“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Peru City Council Has Approved Further Investigation into Public Works

You have all read the News Trib and heard this on the radio so I will not repeat. In a nutshell, retired Judge Balestri will be asked to investigate if approved by the Peru City Council.

I will also add the Truck Gate onto this topic as it appears there are too many unanswered questions that are not even being asked at city hall.  Do we ordinarily insure all of our city vehicles? Was this dump truck insured or do we not insure dump trucks owned by the city? When was the last time this truck was used and for what purpose?


Anonymous said...

I hope that all time sheets are reviewed to see if there are any other blatant overtime hours put down that weren't worked. As Schweickert mentioned, a forensic accountant would do a thorough examination of time sheets, plus other areas of concern as well.

Peru Town Forum said...

If you are written to this blog with comments about things you see that are happening in the city, please put them on the back burner for awhile.
We can't talk about all things at one time. The big thing in front of us at present is the lack of leadership that has unleashed the payroll problem. I am reading your posts and will try and find a way to bring those issues up in the future.

Peru Town Forum said...

I have been informed that Alderman Radtke made a personal apology to Alderman Perez for his comments after the last closed session. The people also thank you Ald Radtke for making the right decision with your apology.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should do it while the camera is rolling at the next council meeting when the audio/video tape is
rolling and on website. Then he might deserve a thank you from some people for apologizing.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much overtime a son of the past Spw, got, when his father took care of his timecard, every pay period. He was the second highest paid employee over that time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:24. Radtke should apologize publically in a meeting while the camera is rolling.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Alderman Radtke for doing the right thing! If Alderman Perez is satisfied, I see no reason for the Alderman to apologize in public. In this group any apology is welcome and a step forward.

I wonder how much support the good mayor would get if he admitted some errors and apologized. Many are unforgiving, but many more are very forgiving and interested in moving forward.

Anonymous said...

Now Ald Radtke your next task will be to wear a sign across your back and walk on 4th street that says " I am sorry for my statements ALD Perez is my hero"

Thank you.

ps this should be done after the town hall public flogging

Anonymous said...

Even if the truck was insured, it wasn't insured for nearly as much as its worth. I'm sure we will all see it when financials come out. Truck like that is easily worth $150k. I bet we get $25k for it.

Anonymous said...

It would be useless for Mayor Harl to admit his errors and apoligize. There are very few who will forgive his actions. Those who wish to move forward prefer to do it under different leadership than the present.
Mayor Scott Harl not only forgot those who supported him it appears he has been searching for bigger things than his elected position after his first night as Mayor, five years ago.

Anonymous said...

It still is important to find out if it was insured. If citizens do not trust the police investigation, it is easy to contact the insurance company and see the results of their investigation if a claim was made.

If it is insured and no claim is made, that also would be interesting, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Radtke made insulting remarks toward Alderman Perez in open meeting, and on record. He should therefore make apologies in open meeting for the record as well.
What is comical to me is the two phony aldermen (Lukosus and Sapienza) who actually still support Harl regardless because they have no clue. But they realized Monday night that their support was not worth voting against hiring the judge to conduct an investigation. They knew it was absolute political suicide to vote against the investigation so they had to go along with the other aldermen and sell out their mentor Harl.
That was a priceless moment indeed. The aldermen, with the exception of Perez, who is the only one with honest intentions, are all most concerned about protecting their asses in this mess. It's just a lucky bonus they get to burn Harl in the process. It's all politics folks. There will be no formal charges filed and the council will back off after the judge makes his report. Harl will be disgraced but he will not resign. The aldermen will suffer collateral damage as well as Harl and most will be defeated in upcoming elections.
Peru will be better off when the stink clears.

Anonymous said...

I thought Pere "self insured" whenever possible.

Anonymous said...

