“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Does Peru Have the Money to Maintain its Playgrounds

It was pointed out to me that on one of the pieces of playground equipment a twig had been placed into the hole that formerly held a bolt. It will work very short term but I hope it does not break when a child is stepping on the platform above. The blue whirly equipment is coming apart at the bottom.

But you can see the the pickleball court formerly a tennis court is empty much of the time and it just had a fence cover placed over the top edge. Why it this court getting more attention that the broken playground equipment?

Darn it, who is taking care of our playground equipment?


Anonymous said...

Is this how the Park Board maintains the equipment our children are supposed to play on? Broken, fixed using a twig, disgustingly in need of painting? Why is there a plastic protective covering around the pickleball court? Who paid for that (including the installation) and has it been added to all the other courts?

Anonymous said...

Protective covering will minimize the effect that wind has on the pickleball games. Its a good idea and great for the players. It should also reduce the sound from the court.

Anonymous said...

Thats not a twig. It looks like a finger. Oh My. How much does paint cost? Take it out of the pool fund. Was this pointed out to your Mayor or Council person?

Anonymous said...

Sound is still way over allowable limit on adjacent property, as of last week.

Anonymous said...

Wait till the kids are old enough to drink or join the union, then they will give a crap about them.

Anonymous said...

12:10 Are you serious? That is the dumbest answer I have ever heard. Since you seem to know as much who paid for it and the cost of the installation.

Anonymous said...

Gee Whiz 12:32 are you saying we have dumb people and dumb explanations on the site? I think the neighbors paid for the protective covering. Many want to play after dark and get tired of jumping a rusty fence post after dark. I heard the neighbors may get a petition to expand more courts in the 28th street park. There is alot of open space and with the interest in the neighborhood it looks like a ideal spot for more courts. I think they should build some restrooms near the courts. I know the neighbors don't like me using the backyard fences for privacy. I also could use some refreshments while playing. It would be nice if some one would let me take a few refreshents out of their garage coolers. I would be happy to store my own stuff or set up a tab. If were going to make this big we have to look at expansion, maybe buy a home close by the courts. Or even build a closed in weather proof shelter for equipement rental, concession sales and bike rentals. Good place for a bike trail and maybe a great place for a splash pad or pool. Lots of off street parking available. I hope the recreation disrict will listen to all the good ideas.

Anonymous said...

Yes 1:19 apparently we do have mentally challenged individuals on this blog because 12:10's response is definitely dumb.

Anonymous said...

LOL LOL...that protective covering has no sound effect whatsoever!! I can't believe that was posted!!

I had to take a bolt over to that park one day and fix one of the green swinging steps myself so my daughter wouldn't fall!!

Kids are definitely not the priority in this town...drinking, parties at the airport, and a God-like complex for our politicians are the way in this town.

Anonymous said...

Rec. fund gets money given to them.
How dare you say take it out of the POOL fund. Bite me!!!!

Anonymous said...

The top of the fence is covered with a protective proton fused plastic cover that deflects all sound. The cover is very expensive and utilized by NASA protected classified division of aeronautics. You won't get any answers from the Park Board, this is classified information.

Anonymous said...

Lois asked: Darn it, who is taking care of our playground equipment?
We know you know the answer but I will gladly inform your readers. Contact Alderwomen Sherry Mayszak, a member of the Public Property Committee. Ask her why she can’t contact Gary Bleck and get the playground equipment fixed and maintained. Ask all your maintenance questions and the Alderman can explain to you who is responsible. That way you won’t be blaming other city committees, other Alderman, the Mayor, the City Clerk or the Police Chief. I bet the court at 28th park received the fence protector because the request went thru the proper committee or department head. Why can’t some of you try making a direct request instead of asking each other silly questions on this site. Go do something about your complaints with the Public Property committee. Alderman can make requests that other boards cannot and hold employees of the City accountable. See you at the meeting, or will you just keep complaining?

Anonymous said...

You must be kidding in asking if the condition of the recreation and playground equipment has been pointed out to the Mayor and city representation. This has been a main topic of this blog for over three years and often brought up at council meetings public comment.
Everything besides physical harm has been used to make those who are supposed to make sure the children's playground equipment is safe.
Pictures of this equipment have been published on this blog at least three to four times per year by Lois. Of course Lois is in a volunteer position for the betterment of Peru so she along with many others is referred to as someone undesirable. Those who are paid in the 90's and haven't done lickedy split besides cutely smile at one another, make excuses and pat the mayor on the back along with the mayor are the ones to hold responsible for work not done. When it comes to the safety of children they must be forced to answer for their inadequacies. When safety is your responsibility you must be proactive not reactive nothing replaces the safety of the citizen.
Why doesn't this administration realize that no one is in favor of them looking for more but everyone is in favor of them to start taking care of what we have. Hopefully there is only a short time frame for us to worry about their shortcomings they surely haven't been worried about them or us. Will April ever be a good riddance.

