one part of your reply.

"if you don't realize that something should have been done long ago your time in this area must be very limited"

That is anecdotal traffic study talk. In the real world you document things like accidents, automated car counts over a sample of many days, vary light timings before you do something so drastic. The best way to do it right IS to change it back and measure exactly what the problems were and are.. Not from your perspective or my perspective or a drinking buddy down at the lodge. But from actual fact.

Then you can actually report on what the problems are and decide on what options are available. Tinkering around just because the city makes one bad design because you want to save some sunken costs is what is ridiculous. I am sorry the problem was not identified and documented properly first, but that does not mean it is not correct to do just that now. You could phase in light timings, left turn bans, and get some real world data before you finally end up reconstruction the whole thing and buying some traffic lights or sealing the south side.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:39 PM
My one and only question to the Mayor at the Public Works mtg, regarding the intersection was "Did you find out the number of accidents at this intersection before you made the change? Now I want to know the number of accidents, type of accident, time of day and date of the month.
BTW his answer was NO.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:39 How many piles of historical data do you need? The intersection was the same for how many years and now you want to put back to the same to collect historical data. If your so interested why didn't you collect this data previously so that you could make a comparison. The problem with the 38th st. intersection is that it is starting to appear that some of the citizens of Peru will bitch about everything and anything reason or not. Come on people add to not take away and open your eyes you might just see progress happening.

Anonymous said...

It is time that we all stop spending our money in Peru. It is obvious that they - the governement of Peru - are out to get our money. We should not give it to them any more. I for one, no longer shop in Peru. Because of the information in this blog, I decided a long time ago that Peru is not worth it any more. All they care about is palying games and taking all the money from the other cities. They need to give at least half of the sales tax to LaSalle and Oglesby. For Gods sake.... if you live in Oglesby and there is a snow storm, you can't buy food. That is because Peru stole all the gorcery stores. Peru ows people in Oglesby a grocery store. In fact... Peru ows all the towns lots of money and they should give it to them. Peru is nothing but a bunch of theives making us give them all the tax money when all they have to do is tell the businesses enough is engouh, you should put your store in LaSalle or Oglesby, because they need tax money too.

Anonymous said...

I did not know it was the citizens responsibility to organize groups and hire engineers to do standard traffic studies at problem intersections? Theynkinda have to now because the city went and changed it. As for how many studies of a problem intersection I personally need, I would say one. Just one.

I believe her point was, there never was any study done, by Chamlin, IDOT, or anyone competent. It seems like the city eyeballed it, said Chamlin come up with a better intersection cheaply, and they implemented it without business input.
I am not a citizen who complains about everything, but I do want to see just a little bit of data before someone puts my job on the line.

Anonymous said...

What's all the Riff about? The agenda has on it to open up that area. I drive through there everyday, I have seen a real decrease of the problem of traffic backing up to 251. However, the city moved that problem from traffic backing up to 251 and moved it to Venture Dr. and the Hobby Lobby parking lots. From all I have read and heard, this has created a burden on local businesses, and crazy driving tactics.
I give the city credit for realizing they made a mistake and will be changing things back until a better plan is made. I work nights and can not make Mondays meeting and hope this is recorded so I can watch later.

Anonymous said...

9:42 It may be on the agenda, but the aldermen must vote on this item. I hope the votes are there to make the change, but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

9:42 Just because it's on the agenda does not mean it will be passed.
As a matter of fact I will be surprised if it does.

Anonymous said...

you are right. Peru should give LaSalle and Oglesby part of the sales tax money. It is LaSalle and Oglesby people that spend money in Peru. We have to be fair. So Peru should help pay for new streets in Oglesby. Not just Peru. One city should not get more just becasue they have all the stores. The money should be given to the less fortuante towns. Or maybe the state should put a tax on rich cities so that poor cities can get part of their money.

Anonymous said...

1134. What?! That doesn't make any sense. The "less fortunate" towns should be doing something to encourage growth in their communities. That's like taking away half of some kids Lego set they built to give to another kid who is too lazy to open the box

Anonymous said...

Im just learning to use this Interweb Box but the answer to this question is obvious to me. Govment is sposed to create jobs. Thats why we put them in. Paint and sines don't make jobs. Hireing peoples makes jobes. What Peru needs to do is hire some people - 15 or 20 traffic cops to direct the traffic at the problem arease. A cop only makes about $50,000 so Peru has plenty of money for that. They could even let them join the union just so it is on the up and up. That way, the government does its job of creating jobes and the traffic gets directed at the same time. I bet the big box stores would love to have a cop close at hand... maybe we could have them pay just becasuse they have all the money anyway.

