“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, September 02, 2011

Ambulance Response Time PVAS

A discussion of ambulance response time came up on the previous ambulance vs fire department ems service postings under the U Tube video. The answer seemed to be that if they were at Hyvee they would be closer to Rte 80 and the Mall but of course we all realize that they would be further from Water Street and Peru areas on Rte 251 south of the bridge or SW Peru residential area. Now I have another question. It has come to my attention that PVAS puts a standby ambulance at the La Salle Speedway when there is an event taking place. Yet La Salle does the transport if needed. OK if there is a need for several ambulances in Peru, is the ambulance at the Speedway unneeded is it one of those who would normally be on duty at the PVAS building? If it is also taking calls in Peru, can you imagine the response time? If they were not getting money from the city and did not have several city aldermen on their board, I would not be asking these questions. But they do both. Question 2: why does PVAS station an ambulance at the Speedway? Is this part of the ambulance directors private business and is he using the not for profit corp. vehicles? Is the Speedway paying for standby service to PVAS?


Anonymous said...

In all honesty response times for any emergency service involves so many variables that there is no way to truly tell you what it will be. The scenario that you posed with a unit being in the area of Hy-Vee could actually be viewed as an Ideal area for one to be seeing that that is almost the exact center of their coverage area. No matter where a unit is it is never going to be in a spot that is ideal for every possible incident location. I can tell you that the ambulance that is on stand-by at the LaSalle speed way is not one of the two units assigned to emergency response for the city of Peru. It is a separate unit that is staffed by POC’s from PVAS and LaSalle Speed Way pays PVAS for this service. PVAS does not transport from that venue due to the fact that it is in the city limits of LaSalle and therefore falls under the jurisdiction of LSFD. PVAS provides first response care only and transfers Patient care over to LSFD Medics for further treatment and transport. Is there always two dedicated emergency response ambulances in Peru at all times? No. There are some occasions when one of those rigs is used for a non-emergency transfer that could range from a local one to a long-distance one. This does at times drastically affect the ability of PVAS to provide adequate coverage for the city. One rig can only handle one patient and in most accidents there are multiple victims and response times for a second rig could skyrocket depending on the availability of POC’s for backfill. It is just my opinion that this is a risk that they take all to often just to make money on another transfer.

Anonymous said...

You cannot consider every transfer "non-emergency." If a patient has to be transferred to another hospital is considered emergent. There are times that the ambulance takes the transfer because the helicopter cannot fly. I am reading alot of judgements on this forum, without alot of facts.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:43 AM

Maybe the ambulance service needs a spokeperson one who is willing to answer questions in an honest and open manner. PVAS is not known for openness. In my opinion, finish your web sight like other ambulance services have done and get the information you want the people to know out there. When almost everything is kept behind closed doors then you will get exactly what you are talking about, so open you windows and make your Board of Directors available to the public. Do things that will put all rumors to rest.

Peru Town Forum said...

And BTW at this point as I think this thru, I believe that there are less questions and less negativity with a fire based EMS service because it is supported by the tax payers and they would be entitled to FOIA any information they wanted, as with the police dept. Firefighters are generally known within their community whereas PVAS has had a large and frequent turnover rate and many are not from the area according to "rumors".
And let me clarify that not being from the local towns is not bad but when the EMTS change frequently, they always remain unknowns.

Anonymous said...

ANON 8:43 Then provide us with the facts. We would love to get some answers like -
l. Who is on your board?
2. How many ambulances do you have?
3. How many employees do you have?
4. How many EMT's are at the station at all times?
5. Why do sirens and lights blare when going to a nursing home but not when leaving?
6. Why would you not know if a call for an ambulance was an emergency or not?

Thank you for any information (facts) that you may provide.

Anonymous said...

Why would you post supposed "rumors"?

Peru Town Forum said...

3:40 PM
because I am searching for the truth

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Lois. I still think it is odd that the City writes checks to private businesses without the right to see their books and inner workings.

Anonymous said...

Anon 105

Anon 8:43 here: I am not a member of Peru Ambulance. I am just a fan of EMS and a business that is floundering.

Anonymous said...


Anon 1:05 here. Can you understand why citizens of Peru are upset with this organization? No one will answer questions nor defend themselves and their web-site has been under construction for years.

Anonymous said...

Peru sounds like a great subject for a country and western tune.
Could title it "everything in Peru, big and small, has something to hide". How about playing it to the melody of "We're all for Peru" while the mulligan is being served.

Anonymous said...

The country needs to reach out and privatize services. We have had too much government provided services that costs the taxpayers way too much money in salaries, benefits, retirements. Wouldn't we be better off to hire private companies to provide the taxpayers with the services we need! How many more contracts can we afford. Grass cutting, snow plowing, sewer repairs, and on and on. Do we need the City and country to provide everything for us? Many cities are cutting back and contracting out services.