Peru Town Forum said...

If issues have to be reported by the residents of Peru, then nobody is taking care of the parks. You may not be aware but early in the summer, I posted some of the same pictures of equipment with problems, but the twig is new.
What was done about the slide and other issues at that park. I will tell you. Nothing but the pickleball court sure as H___ got taken care of quickly and well.
I also believe when you accept the position of alderman of your ward, you also accept some responsibility. It isn't like all the parks are in one ward, they are pretty evenly scattered about the city. I live in the first and that is the issues that are brought to me. I don't have anybody from the 2nd, 3rd or 4th ward writing about problems. Early on there was an issue with Nickeloid Park that was resolved. Could the aldermen possibly walk through the park and check things out several times during the warm summer months. In the first, I would tell Ald. Ferrari to check out McKinley and Ald. Radtke the 28th Street park and maybe each of them could talk to anybody in the park or seen nearby for problems. Why? It seems we have more problems now than we had when aldermen were more visible in their wards.

Linda said...

I thought the parks and the equipment within were the responsibility of the Peru Park and Rec Board? That's the description of their duties as expressed in our park and rec board ordinance. They're the ones responsible for eliminating a much used tennis court and converting it into a pickle ball court without consulting or surveying anyone in the neighborhood. I don't think neither our lst ward aldermen or our park and rec board has taken the necessary steps to maintain our parks for the safety of our children and grandchildren. The pictures posted above are proof of this!!!

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that most citizens of Peru mind taking time to check playground equipment and its maintenance. They also do not mind reporting any safety factors to the proper sources for repairs.
It is when the repairs are not made within a reasonable amount of time that they become upset.
At one time this country had a hard hitting President name of Harry Truman who said "The Buck Stops Here". Mr. Mayor walk thru the city parks because in Peru you are where the buck stops. If the job is not getting done it is up to you to redistribute expenditures of wages, vehicles, equipment, amount of contributions to concerts etc. to get it done. It is your responsibility to hire the proper people to get the job done. Possibly this buck stopping is a close relative of "CHANGE".

Anonymous said...

The pickle ball court has gotten more attention than broken playground equipment because the maturity level of those using the playground equipment is higher than the pickle ball gang and they are much more adaptable than a group which will never grow up. Everyone by now knows them and that they have to have their own way. Sad to say a group of aldermen and city administrators gave it to them. Great representation! Bets are on that people are going to be a lot more careful with their vote this time than they were last time!

Anonymous said...

LOL after hearing neighbors of peru park on 28 street asking how much cost and labor to install 30 feet of drainage tile on top of a fence at a court in the park.  check out all our baseball fields. all fences are covered. It took you more time to take and put the picture here than it takes to put the tile on the fence. you all must be retired and have nothing else to do. give up being fence policemen.

Anonymous said...

I've been informed that the Peru Recreation Commission had a meeting at 6:30 last night? What date was this meeting published to the general public in the local newspaper? Went thru the city website yesterday but did not see any committee meetings agenda published. Best I could find was that the Peru Rec Board website was having a problem. If there is not a publication why was the meeting allowed to be conducted? How many new pickle ball courts were budgeted for in 2013 last night?

Anonymous said...

The meeting should have been posted at city hall, and on the web site.

Anonymous said...

8:57 Once again ignorance has made an appearance. The drainage tile was put on the baseball diamonds for safety reasons so our children would not get hurt chasing fly balls. The tile that was added to the pickleball court may also be claimed to be added for safety reasons but why wasn't it put there while that court hosted tennis? While a tennis court both young and old participated in the game and could have been injured just as easily as the pickleball players. And, you're wrong about the amount of time take to complete both tasks you've mentioned above. I think you'd be surprised at how long it took to install the tile and how much it cost the city. And, did you know that the president of the rec board was not even aware it was done. I wonder who initiated the project and with whose approval???

Anonymous said...

The yellow tile is installed at he top of fence bar to enable participants to see it visually and so no one runs into the top bar. I have seen a young man run into the top bar knocking his front teeth out and other teeth all the way through his lip chasing a fly ball.
This is a very inexpensive safety precaution and is highly recommended. When it comes to safety please forget likes and dislikes and just keep safety in mind. As for it not being installed on the tennis court it was most likely overlooked and no one ever asked for it. This advise is coming from a retiree who wishes he had knowledge of yellow drainage tile years ago it would have saved a young man a lot of surgery and pain.

Anonymous said...

The meeting was not posted on the Recreation Commission agenda website as this section was closed down for some unknown reason. The website was posted as being unattainable at this time. Did this meeting still go on? Transparency, Change, B.S.!

Anonymous said...

