“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is It Time For A Separate Splash Pad Fund Drive

I find myself in disagreement with the members of the Peru Friends of the Pool as they believe that a splash pad should be a part of a swimming pool and not a separate entity at least before we have a pool complex. We all know the city has no funds to build a swimming pool which will cost millions of dollars. On the other hand, the cost of a splash pad depending upon its complexity will be much less. Some can be built for as little as 100 thousand and adding more toys will cost more but not the cost of a pool. This is something our children could enjoy and there should not be an admission fee, making it available to families as often as they wish to be there.

Is it time for those of us who would prefer a splash pad now and not have to wait, to establish a separate fund under the auspices of the city? I believe this is something we need to seriously think about. I do know there are people who would donate to this endeavor and not to a pool fund.

Your input is needed now.

Please ignore the advertising, I like this video for its diversity.


Anonymous said...

I believe that pool could be built in stages, with the first stage being a splash pad area (and potential ice rink), with fees . Those fees could go toward the pool section.
I know many would like the splash pad to be free, but it would not be unrealistic to have attendance be in the tens of thousands, and it could be staffed by volunteers without formal lifeguard training, raising many thousands of dollars each year.
Also, the rec committee and fourth of July celebration could be abolished and all funds diverted into the pool fund. The fourth of July celebration could be funded with donations, like other towns around here.
If the city seems hell bent on having rock concerts, begin to audit them and take a substantial cut of the concessions and gate. The kid rock concert likely had revenues of 600 k to 700 k, and taking 50 k in fees while also charging 10 bucks for parking would not be unreasonable. With 5 concerts like that a summer, you could be on your way to a pool in under a decade.
If the city actually got involved in artist negotiations, they might be able to find some acts willing to go 50/50 for the cause. There are many acts that would play for a 70 k minimum, maybe B acts or opening acts, and instead of taking 15 percent of a 60 buck ticket, you could get much more from a 30 buck ticket, with parking say at 5 bucks. You could even take donations or have the vendors opened up to be more than La Grottos.
I am sure Ms Noonan would be happy to lend her promoting experience to the cities cause, and you could go from 18000 donations to 100 k plus per concert. Who knows, maybe the pool could be named after her or La Grottos.

Anonymous said...

Here is my input after reading Alderwomen Sherry Mayszak mission to build a pool. What is the Public Property Committee opinion on conducting a extensive study on the need, desire, ability to finance a pool and other improvements to our Peru Parks. Non existent plan so far from what I can see from "your committee" Alderwomen Sherry Mayszak. Too busy raising money for a new pool that has not been supported by any other Alderman in the City? Why is there no support? Where is the Park study like the one Lois posted.  Non existent is the answer. Where will the money come from to maintain the new pool? Alderman Mayszak has no plan to date. Just raise some money without asking residents if they want to pay for the remainder. Where will the rest of the money for the pool come from Alderwomen Mayszak? How much is necessary to maintain the pool per year Alderwomen Mayszak? What should the pool charge for an entrance fee to have the pool maintenance funded from entrance fees?
Alderwomen Mayszak, a committee member of Public Property, a friends of the pool member, an Alderman with fiscal responsibilities to the City of Peru should have a plan to explain to residents. But No study has been started. Lois can you please help the Alderwomen with this simple concept that you have presented? Present the need and desire before the fundraising begins? 

Anonymous said...

I agree with this article. I would gladly donate to the fund for a splash pad. But you should get going, if you want it for next summer. It can't be built in a day.

Anonymous said...

Is having two seperate funds and voluteers working for two seperate pools the best idea?

Peru Town Forum said...

10:17 AM

Maybe not the best, but considering that the Friends of the Peru Pool say No to the idea because they say that the money was given for a pool and they will wait until that happens and don't wish to have a splash pad soon.

Anonymous said...

Lois, Splash Pad idea needs more serious discussion.
Below are Alderman Sherry Mayszak comments under the Post “Plan Ahead and Provide Jobs and Summer Fun” at 10:37 PM September 10, 2012
Read the Alderwomen’s comments below and decide for yourself if this multi-million dollar Pool project has been researched by Alderwoman Mayszak who is asking residents to support the project.

“I assumed” that the mayor was in favor of a new pool and had done some research. I had heard that many people packed city hall to protest closing the pool.

“I was told” the aldermen voted 8-0 to keep the pool open and the mayor closed it any way.

“I'm not sure why the pool is so important to me”, but it just seems like the kids should have a place to go to have some fun and learn how to swim.

At last week's council meeting, “I asked to have a survey put in the utility bill”s to see if the public wants a swimming pool.

Peru Town Forum said...

Most splash are free throughout the US and ours should also be free to start. Ottawa has a small one with no fees and no volunteers only parents who are there for their children. This is pretty standard procedure. Later if you want one within the confines of a for fee pool, that will come later. Peru could have both as Ottawa does. At this point something is better than nothing and requires no staffing.

Anonymous said...

It appears that 9:31 is on the committee and frustrated with the direction. Leave Ald. Sherry alone she may not have the skills to bring it together but she has been involved and dedicated to the project for a few years.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:04 AM

A survey was taken through our utility bill, I think about 2 years ago, asking residents about a swimming pool and then a grant was applied for which we did not receive. The problem with that was people said yes we want a pool but we did not ask the followup question as to how we would pay for it and would they be willing to give x amount of dollars added onto their utility bills. I personally said NO, I would not pay extra through my bill as my expenses for utilities are very high now. For many this would be a hardship to many of our population, young and old.

Anonymous said...

11:04 somebody let her know that she is the City of Peru administration. Your right those comments make her sound like she has just landed in Peru. I assumed? I was told? I don't know why?

