This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
News Tribune - News - Local - Area birth rates dropping
What impact will this have on local communities in planning for the future?
Controversial TIF Dimmick Twp and City of Peru
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
This is a Democracy and This Post Sums it Up For Many
- Written by an anonymous poster that speaks for many people of Peru
I am very happy that the City Alderman voted NO to this event. Their job is to listen to the public and vote according to the wishes of the residents of their ward. The residents clearly stated that they do not want the event and the alderman appropriately represented the comments of their respective wards. This is a Democratic society and the majority rules. Mr. Rodriquez, if your event is so important to you, by all means, please find a city that welcomes you and your fellow participants. I have read the comments posted on the News Trib and if I understand you correctly, you have threatened to say that "this is not over yet." Did I hear that you brought your lawyer to intimidate us further? That attitude does not come off as "welcoming" to me. I do not consider myself small minded, but rather an individual expressing my strong opinion against something I do not believe in. I will continue to promote family friendly events in Peru that ALL Peru citizens will enjoy. I have to tell you that the visual I received from watching you walk your dog down route 6 with chains and tires doesn't seem very appealing as family friendly to me. How do I explain that life style to a child? Is that the norm on how we should treat Fido and Fluffy in the house? The norm in this country is to treat cats and dogs as domesticated pets and companions, not strength enhanced victims of their owners desires to compete and "pound their chests." As for the pitbull comments you continue to defend, I totally disagree with you on the safety of this breed. I just read AGAIN today that a "responsible?" neighbor's 4 pitbulls got out of fenced in back yard and killed a woman in New Mexico on Monday. ANOTHER sad story of a breed of dogs that are trained and kept for their strength for whatever purpose their owner's desire. Her name was Margaret Salcedo and she was only 48 years old. Can you imagine being ripped apart while you are alive? I understand that is a harsh visual that will upset many people, but it happens time and time again! A witness tried to help but couldn't even open her car door because the dogs were attacking the car. Police shot one of the dogs and it was able to still run away. ONCE AGAIN, the responsible owners can't understand how this could happen. NOBODY is in full control of any animal. PERIOD. I don't care how behaved you think your "pet" is. I will take my SMALL MIND, MY VOICE, and MY VOTE to our alderman any day to say what I believe is best for my community that I live in, work in, and shop in EVERYDAY. Once again, I have to thank our Alderman and Mayor for standing up to the beliefs of the Citizens of Peru. They did their job well!
- 10:58 AM, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Excellent web site with ongoing information about meth.
New City Council Members to be Sworn in Tonight
Annual Budget Meeting @7:15PM
Aldermen Sworn in @7:45PM
Council Meeting to follow
Committee assignments for the next 2 years will be.
Finance: Potthoff and Radtke
Public Works: Waldorf and Lukosus
Public Health and Safety: Ferrari and Perez
Public Buildings: Ankiewicz and Mikyska
Friday, April 22, 2011
Time: Weigh-in 8-9 am Pull starts at 9 am
Place: Baker's Lake Park (Pavilion), Plank Road, Peru, IL
Fee: $20 per dog
Lakeview Malamutes and Casa De Perros Kennels are sponsoring an Irondog sanctioned novice and competitive weight pull on carpet with ALL profits going to Illinois Alaskan Malamute Rescue Association.
We will be pulling under Irondog rules with an official judge. All dogs must be in crates including those not competing. Working dog titles can be earned and most breed clubs recognize the results. A concession stand will be available, as will various vendors. This will be a kickoff event for Pavement Pounder's Weight Pulling Club.
For more information, call: Connie at (309)335-2951 or Tom at (815)343-2251
The Saga of Continuing Water Main Breaks in Peru
I do remember the discussion at the council meetings about the large number of breaks along that road. It was decided to replace all of it for that reason. Everyone seemed pleased with that and I do remember our engineering consultant Chamlin saying that it would probably relieve much of the low water pressure problems in the area because it would be a larger size main and would have more pressure.