Anonymous said...

A new version of a old argument. For years this same philosophy has been pushed for school tax distribution. Some wanting school taxes to be divided equally to all schools in the state. This is the land of opportunity as is evidenced by Peru having a much greater sales tax than LaSalle and Oglesby - create and make yours. I don't remember LaSalle sending any donations to Peru years ago and I don't remember Peru asking for any. Get off you bottom and go out and work for it. A good example is some of the areas that flooded in Iowa and three months later they were rebuilding in Louisiana the floods were seven years ago and many are still looking for a government hand out. Come on people there is no free lunch in America.

Anonymous said...

So were taking bids to finish demo of the power plant? Will the attorney do his job this time instead of just telling the alderman what they want to hear. I understand Taylor has no idea or education of what needs to be done but did the attorney get his degree from jonesville college of law or what?
Both are bafoons !

Anonymous said...

To the person who suggested that Peru should give some sales tax money to neighboring cities, let me pose a question. Does Chicago give money back to the suburbs? Does Schaumberg give money from their Mall to others? If you don't like to have to shop in Peru, then build a store in your community. As far as Oglesby not having a grocery store, whose fault is it? Just take a look at Granville. They wanted a grocery store and they built it.

Anonymous said...

That area north of the mall is a joke!! We live in Tonica and went to JC Penny yesterday afternoon, when we came out we planned to go to Jalapenos. When we got to the end of the parking lot we realized we couldn't cross over and could only turn right. I was trying to get into the center lane to go across and turn around at Big Lots but stupid drivers wouldn't let us over so the car behind me honked and I was forced to continue south. I read these blogs and knew of the talk on the intersection but had no clue until yesterday how big of a mess it was. We settled for lunch at Delaney's in Oglesby. What a Joke Peru!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You just don't git it. The constitution guarantees that everybody is equil. That means cities also. So the businesses MUST BE MOVED TO OGLESBY - THAT IS THE ABSOLUTE LAW GUARANTEED BY THE CONSITITUION!Peru should not be hoggin all the stores. Rich people need to take care of poor people - THAT IS THE LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION! I want my stores in Oglesby and I want more money - Time for the rich people of peru to antie up!

Anonymous said...

Just returned from DQ....what a mess. Cars turning around everywhere. Sat in Hobby Lobby parking lot for 20 minutes and observed at least 2 out of every 3 cars did an illegal turn . It is comical.

Justin Loger said...

Anon 7:32: What?!? Peru isn't "hogging" all the businesses. Those businesses willingly decided to place their business in Peru, nobody held a gun to their head. If Oglesby isn't experiencing the same growth then they must not be producing favorable economic conditions. What you said doesn't make very much sense. Why would the businesses of Peru need to move to Oglesby? Why not the businesses of Ottawa? Or LaSalle? If you want more stores/money in Oglesby then start them yourself, or convince others to do so, but no where in the law or the constitution does it say that businesses NEED to be moved to Oglesby or anywhere else, the owners of the businesses make that decision

Anonymous said...

2:21 I believe creating equal opportunity for all students regardless of where they live is a bit different than this sales tax argument. Using property taxes to fund Local education has perpetuated a class struggle in this state for many years, and it is tearing us apart.

This argument, the sharing of retail sales tax with the home towns of the shoppers is less rational. The city that creates the infrastructure should reap the benefits of visitors shopping their stores. In future and growing virtual markets on the internet, the web sales taxes will be distributed back to the shopper's physical local in many models proposed by congress. After the federal government takes it's cut, of course.

Anonymous said...

The rich people don't need money. They should be forced to give the poor people some of their money. Even those people getting free social secuity money should be forced to give some of it to the poor people. Maybe 30 to 40 percent thats not much to make sure everybody has money. Afterall they are not even working and they get free money from Obama. The constitution says everybody is equil. That includes money. So the millionares need to have their money taken away. Maybe the same 30 or 40 percent maybe even 60 or 70 just because they have so much. This will boost the poor people up a little. Same with cities. No city should have better streets than another city - they need to share and make shure everybody is the same. Peru and the people living in Peru are just greedy.

Anonymous said...

