“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, April 21, 2012

bcrnews.com | Concerts in Dalzell? in Princeton, IL

bcrnews.com | Concerts in Dalzell? in Princeton, IL

OK This is the Bureau County News


Anonymous said...

Well lets see she tore up cedar spoetsman club and wouldn't pay so she's dun their . the faa hasn't approved her at airport yet so who knows where thats gona go . so now she buys property by dalzell and trys to suck them in to her game . WAKE UP PEOPLE SHE'S JUST USEING EVERYBODY TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS .

Anonymous said...

So that's why Cedar Point don't want her back. Always wondered why. That's ok. She doesn't have to pay Peru either. Damn, wish I was in her business!