I am aware of at least 3 water main breaks in the road extending from the new main and onto 7th Street and as far as Lincoln. A N.T. article stated that there had been 7 breaks, 6 from pressure and one from a backhoe incident. SPW stated "new work where the old lines existed likely caused the problem. Bleck said more breaks are possible until they determine the problem" OK, we have an engineering consultant overseeing the project, I hope. Are some of these breaks predictable and could something have been installed to avoid the sudden surge of increased water pressure? I don't know but it just seems to me that this problem should have been foreseeable. Perhaps if we had a city engineer here in Peru, someone who would always be there to oversee projects and give their advice to projects being done. We now have more population than some local towns who already have a city engineer and we continue to lag behind. Lets only hope that with some new people on the council, recently elected Rodney Perez and Mike Radtke they will be an added voice to hire a City Engineer and save money in the process.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
News Tribune - News - Local - Laying down the law
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Clearing Up the IVAR Position Regarding Dog Event
For the record... IVAR will NOT be in attendance. 10:04 AM, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Peru Requirements to Allow the Dog Pull
Prior to the event a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the City of Peru as additional insured and a copy of the rules of the event. You will also need to obtain a raffle license. Dated April 7.
The city is also setting the following stipulations to be met prior to your event.
1. No non-competing dogs allowed.
2. No flexi-leashes allowed
3. Veterinarian must be present on the grounds.
4. Current veterinary record must be available.
5. Human competitors must be at least 18 years of age
6. Dog competitors must be at least 2 years of age and no older than 10 years of age. Dated April 12.
How to Design a Neighborhood for Happiness by Jay Walljasper
Enjoyed this article and thought it had some good ideas especially for new developments and maybe those that are being redeveloped. Additionally note some more interesting articles at the end of this one.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Ald. O'Beirne Takes Offense at Questions Regarding the Dog Pull
He ranted about the number of associations that were connected to dog pulling events and pretty much said how do I dare question their decision. I hope to see Jack at the event.
The city clerk did say they sent Mr. Rodgriquez a list of things he must do in order to get final approval. Will check for that list and get back to the blog.
Ald. O'Beirne believes that no resident should have the right to question what they (city council) do. I would like to inform Jack that we the public are asking the questions he should be. No one seems to know how many dogs will be competing whether it will be 10 or 50. I thought we the people elected our aldermen to think and ask questions and get all the answers before they vote on something. It only makes sense to know what you are getting into before you jump into it. Will someone please tell Jack we are not living in a Communist country and we are supposed to question our elected officials in a country that calls inself a democracy.
Water Main Break of the Week - 7th St
18%……..REALLY? | LaSalle Insider
If you didn't vote, tell us why and if you did how can we get a greater percentage of residents to participate in local elections?
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Dog Trainer Letter RE: Dog Pulling at Baker Lake

This letter was read to the council but they did not set up any guidelines for the proposed event. After thinking about this, it seems that the council not only needs guidelines but also thinking into the future and whether we will need further regulation if kids began to mimic this event with dogs of their own on public property as in streets, sidewalks or parks.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Pull For Humanity.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Peru Ambulance Board Will Need a New Member
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Once Again Some Council Members Show How Out of Touch They Are
Ok, so I have never seen one but just from listening to the discussion, I believe it is the wrong location for the event. Located along Airport Road with residences all along the road on the La Salle side and a few north in Peru and a Nursing Home adjacent to the park.
The 2 aldermen who voted against this were Ferrari and Potthoff.
Ald. Mikyska compared it to a game of euchre that some people like and others may not and said he would not judge the event because he was not familiar with it and others might enjoy it. Alderman elect Perez gave the best comment of the night when he said he did not believe the residents were ready to accept and endorse the event. His comments fell on deaf ears.
This is a "sport" unfamiliar to the area and would it not be wise for the council to set up some rules or guidelines that they expect the promoters to follow and to have it all in writing. Nope ain't gonna happen.
A battle was lost and the struggle continues. No regrets!
This Picture Speaks More Than Words
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Your Vote is Important to Peru
Monday, April 04, 2011
Election Day is Just About Here
I live in the First Ward and believe our residents need a new voice that will speak for all of them and that has not been happening here in the last few years. Many have made me aware of that. Our household will vote for Mike Radtke. He will be a voice for this ward and as I tell my neighbors, he walked this entire ward and talked to as many people as he could and left messages for those who were not home. That alone says a lot about the kind of person he is. He has the education and work experience along with the desire to be a good alderman for the city and we look forward to his election.