The north end of Peru definitely needed a engineering change in its infrastructure. As this change is being implemented it has not been made any easier by continuous complaining. Constructive criticism is needed but not complaining for the sake of complaining.
When nothing was being done there were complaints, possibly from the same sources of this condition also.
Significant money may have to be spent to maintain the retail sales tax structure but that is business and in this case intelligent business. Does it appear that part of the parking lot of the old Walmart building will have to be purchased to widen the road.
Remember the one competitor not yet mentioned is the internet and its increasing sales of which I do not believe Peru gets any sales tax revenue from.
LaSalle and Oglesby: You are sitting on Interstates 39 and 80, prime retail, commercial and industrial property, whats your problem? Follow that rainbow to discover your pot of gold!!!!!!!
Once again - What keeps the Illinois Valley from taking steps towards one government with possibly Spring Valley being added in? The bigger the dog the more people listen.

Anonymous said...

Its simple. Just check drivers license when people shop in Peru. If they are rich people from Peru make them pay extra. Send that money to Oglesby. To make things fair, peru needs to pass a law telling Target and Home Depot that they are no longer welcome in Peru and that the NEED TO LEAVE AND GO TO OGLESBY AT ONCE! Afterall they cant stay if peru tells them to go that is the law and Peru needs to share. Peru is just a buch of money grubbers.

Anonymous said...

Talk about extremism. Keep the thoughts rational, PLEASE! Did Seneca or has Seneca ever shared its tax revenue with the rest of LaSalle County from the nuc plant - you are in immediate danger from this plant as much as Seneca? Has Braidwood or any other area in association with a nuclear plant shared it revenue from these plants?
If you want to discuss taxes hit a area that could be changed such as the payment of property taxes which could be divided into quarterly payments or bi-monthly or monthly so they would be less a hardship on the property taxpayer?
Politicians say it cannot be done but California has done it to a success. If you want revision and change make it a workable change not a nightmare.
It may be a time period which America should reacquire what it was rather than accepting false promises from politicians to what we can be. Representation of the middle class is needed to maintain our country and the majority of individuals comprising it and their lifestyle. HAVE A HAPPY LABOR DAY AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Anonymous said...

Why should a bad change be made easier by not complaining? When is complaining legitimate and when does it become complaining just to complain? It is great that we have people like you to determine how much others should be upset about something.

The people who implemented this still hold to the belief that everything would be so much better if bloggers stopped talking about it. A blog can kindle a fire, but it fades away quickly if their is no substance to the issue. Like Pickleball, and all the other irritating issues that keep cropping up, the city officials need to start seeing it is their lack of reason, communication, and protecting the interests of of all the people that creates the complaining, not the other way around.

Lois might want share the hits data on these various topics if she has access, so people can see just how interested people are, or not interested, as the case may be. I assure those businesses did not start this, but they will end up finishing it, just like the park residents will have to do it eventually with pickleball.

Anonymous said...

Wow lois I thought you would let more intelligent comments on this blog

Anonymous said...

well its 9/2012 wonder what the city fathers can screw up this month ? god only knows . right !

Anonymous said...

All of these irrational comments are from Harl or one of his cohorts trying to distract us all from his stupid ideas!

Anonymous said...

You make perfect sense 11:05, but the council, mayor, rec commission, public property, safety, public works etc. etc. etc. absolutely will not listen or admit they there is a problem stemming from their decision. They will not listen to the residents once they have made up their minds, even if the business owners, park residents bring the complaints to them, which is very evident in the Adventure Drive and pickle ball fiasco.

Anonymous said...

2:03 You hit the nail on the head. The majority of the personnel and committees you listed will not listen to outsiders and would rather argue, discuss, debate issues over and over rather than seek solutions that will benefit all (not just the elite).

Anonymous said...

The blog is becoming 2d,3d 4h generation complainers. Maybe the 5th and future generation will be one in which its main goal will be to be positive and move the city forward.
To those who question what a complainer is, it is someone who only wants to state negativity and what is wrong with everything that is done but will never carry out the known factors to get positive results when they know or have been informed of these factors.
Peru, good luck , but I can't wait around for you to grow up and I am packing my bags and moving on to start my future. There is no evidence of success in this area for a young person. Possibly Peru will be in my future 40 years from now but I doubt if before. Presently Peru is not even making a good retirement community.

Anonymous said...

