“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, September 03, 2011

News Tribune - News - Local - Business association to landscape tiny plaza

News Tribune - News - Local - Business association to landscape tiny plaza

Happens to be in LaSalle and perhaps Peru might catch the bug if the bank downtown is demolished. Love this idea for a green downtown area.


Anonymous said...

Now I am curious after reading your post:
I may have missed any previous information on the status of the Bank Building. Can you please direct me to the information about a possible demolition of the Building.
Thank You

Peru Town Forum said...

My friends have told me for a number of years the bank has been owned by the FDIC and they have tried to sell it without success. Apparently there is mold in the interior throughout the building. As far as I know the city has not made any public announcement other than the Mayors response to a question about the barricades in front of the building preventing pedestrians from walking on the sidewalk and forcing them to walk on the street to get around the area. Evidently letters have been sent to the federal gov. (FDIC) regarding this building and the mayor did say it could very well be a demo project. Our question is would the city purchase the property if it could be done at a reasonable cost?
If history gives a clue, they might purchase and do nothing with it and create an empty site like the land on which the Peru Hotel sat and how many years was that just an area to cut the grass on.