8:58 What is this constant clamour about Harl forgetting those people who got him elected? What were your expectations? City jobs? Special services for unions? Appoint the campaign team to special titles? I guess most of us don't understand the approach that he forgot you. Please don't tell us it was pickleball, intersection safety, the breakup of the infrastructure group.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:58 I voted for Mayor Harl 5 years ago and I agree with your statement. Many of us would still support someone of the same intentions as he had in 2009 but will never support Harl again.
Harl stopped wanting to be Mayor of Peru the night he was elected and started to have greater ambitions. In his travels to larger cities and people of influence he left Peru behind without necessary leadership and the town has declined as the political road has become steadly bumpier. In retrospec one wonders if a certain group saw Peru as a money fat pig ready to be roasted and have been calling many of the cities decisions with one goal - to devour it among themselves. It worked in that Peru has not had referrendums, open bidding, and promised transparency plus a ongoing top dollar attitude. Peru for several reasons is continously paying more for the same or inferior results than any other comparative city.
Does anyone remember comments which had remarks in them that appeared to be created in city hall? Recently they have come to a abrupt halt which makes one wonder if something is going on and the PROMISED CHANGE OF 2009 has awoken.

Anonymous said...

7:38 What is comical is how you can change this situation into a forum for Perez and continue to thrash the rest of the city. You must know the facts if your making the prediction that this is all political.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, radkte only apologized because he was caught on tape.

Anonymous said...

phony alderman? who are you trying to prop up? A big deal about a comment made at a government meeting? what nonsense.

Anonymous said...

He was probably told that he should apologize so it doesn't look like he's a complete backer of Harl's. That ok, people see through all that crap. Sorry to say that just because an apology was given doesn't mean it's a sincere one.

Anonymous said...

Radtke knew he was being recorded. He did it to put Perez down in front of whoever watches the video, that's why I think he should apologize in the same way, so everybody can see it.

The agenda for Friday's closed session meeting in on the city website. I wonder if Harl will be attending?

Anonymous said...

Can the alderman have a behind closed door meeting without Harl? If for some reason to discuss Harl? Don't know the protocol how this works in cities.

Anonymous said...

11:00 AM is the certain group that saw Peru as a opportunity called the UNIONs? sO YOU WERE promised something.

Anonymous said...

To 11:34 am. I do know the facts and the rest of the city council does deserve a thrashing and a trashing if you prefer. I also know that Alderman Perez is the only elected official in Peru with a clear understanding of his duties and more importantly his ethical responsibilities as an alderman.
Undeniable proof of my statement exists in the recently well publicized council vote of 7 to 1 in favor of awarding a no-bid contract to a company that provides gifts and campaign donations to sitting Peru aldermen as well as the Peru mayor. That's 7 to 1 11:34 am. Only Perez had the courage and sense of duty to stand up for the people of Peru. 7 to 1 people. It's disgraceful. It's inexcusable. It's scandalous. It's a damn shame that we have 7 aldermen who have no ethical compass whatsoever on a financial matter that cries out for, no it "screams" out for justice from somebody to slap some sense into these people.
Harl, Bartley, Hylla, they all supported the no-bid farse. All of them.
Therefore, they are all unworthy of the offices they hold and the taxpayer dollars they collect.
What they did should be considered a "Capital Crime" by every honest hardworking citizen of Peru. They should be punished with the ultimate form of insult for elected officials of their ilk.
Vote them out. Vote them out with extreme prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:37 Yes I was promised many things i.e. change, transparency, open bidding, publication of all open city jobs. Would you like me to continue?
I must admit that I was not promised "Creative Payroll" or the many "Works in Progress" and the hidden agendas and minutes of Closed (executive) Sessions every week.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere in a dense forrest hidden by camouflage attire awaiting the move of pickle ball from 28th into the Sunset is the A of DS. As the 28th is being put back together as it had once been , wrapped in stilnesss a joyous playground for all, the evil, infamous A of PB is nowhere to be found. Some say the A of PB has disappeared to the Keyes others claim he has had to turn in his keys.
Never the less good has won over evil and the A of DS and his Mrs. can once again sit on the front porch next spring with books in hand listening to the crickets chirping and grass growing with his now famous slap sticks retired and mounted over the fireplace. Good fight A of DS.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what radtke said to Perez? Thanks

Anonymous said...

9:36 - watch the video on the city web page.

Anonymous said...

5:32 your grasping for straws and looking like the one trick pony.
Its pretty obvious that you had a stake in the water treatment contract. The strategy of slam the current provider at every chance and call it "ethics" didn't work. Lets simplify the agreement in the fact that the greater majority of Peru felt that clean, consistent water treatment was in the best interest of most. Yes, we all know you will respond by throwing around names and hinting at every angle that the renewal was not done above board. If it was not done by law, then call for a investigation. Don't soil the name of the company or those that feel clean, consistent water treatment is important. The Newspaper stated that it was a 0% increase for the 1st year, and CPI increase in the following years.

