“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Public Property Meeting Wed March 21

At 6:30 PM, the Public Property committee will meet at Peru City Hall and the agenda indicates that there will be a discussion of a Splash Pad and also on the demolition of the old Peru Swimming Pool.

And if you are interested in the airport, they will discuss a new hangar.


Anonymous said...

Garbage stickers are going up to 2.00. This is a 100% increase since I moved here in 2008. This really stinks for families that have more than one can on a daily basis. One can is for senior citizens.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:12 PM

Thanks for the information I did not know that. You are right, it will be hitting families who don't need to have added expenses.
My only suggestion would be to try and recycle as much as you can. We have started saving all aluminum cans to take to Olsons on Water St. for a few extra bucks. Maybe others can share some tips for packing less garbage each week.

Anonymous said...

Why are they going up? Surely Peru does not need the money. We keep spending every week. Why do the citizens have to pay for government overspending?

Anonymous said...

Do city governments do a fair and equal representation of spending their citizens money and finances?

Anonymous said...

If Peru needs more money for scavenger services because of rising costs why haven't alternative financial plans been offered. Why doesn't the present administration function with a business mentality and make an attempt to lower its costs rather than raise its price.

HOW? By actually taking a leadership role and approaching the other cities of the Il. Valley to create a co-operative competitive effort in achieving a bid with waste disposal firms. The proximity Of LaSalle, Oglesby, Spring Valley and Dalzell makes this thought an easy transaction to reality. The more business being bid the lower the price per unit should be.

There are many forms of bullying one of which is to utilize the rubber face, rolling eyes whenever someone asks questions they do not want to answer. Wouldn't it be wonderful if these same individuals could stretch their minds with equal ability!