Yes 12:07 the meeting went on. ll:58 I totally agree with you that the yellow tile in a safety issue. Doesn't it just seem a little strange that for 15 years of tennis nobody on the rec board felt safety was an issue on this court. Yet, only several months into adults playing pickleball it becomes an issue? Do you think it could have something to do with who the ambassador is and who from the rec board had the tile installed?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:07 A lesson that all have been told is to never trust a politician. Therefore the best way to manage the situation seems to be to segregate them all in one lock down area, let them feed off of one another until only one is left and than let him/her starve to death.

Anonymous said...

8:57 a.m. I think the 28th St. Park neighbors point was if the city can take the time and materials to place protective covering for the pickleball court, why can't they take the time to fix the obvious safety concerns on the playground equipment. Do they only care about the pickleball players and not the young children who could so easily be hurt on the damaged equipment???

Anonymous said...

I attended the meeting and we were told by a member of the board that human skin and blood was being left on the fence so she felt it necessary to add the tile.

Anonymous said...

Contact the Super? Are you making a funny?

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU ALL ON THIS website for your surveillance of that park and the watchful eye on any and all improvements. I heard there will be a bolt replaced next week after a cost analysis is done and okayed by this blog. there is even talk of grease being applied to the swing sets but the blog needs to sign off on environmental study first. we all look forward to pictures next week with the blog members at the bolt tightening ceremony. personally I can not wait for some paint to be applied to a slide so you all can sit around on your lawn chairs to watch it dry. You people are great. keep up the good work. always remember to stay diligent in your mission.

linda said...

This blog has provided the citizens of Peru with more information and facts and figures than any other source. If the pictures are getting children's equipment repaired that's definitely a step in the right direction. If those who live by our parks report broken equipment I say to them keep up the good work. Somebody has to be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment our children use. All those involved should be thankful that citizens care about the children who are our future and care enough about our town to want to keep it safe and well oiled. I am a resident neighbor of 28th street park and am disappointed that more attention has been paid to the pickleball court than has been to the children's equipment.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:26 If you are thanking people for their watchful eye on any and all improvements, forget it because this is what they are telling you if you'd listen or are capable of understanding. THERE ARE NO IMPROVEMENTS! Saturday morning there was a auto accident on the intersection of Fourth & Peoria. On the light pole at the Southwest corner there is a push button switch to activate a light for pedestrians to walk. This switch was knocked off the pole in a car accident which hit the pole and put a huge dent in it leaving the switch dangling by its wires for more than the last year. I know because I personally turned it into a city official. The pole and the light activation unit are still the same as the day of the accident. This is the same side of the street in which you had to walk on the highway because the city sidewalk property was fenced off. After years because a gentlemen from California has bought the property and is improving it the fence is going to become a thing of the past. It is because of this person you will be able once again to walk on the sidewalk not because of city officials who had the property and sidewalk fenced off and forced the pedestrian to walk with the flow of traffic on a State Highway. Read this again and make up your own mind if these officials were or are worried about your safety.
There are most likely a average of 250 or more city vehicles of one department or another driving by this light pole every day of the year. What is the cities gasoline bill for the year?

Anonymous said...

It is always so easy to minimize other peoples concerns and problems. Save your crappy satire for the peurile minds that like it. I know they don't read the blog because the words are too big and the pictures aren't in primary colors wiith basic shapes.
Leave satire to the guy who writes about King Harlot and his court. Mocking people who care about kids safety is generally looked down upon outside of the gun club.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:23, 3:26 is having a bad day sort of feeling pity for himself and going to extremes trying to appear like he knows what he is talking about. Please do not acknowledge him but rather just let him wander off forever lost in his vast amount of stupidity and be never be heard from or return again. Good bye, good bye, good bye 3:26.
Now wasn't that easy!

Anonymous said...

All these problems will get fixed next year by our new mayor who will care about the city and its citizens instead of his war chest in hopes of being the next corrupt Illinois governor! !

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing the pickle ball courts frequently go unused, yet I hear a lot of complaining because of all the noise coming from the courts. So which is it? It can be both ways!!

Anonymous said...

Is the finger still in the swing set? Did they find out who lost the finger? That was kind of gory and should not have been posted on this kid friendly blog site. I went by the pickelball courts and heard no noise at all. It was 2pm and nobody was playing, but it was silent.

Anonymous said...

I think Peru, needs a new supt. of streets, a new person, to check on equipment in the parks. I think we have a bunch of money grubbing workers at the city workplace. Comeon you dept. heads, get the work done, you are paid more than any town in the immediate area. Do your job, you are highly paid. If you worked anywhere else, you would be fired. I wish I had control over you idiots.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget we also have a Park and Recreation Board whose duties include the maintenance of all our parks and the equipment therein. If this committee, composed of 7 individuals, cannot get the job done why is it even necessary to have one? This summer they've concentrated all their efforts on the PICKLE BALL COURT and continue to do so til this very day.

Anonymous said...

The baby swing at McKinley park has been broken for months.