I live in Peru. I have Family living in Oglesby, they sure as hell have more money than I will ever have. Do you think because they have more, that I expect any of it. NO NO NO! /Whomever made that statement from Oglesby is plain STUPID.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:18 PM

I am a bit confused about your post. First it seems that you are unhappy with several generation of Peru residents complaining (many with good reason)
And then you say that nothing is getting done and you are right about that. The only thing that is getting done is what the Mayor wants and what a few aldermen ask for.
What are the factors you are referring to? The people are pretty powerless on the whole, although there are some who seem to get what they want even if it is detrimental to many. It seems you are directing your frustration in the wrong direction. It should be to those in positions to actually do something, those that make the ordinances and regulations. I believe we need people with visioon in office and particularly the Mayor office.

Anonymous said...

Lois are you saying the current administration does not have a vision?

Peru Town Forum said...

4:56 PM

I am saying that.

Anonymous said...

Are there any interested mayoral candidates?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you have heard of the term irony. It seems that you are complaining- about complaining. You want them to be positive and take action. in what way should they take action? Be still, not say anything, be positive and? And? Sell cookies for the kids? These issues are not minor and they need to be brought ought. Sure some people just rant about them, but there are many logical arguments on this blog, some good suggestions too.
In short, what the he'll exactly are YOU complaining about, besides people complaining?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it evident that that is all that these people do -complain - they never finish the job. Once you have complained or stated your grievance and nothing is done to justify it go further take it to another level. Appear in person, have your complaint recorded, publish your complaint, call into the radio station talk shows, write to the open forum, get professional help, correspond to the states attorney by certified mail, correspond to the attorney general by certified mail, appear at open meetings and public forums and vocally state your complaint, explore all avenues in which you can make people aware of the injustice you are receiving, attend speeches and debates of public officials who are running for office and ask why they in particular have allowed the situations which you are grieving on their watch. If you need more ideas please submit comments asking for them. "Don't be the tail waggin the dog, be the dog waggin the tail". Remember you will never be more acknowledged or stronger than in a election year.

Anonymous said...

To complain and not advance any further is the reason Peru is in the position it is in today. Complain with the sole purpose of things getting better. If they do not improve proceed to a higher level.
Research and proceed until you reach the level at which it is impossible for those unwilling to recognize you and your reasoning.
How do the majority of politicians get elected to office? They inform and misinform enough of the voting public to obtain the majority of the votes cast.

ak said...

If this intersection is hurting Dairy Queen's business, why isn't it hurting Steak n Shake's business? Both businesses use the same intersection, yet the last two times I've been at Steak n Shake I've had to wait for a table because they were so busy. I admit, the first time I went through this intersection, I was a bit confused, but now I know where to go. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out. I'm not sure how any business can compare figures with the past few years. Peru alone, has lost 150 jobs to store closures. Mendota has closed RR Donnelly and JC Whitney is laying 60 people off. Money is very tight in this area and people can't afford the luxury of ice cream at Dairy Queen when they can buy a half gallon for $5 at the store. I know I can't afford to go there as often as I use to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there anyone who believes that the original 38th & Venture Drive is the best plan and should have stayed as was?
Obviously there are many who believe that the revised 38th st. & Venture Intersection is not a efficient solution.
Personally I believe that the correct solution can & will be reached but that it will take time and will take money.
With continuous concentration I anticipate better results from increased familiarity alone and trial and error.
I don't think Peru is far away from the best solution possible and that the failure of the citizenship and business mangers to accept the current plans have caused a unsettling environment.
The road may have to be widened to enhance traffic flow which is wanted. Possibly by the Christmas sales season everyone will make the best out of the engineers plans and after the holidays Peru will be closer to a finalized solution. To be quite frank this is one of those honey-do jobs which has become another building of the Empire State Building in the City of Peru.
At present consider it a "work in progress". As for businesses which complain of not achieving their anticipated sales goals were all on the same road no one that I know is reaching corporate sales goals.

Anonymous said...

1:59 I believe the original one was better than this one, and no one has offered any WRITTEN TRAFFIC study of what problems there actually were before. There continue to be stubborn individuals that refuse to accept that businesses can measure when a drop occurs and keep blaming it on general factors saying that everybody is hurting.
If I hear one more person saying that the businesses and people who are complaining are making it not succeed, I think I will explode. Trial and error are for my kids Legos, not causing businesses to lose thousands of dollars. I don't expect brilliance on a blog, but stubborn lack of logic continues to amaze me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peru needs to tell Dairy Queen to move to Oglesby NOW! Peru has all the fast food places also. It is the law that everyone is equil. So Oglesby should get Dairy Queen. Just make them move because they don't have a choice. If they don't want to move then just SHUT THEM DOWN BECAUSE IT IS UNFAIR!