Anonymous said...

Where does the Park and Rec Board stand on this issue? Aren't they the committee that has complete control of our parks and equipment? Have they taken a survey? Have they volunteered their help? I didn't think any committee or even the city council has the authority to override the boards ideas. What is their position on this topic?

Anonymous said...

Lois, your point is that many may want a pool but few are willing to pay for the project. Want vs Need is the question. Not many would agree to place a fee on their high utility bill to pay for something they will never use. How many would agree to a higher property tax to pay for a pool? Nobody!

Peru Town Forum said...

In order to put a splash pad in Peru, it has to be planned ahead. You need to get permits from the state, not sure how many. If we are to have anything for the children next summer, it is absolutely necessary to start working on details. Or it will be another long hot summer and if we wait for a pool, it will be many summers. I don't know why none of our officials have taken this up as it is a win win situation for them and the people of this city.

Anonymous said...

A strong possibility is that not having enough money for a swimming pool is a great cover up and the Mayor does not want to spend a quarter of a million $'s on anything that his Brothers and Sisters of Local 150 are not getting their cut of. How much did Local 150 give to Harls campaign last election and how much will they contribute for this next election?
There is not enough leveling and digging for a splash pad. More of a need for shovel ready projects like millions of $'s of roads.

ak said...

Sherry is a very dedicated council member. Her job as an alderwoman comes first. She is also a very valuable person on the Friends for Peru Pool committee. The committe works around her city council position. The committee is working hard for the children and families of Peru. Everything that is done has not been released to the public because we don't want to raise hopes before we are able to produce. The city council is behind this committe and they are trying to make all this possible without a tax increase. A splash pad is something that will probably come first, but as we continue our research, please be patient with us. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

A splash pad in the near future is a reality? How many years off if ever is the construction of a swimming pool?
The Peru Recreation Board was tossing around constructing another ball diamond for a traveling team at the cost of at least $100,000 and paid a consulting firm $3,000 to get a plan for Veterans Park - this is in
a city full of baseball/softball diamonds.
Financial know how indicates that a long term board with unlimited seniority would not pay a consulting firm $3,000 for a plan if the means were not available to implement plans presented.
Now that the conclusion the Peru Recreation Board has the money to start a splash pad as soon as plans could be finalized, hopefully constructed by the summer of 2013. Being this Board has rec'd $75,000 per year it is time to put the savings accumulated thru the years to good use for the goal it was intended for our youth not for inflated salary and pickle ball courts.
The only question for a splash pad now should be location. Taking a look at the new city ward map the center of Peru's population must be determined along with the center geographic location and the population growth in the future. Centennial Park already has a abundance of parking and would be a great location for this particular age group as Washington Park and Veterans Park are and have been earmarked as ball fields.
There is a possibility that once a splash pad is built it will prove that Peru will never need a swimming pool. What a savings in yearly upkeep and manpower for the taxpayer. A splash pad should be built to prove this as a fact and to give the younger age group a summer recreation in Peru.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain something to me. All this complaining about a swimming pool. How was it handled when there was a pool? Who helped keep it running for all those yrs? I remember asking at a debate at the Peru Library between Baker and Harl about the expense of a pool and I remember Harl's response it's an attraction for a town and you don't make money just hope to break even. It's sad for kids and grandkids that a city this size all the shopping places, an airport (not something many normal people use), restaurants, that we can't manage to have a swimming pool. Sad that the previous one was not taken care of and updated in the yrs past and had to close. How many of the present alderman had something to do with that. Time to clean house in April!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is time for a separate splash pad fund.
Being that the Peru Township Board and the Peru Recreation Commission have a abundance of financial holdings if they spurt angel wings Peru will have a splash pad in summer of 2013. Remember how the township super showed up for the airport fundraiser how many years ago asked how much was needed and in being told said Peru Township donates $48,000 without as much as consulting anyone. It was that easy to get $48,000 than how about now? Come on Mr Hockings. At the salaries Peru Township throws around such as your $39,000 per year for a part time job and $257.00/meeting for trustees at a average meeting of 1/2 hour how about helping the little kids out? With the heat there was this summer think ahead to next summer for them. Lets see some of that money stick to the wall when tossing it around instead of going to the billfold of a few. Come on Mikey boy be a leader.
Peru Recreation Commission if the Peru Township comes up with a adequate start up fund do you think you could throw the balance to get things going and than out of your $75,000 non accountable pocketbook/year could you pay off the balance. Just a positive thought for the children of Peru. Also Recreation Board where is adult softball leagues for men and women? Would also be nice to have adult basketball for men and women. Without the expenses of a swimming pool there should be a lot of money for more than pickle
ball. As a matter of fact considering everything that Peru is lacking in city recreation a splash pad would be cheap. Has anyone else have an idea of what to do with your $75,000/year. Doesn't adult dance classes sound good for the older folks? Is line dancing or salsa your preference for this winter? How about a adult dart league for jolly's? Does Peru have a knitting club,very good recreation for all ages especially if instructions were given.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:42 For a added bonus I am sure the city treasurer could dip into his pot of gold and bring out whatever is needed to pay for a splash pad similar to a couple of years ago when he found $300,000 plus in motor fuel taxes and the general fund for road work when the Mayor wanted it. It is surprising what goes into the general fund and comes out as --------- . The general fund should be nicknamed "Peru's Pandora's Box". Ops! Put that rabbit back in it is a secret.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:42, you would be much better served with that Bud Light dart league. Petitions for Township Trustees should be available soon. What ticket do you intend to run on? And we would love to hear your platform.