Anonymous said...

More of the same form the blog. Why does every topic always go back to somebody owes Rodney Perez a apology. Maybe his family should work more and media less. But the main point is that the current topic is always lost. I think the origianl idea of the PTF was to bring out problems for solutions, thats was many moons ago. Currently its a political fest of negative comments from those who lost elections, those who need to validate their public service and those who may have issues that nobody can solve without a perscription.
State your case and give your solution.

Anonymous said...

9:58 I have reviewed the last 150 blog topics. I could find only one that had anyone demanding an apology for alderman Perez? Perhaps your computer has some bad keys, or you are to busy working "behind the scenes"- like you want the Perez family to do.

It is always better to do all that brainy government leading in secret, without all the publicity or democratic involvement. Damn all this here fancy media stirring up all those people who are in favor of good clean reliable water lol.

Ethics, btw 8:34 , was thrown out the window when this TEST contract was no bid and rushed through. Very few shots were taken at TEST. The problem was the lack of diligence in making sure all other options were explored. The legality of an action is not the end all and be all of a government protecting the peoples assets. The aldermen and mayor were not ethical in this choice. They were not ethical being entertained by TEST . TEST was doing nothing illegal by wining and dining their flagship client. Few if any have said that. Many have questioned the ethics and integrity of the government that allows such entertaining. Not illegal. But very questionable.

Your rate increases comment is also borderline irrelevant, as the contract by multiple external professional reviews can be stated as bloated by nearly thirty percent. Stating that Test will be happy to accept CPI index increases to maintain the gross overpayment simply pointed out how this one trick pony issue is very big.

Nobody hinted at anything. You didn't have to. If you are referring to kick backs, well if these aldermen are not getting kick backs on this contract that just means they are blatantly antagonistic towards the taxpayers or are stupid. The only thing that is a certainty is that they are LAZY. This huge contract comes up once every 5 years. Buy yourselves a cheap cell phone and hire a college intern to prepare and circulate an RFQ.

Saving money was not in their heads. Leveraging the gross overpayment in a non binding survey and finding could have allowed them to NEGOTIATE with TEST and keep their current contractor while saving hundreds of thousands in the process.

The majority in Peru want Harl out. The majority do not even know that a water treatment contract was given. The majority are good hard working folk who just trust in the elected leaders to look out for them. For too long, the leadership has been doing what is best for themselves and convincing themselves they are taking care of all us residents. They live off the hard work of the past. They work in secret.

Anonymous said...

I believe in the past TEST was under a CPI; but now the increase is a flat 1.5% after the first year-does anyone recall? Considering the CPI is averaging 1% suppose we will have to see how it plays out at the end of the contract.


Peru Town Forum said...

To insure that we good government from now on WE NEED A CITY MANAGER.

Not someone politically attached someone thoroughly educated with a degree to run this city and get it back on the right track. You would not want a teacher without a degree in our schools or even a beautician without a license and yet we continue to manage our cities in a very haphazard perchance manner. Makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

AMEN Lois-Now that is a petition worth supporting!


Anonymous said...

All know that 5:32's comment is correct in the statement:
"7-1 in favor of awarding a no bid contract that provides gifts and campaign donations to sitting Peru Alderman as well as the Peru Mayor".

The voting tally (7-1) is public record as is the fact that it was a no bid contract, as is official reports on campaign donations. As for gifts the IML Convention in Chicago has been the well known road to luxury for years.

How can you simplify the water treatment and disposal agrreement (5th rider for 5 years each rider without a open competitive bid) in the statement that the greater majority of Peru feel that clear, consistent water tratment was in the best interest of most. Peru has a city population of 10,000+,plus the Mayor, city treasurer, clerk and attorney and the 7-1 voting council. Nowhere is the quality of water questioned but the question of government ethics is.

This agreement (5th rider) has clauses which permit the city the opportunity to escape, clauses which may be opened and enforced at the conclusion of the current investigation of Peru proposed inproper business procedures.

Nowhere do I see 5:32 stating the name of the corporation nor questioning the quality of its workmanship but similar to the 3 wise men everyone knows who brings gifts and to whom they bring them to. Don't you realize there is a reason 5:32 does not have to mention the corporations name. Do you honestly believe this firm is the sole provider of clean, consistent water treatment available to the city? I understand that a competitive firm came to the coucil meeting to make a presentaion of their services only to be treated rudely, and lied to by city officials. This meeting was when a concerned citizen who eventually wrote to the newspapers open forum, was also verbally attacked by city representatives.