Anonymous said...

Everybody in Oglesby needs to right a letter to the councils and maynor to tell them we want the Peru Dairy Queen. We can go over there and make them move in one day. We gots plenty of pickups in Oglesby. All we have to do is tell them to because it makes sense and that is the law. Just make them do it. If they don't, we will just shut them down. Call the cops and put em in jail because it is the law if we tell them it is.

Anonymous said...

6:54 You crack me up!

Anonymous said...

How many businesses have not achieved their sales forecast in the last number of years? your right you don't know. But you do know that there has been a lot of them. Why? Because it is not a measured science and is not always accurate. This is true for individual corporations as well as national figures. By the time the holiday shopping season starts and once it is in full swing the general public will like the new traffic flow and be in praise of it. If businesses and developers want they can come forward and if their infrastructure plans are approved by the ruling government they can install them and pay for them also. Why should the employee making $8/hour pay taxes for the store owner who makes billions in gross sales. There if you want injustice you just heard it ,now its up to you to explain why you think its right. Maybe if the big box store was not filled with Chinese products instead of MADE IN America goods and there were American manufacturing jobs people would sympathize with national chains. But the general feeling is that these stores have put the American worker in the position he is in today by importing and he does not have enough left over to be concerned for them. They have forced him to only consider himself because of low wages and no benefits.
Time to wake up to the fact tat in relation to forecasts it is the corporations pencil and paper making the forecast and they can manipulate the figures to what they want. If they want it to be bias they can and if they want it to be accurate they can also. Oh sorry I forgot they'd never do that its dishonest. Big business is much too honest. Has it been too long ago for you to remember the CEO's of the auto industry flying in their private planes to D.C. to obtain loans for their mismanaged corporations and what happened to their accurate sales forecasts? Oh come on now you really don't believe 38th st. and Venture intersection caused the failure of General Motors.

Anonymous said...

Whats unfair about DQ? Do their cones melt faster in hot weather their competitions? Lets pray that Peru doesn't become like Oglesby the town without a grocery store. When they had the cement industry they cried about having cement dust and all the cars were white because of being covered with cement dust. Now that they don't have the industry they are crying because they don't have the cement mill jobs. Hey the dust came with the jobs.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually appreciate shouty caps, but THANK YOU 6:30 for a return to logic. We need additional points of entry to reduce congestion, not fewer options.
The manner in which this change was executed and the apparent disinterest (of Peru's leadership) in the concerns expressed by the private and business sectors is very disheartening. Thank you to the four or five councilmen who have actively listened to our concerns despite ridicule and especially to Aldermen Perez and Alderwoman Mayszak for your persistence in making our voices heard.

Anonymous said...

8:20. Can you explain why you want Peru Dairy Queen and not your own dairy queen? What you say has no logic, makes no sense, and with the amount of misspelled words it makes you impossible to be taken seriously. What you are saying is NOT the law and is NOT in the constitution. PEOPLE are created equal when it comes to life and liberty, but this is still a free market system. Come back when you study economics 101 and learn how to spell because you are difficult to understand

Anonymous said...

8:57--- I was at DQ to sign the petition. Those businesses are referring to the loss of ticket sales since that change occurred. So your theory is out the window. Nice try trying to blame the economy but I think the economys been bad for several years, not several weeks. The manager told me sales were up for not just DQ, but others up there too before the city screwed it up for them. So Yes! I can say " the Peru City Mayor and Council has hurt Peru's economy.

Anonymous said...

sorry I cant spell good. There are only so many peoples in LaSalle Peru and Oglesby. So the stores need to be shared. The store owners have all the money so they don't count and don't get a choice. If the people say so they need to move to other towns. All you have to do is say git up to Oglesby or git put in jail or shut down. Since they got all the money they also need to lower prices and hire a bunch more people and pay them more. Should be paying 15 or 20 dollars per hour at these stores. They need to quit hoggin all the money and hire a bunch more peoples.

Anonymous said...

