“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

News Tribune - News - Local - Valley bans synthetic cannabis

News Tribune - News - Local - Valley bans synthetic cannabis

And what are Peru and La Salle doing about this problem? I would like to hear not only from our citizens but particularly from law enforcement. Is is a problem or not? Spring Valley and Princeton have proactively passed ordinances. Is this unnecessary?


Anonymous said...

Oglesby, Il also passed the same ordinance Monday evening. Quite a few of the surrounding cities now have ordinances outlawing bath salts.
Come on "Leader of the Illinois Valley" quit spending all your time on fireworks, swimming pools, and open containers of alcohol that are in the hands of adults and get to some of the real problems of society.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:31 AM

I am in total agreement with you. Don't know where the initiative in the other cities came from but I would like to see our police chief step forward and tell the council that they need to get on top of this with a local ordinance that would be more extensive than the bare minimums state law.

Anonymous said...

The USA as well as the majority of the world has a major problem with drug usage. Knowing this the hope would be that bare minimum laws would be universally considered inefficient. The directive of confiscating the money at the airport to enrich the coffers of the PPD instead of making a arrest was as criminal as the people who pedal drugs. This form of police work is a example of misuse of the law and lack of knowledge in law enforcement.