“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

News Tribune - News - Local - Laying down the law

News Tribune - News - Local - Laying down the law A regular citizen stepping up to the plate and getting something done.


Steve said...

This story is a great example of how citizens can play an active role in government in order to contribute to their community.
I have always beleived the real difference makers are motivated everyday citizens. Peru elected officials have failed to acknowledge or encourage citizen involvement in local government with the exception of the Peru CSO.
As individuals we must take it upon ourselves to get involved if we ever hope to contribute.
Fortunately, we have a city council which is currently in the process of rapid change and destined for reform. Part of that change will come in the form of interested citizens being accepted and respected by newly installed elected officials.
As long as I have been attending council meetings there has always been a resentment by a majority of elected officials to anyone from the general public who expressed a differing opinion. Long-time aldermen in Peru have always maintained a fraternity of insiders. If you were an outsider you were not to be taken seriously regardless of your interest or attempt to participate in city government.
There is so much potential in our community just waiting for our elected officials to tap into it. Outgoing aldermen will always resent those of us who demanded more from them than they were capable of delivering. It seems unlikely they will have any motivation to remain involved. After all they are about to become "outsiders" themselves.

Citizen involvement will be embraced by newly seated elected officials as it always should have been.

Anonymous said...

Saw a picture of a airplane dropping eggs sort of a reminder of local airports story. Maybe eggs are a bigger local news story than $573,000.00. No News Tribune follow up to the April 14th court date. Did someone forget to call in the story since the Trib lacks local investigating on its own. This isn't the land of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, but if this airport incident is going to be forgotten the Moms and Dads of the area better call in Superman to enforce justice.

Peru Town Forum said...

Several of us did go to the hearing and nothing was discussed because the judicial system is still trying to locate those individuals who said the money was not theirs. Does this make any sense to you.