“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, December 16, 2013

Peru could ban leaf burning on federal holidays « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru could ban leaf burning on federal holidays « AM1220 WLPO News

I am posting this so I can express my opinion on this proposed ordinance.  This is crazy. How many federal holidays fall in leaf burning season and how many people actually burn their leaves?


Anonymous said...

Waste of time. Either ban leaf burning all together or don't. Meanwhile, they refuse to have the important conversations about city planning.

Anonymous said...

While they are at it, they should ban the use of snow mobiles on federal holidays that fall in July and August.

Anonymous said...

Well said 10:37 am. This is the type of "hard-charging" issue that Peru's aldermen get all geared up for. Leaf-Burning? Really?
I have never wirnessed, nor heard of a bunch of elected officials so afraid to tackle real issues and just LEAD! LEAD for Petes's sakes!
New aldermen or City Manager come on down! I'll take either or. Better yet, give me both!

Anonymous said...

ranks right up there with "no cats allowed in park." I mean, who walks their cat? And how is anyone supposed to keep them out of the park if they let them out?

Anonymous said...

They won't enforce the rules that already exist - no burning if there has been rain in the previous 3 days and no burning on Sunday. What makes them think this will stop anyone from burning on a holiday.
They should be required to outline an enforcement plan when they start "solving" problems. This will be just like the sign ordinance - it be worth the paper it is written on.

Anonymous said...

Not noteworthy of commenting. Let's stick to the real issues and the important things going on and supposedly being investigated.

Anonymous said...

What a crock of crap, excuse me for that. Maybe, they should add the mayors birthday to that list. Unbelievable. Who's going to be around to enforce this? Police? Safety officer? Fire chief? The police have more important things to do on these holidays then to look for people burning leaves.

Anonymous said...

IF they want to ban something, they should ban cutting grass on weekends and holidays and after 5:00 PM on weeknights. I'm tired of the constant drone of lawnmowers when I sit outside in the summer and try to listen to a ball game.

Anonymous said...

They'll enforce it like they enforce cars on street after snowfall so plows can get through. My street got skipped cuz of cars parked across from each other.

Anonymous said...

The council won't act on a petition for someone to build a pole barn on a dead end street because you can't build pole buildings in city limits. They don't want to set a precedent. There are a lot of newly constructed pole building in city limits in residential areas. Maybe the previous inspector was dumber than we all though. There is a new one on the 2200 block of Market street in peru. There's their precedence right there.

Anonymous said...

Old building inspector, how about our new one Harl appointed recently?

Anonymous said...

Wonder who actually brought this proposed idea for an ordinance up? Wonder which alderman is pushing for this? We have an ordinance regarding leaf burning. This is a waste of time. There are more important issues. Leaf burning season just ended for the most part. Table this, and discuss in a couple months down the road. crazy!

Anonymous said...

funny. I saw a police car parked on the street Saturday morning before the street was plowed.

Peru Town Forum said...

Yes the city council did pass the leaf burning ordinance, not sure why but something about burning a fence row that was not even located within the city. I don't believe they earned their wages tonight. I asked 2 aldermen whom I won't name why the skating rink had not been cleaned off so the kids could skate over the weekend. Neither knew the rink had issues and that it had not been cleaned. Ok none of the aldermen are on the Recreation Board which I'm not sure even matters because they are not monitoring this situation either. By the way who is? Perhaps Public Works and now that is a joke, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Lois, your last comment makes me assume that you believe all the guys in the public works dept are a joke? I hope that is not what you meant.

Peru Town Forum said...

7:46 AM
Why is the rink in the shape that it is and why is it covered with snow? Why is the zamboni still crated and unused?
N.T. had article that the rink was open and yet over this Saturday and Sunday it was covered with snow. Who has the responsibility of maintaining the ice rink? Children are in school during the week and off on weekends when they would use. Will the lights be turned on for evening use?
I meant there is no organization and soon no one in charge, tell us what is going on and no one will make assumptions.

Anonymous said...

Why would you put up the rink and not maintain it? I heard we once again screwed up setting it up. Going to have to check out Oglesby's and see what kind of shape theirs is in. It's the exact same set up as ours.

Anonymous said...

9:22 read and see pictures in yesterday's paper of rink

Anonymous said...

It's the same type of rink Oglesby has, but Oglesby put it on a flat surface and Peru did not. You can thank Gary Bleck for that. He insisted the rink be put at McKinley instead of where the old pool was or at 28th St Park.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the ice rink is leaking like they said the pool was,

Anonymous said...

Somebody should drag a big chain across it to be sure it is safe. On a related note: I got ten bucks that says the ball diamond that this rink is sitting on will be destroyed and we will be spending big bucks to have it repaired come spring time. You see, our Public Works people have this aversion to planning ahead as well as the whole "works" part of the department.

Anonymous said...

You mean the DWPD - "Doesn't Work for the Public Department." I saw a bunch of them on patrolling the streets this morning. It must take talent to do nothing all day.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:16 Would you be kind enough to comment as to your belief that the DWPD does not believe that you don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. Maybe instead of turning to the Operating Engineers Local 150 they should have adhered to this motto. Most corporations have come to outsourcing rather than deal with a union. To pay for represeentation that was never needed is foolish and expensive to bth the city and the employee. For years most union members have awaken to the fact that most benefits which unions are taking credit for have already been obtained for them by the state.


Anonymous said...

6:07 - not quite sure of you meaning. But, I'd be willing to bet the average DWPD employee brings very littl value to the table.