8:57 Your rant is pretty incoherent, but measuring sales is a science and I do not believe anyone said the intersection is causing the recession. You can easily measure based on the time period before the change and also compare to other stores in the same chain in the Midwest to eliminate all the random variables. You can then state with a high degree of accuracy what the change has done to your business.
And that is exactly what the businesses are doing. You will always have people like you saying otherwise. Luckily judges consider facts and understand stats when they are simple.

Anonymous said...

625. Its painfully obvious that you haven't got a clue about economics or capitalism. Go to Communist china, you will be welcomed there

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:54 You do mean China the country with a capital C don't you?

Anonymous said...

To all self appointed sales analysts would you expand your knowledge of retail sales to the extreme and realize that the months of August and September are the two lowest of the year (most disposable income directed to going back to school and property taxes). Thank you Mayor Harl for implementing the engineering change at the start of August when it would have the least effect on store sales. Maybe some business mangers should research their historical data before their next corporate meeting.

Anonymous said...

Can't expect anything but dumb "more money per hour" and "higher wages" talk from this union area. Wake up and admit you ran all the business out because of this. The companies that were paying great ended up moving out of here and some across the pond because of "Union Hogs" who keep telling people they have to go on strike for more --- as a result you see what has happened to the jobs here. If these big mouths had to run their own business and pay all expenses out of their pocket I would wager that they would not last 2 years. These clowns are the same ones who shout "Union Yes", "Made in America" but when they have to hire someone,they go to the cheapest source possible because they don't want to pay union wages.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that you are attempting to adopt a hick dialect in order to discredit the education and integrity of the bloggers who regularly post to Lois' site. Your comments are ridiculous! My guess is that you are indeed a Peru official who feels threatened by the content of this blogspot. If so, good!

Anonymous said...

1:20 I also wondered why more people don't see that it is a fake stupid blogger trying to hijack and mock the blog. If it is a Peru official that form of communicating might come naturally.

Anonymous said...

I am very confused at how Chamlin is chosen on so many city projects without bidding any of this engineering work out.
If anything, it would be a check to see how bad he might be over charging the city.
Once again, until there is a professional city manager running this city as a business it will just get by with decisions made by people like Ankiewicz who doesn't understand an engineering report from from a donut recipe.

I wonder what Chamlin has over these people to not only be the City's engineer, but for his company to pick up all this work. Conflict of interest...where is the city attorney on this...collecting his paycheck while not paying attention.

A well paid, qualified city manager could pay for themself many times over as he or she could do many of these "consultant" things that cart blanch Chamlin is doing. He's laughing his way to the bank.

Anonymous said...


As Mayor of Peru, I promise to:

Consider new and innovative ways to do business & save tax dollars while improving our city
Address the practice of ‘No Bid’ Contracts
Improve all aspects of our infrastructure “Rebuild Peru”
Support & work to increase industrial, retail and residential growth in Peru
Encourage citizen involvement in the political process, I will listen to the voice of the people
Explore the possibility of developing the river front area
Work to repair our roads and side walks, as they are crucial to the quality and beautification of the city
Continue the progress and growth of our city to keep our economy strong
Champion Peru’s participation & cooperation with the Illinois Valley Area
Chamber of Commerce and the North Central Illinois Council of Governments
Work with the Illinois Council of Governments in order to promote the most appropriate type of growth and development for our city

Peru Town Forum said...

11:13 PM

thank you

Anonymous said...

CHAMLIN, someone else HARLwas going to get rid of when elected!

Anonymous said...

12:40 I cannot understand why you people criticizing the sales data always assume that the business compares the sales to the last few weeks before a change. They compare it to similar prior year months and more importantly comparison with others in the chain. If you would actually allow us to SHOW the data, then maybe you self appointed retail sales analyst CRITICS could formulate some logical reason for the sales drop. Don't assume that the businesses want confrontation, it is the city council that longs for it. The businesses were blindsided by this change and , much like the residents near the pickleball Pavillion, simply wanted some fair discussion and representation prior to the city inflicting harm. Compromise is not something the Harl administration considers a hallmark. He considers it weakness, us and against them, union against scabs, old guard against new. He is a high school senior class president running a city. He has to go before these decisions end up harming thousands.

Anonymous said...

8:06 Do you believe he was a high school class president? I got some land in the Pacific ocean for sale. You buy that?

Anonymous said...

12:57 I was saying he runs it like a high school class president. Not that he actually was a high school class president. I don't think he would have won a presidency among peers back then. Sorry for the confusion.