“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Tourism the ticket to money - The Daily NewsTribune - LaSalle, IL

Tourism the ticket to money - The Daily NewsTribune - LaSalle, IL

And what is Peru doing to promote tourism? Beside the Nifty Fifty, what else is on the books?

I know that some would like to spend $100,000 on an additional baseball diamond at Veteran's Park for traveling teams but others say this is not a revenue generator because most families do NOT stay in the city but prefer to go home. We have already spent the money for the Central States Tournament and while I know very little about this event, I would like to be able somehow track and see if tourism dollars actually came back to the city to at least equal our donation.

We have a volunteer economic director who does not report back to the council or does attend committee meetings that I am aware of. We have a volunteer recreation commission that does not come to council meetings and give a report of their proposed plans and/or expenditures. If they did and had discussed this pickle ball project, perhaps we would not have had all the recent furor. Also we have a Recreation Director who does not come to council meetings to give information and she receives a salary. I believe that these mentioned people need to present themselves in a public forum since they are working on our tax dollars. Good public relations is definitely lacking in our city How about a new policy, You spend taxpayer dollars, step forward and let us know where it is going.


Anonymous said...

Did you know there is a public boat landing on the south shore of the river accross the slough bridge? Did you know Bartow Landing will most likeley be destroyed if they decide to keep the Spring Valley Bridge in place while they build a new one?

Peru Town Forum said...


Why would the landing be destroyed, what does the bridge have to do with the water level?

Anonymous said...

If they keep the bridge in place while they build a new one - they need a place to build the new one. That place happens to be directly west of the existing bridge... on the site of Bartow Landing. Nothing to do with water level - just availability of land. The possibility exists that for a year or more, the boat landing in Spring Valley will not exist.
The other point is that the City of Peru owns a boat landing accross the slough bridge that not many people know about.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:52 AM

I was not aware that the city owned that land and I bet not many others do too. Isn't the building there a private one?

Anonymous said...

the building is a private club. the boat launch belongs to the city.

Anonymous said...

Lois, Congratulations only you could connect a Tourism
article to another negative rant on city officials, committee’s,
commissions, and Baseball Tournaments.
 The most truthful part of your article is: “I know very little”
Very well written