What the newspaper did not state is the fact that the council has never advertised for bids in the 25 years of conducting business with this corporation and did not obtain bids for the 5th rider (the 5 year agreement entered in 2013) the council has not created a financial standard to judge against to know if 0% increase for the 1st year, and CPI Increase in the following years is a fair agreement, since we may be paying above and beyond what bidding would have fairly covered for the last 25 years.

No one is slandering the corporation they are judging the representatives of the city and their improper and poor business practices of which this corporation is receiving the benefits of
. Incidentally speaking of business practices how do you feel about the reasons a real retired Judge is being hired to investigate certain unwritten prior agreements with a individual employee rather than honoring collective bargaining between the City and Local 150?

Anonymous said...

To 8:44 am, You suggest that I have a stake in the water contract while you dance your "One Trick Pony" trying to that "clean, consistent water treatment" is something that is ever elusive and only available if provided by TEST? Really? No other companies or contractors are capable of providing clean water? I never said the no-bid contract disgrace was illegal.
Illegal and unethical are very different things as Peru aldermen have known for years. I don't describe the act of giving $3 million dollar contracts away as illegal. I call it as I see it.
Ill advised. Irresponsible, Short-sighted, Silly, Stupid, and of course my favorite, UNETHICAL! You can play apologist and marketing director for TEST if you will. You can attempt to frighten us with the threat that without TEST we will certainly have unsanitary drinking water if you think that will work. What you can't do is deny the fact that TEST was given the contract by a city council and administration from top to bottom that failed miserably to perform its due diligence in a professional and businesslike manner with $3 million on the line.

Anonymous said...

8:44 it is not necessarily illegal to mislead people about charity concerts. It is not necessarily illegal to place a very loud sporting activity in someones back yard. It is not necessarily illegal to solicit money from city workers to support a campaign. It is not necessarily illegal to protect bids, or pay overtime for someone to be on call.
it is not necessarily illegal to make changes to an access intersection to many businesses with no data to support the change. It is not necessarily illegal to set up an aldermanic race to favor pro mayoral candidates. It is not necessarily illegal to stand up and take shots at an alderman when he is not there. It is not necessarily illegal to shift funds between bogus fire mans charities and the city.

Its does not mean it is not wrong to do these things. That seems to be the lesson so many around here have missed. Legal and illegal is not the only test of civic character.

Anonymous said...

The a** kissing dinner that TEST throws every year is tonight at Deerpark

Anonymous said...

Its official - read the article in the Saturday NT. The council decided to talk in "open session."

Anonymous said...

Per Sat News Trib & Mayor Harl's Comments; HE SURE SOUNDS GUILTY OF WRONG DOING.

Anonymous said...

HEARD THAT THE LOST TRUCk HAS BEEN Found AT MAZE LUMBER. Anybody know if this is true?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Dave Potthoff, from what was said in today's paper. I think people were beginning to be disappointed in him. My opinion he is probably the smartest alderman peru has. Work for the people who elected you. Thanks alderman.

Anonymous said...

If a person has nothing to hide with the possibility of them thinking they were being accused, why would they care or make a big deal about it. If it were me knowing with truthfulness I did nothing illegal or wrong, I wouldn't care less about an investigation. I would cooperation 100% because I have nothing to hide or any wrongdoing. Everybody really needs to think what I just blogged, it's true.

Anonymous said...

Christmas party for
City? Having one? Where. When?

Anonymous said...

After reading today's sat paper, and listening to the radio, I have a gut feeling that something very big is going to come out of the bag. Will be interesting. Patience with an investigation. Not referring to the retired judge, but I know for a fact that judges can see through what lawyers and their clients say, in which sometimes are lies, and also know that documents and paperwork can be altered. Best policy is to always tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

I know one thing. If that truck is found it will be very clean lol. Maybe even with new bed lining.

Anonymous said...

Kristy do you even live in Peru anymore?

Chronic complainers are part of our issue the concerts the airport and now the petition, city manager is not a guaranteed fix and in a democratic based town it will never pass! Your wasting your breath all we need to find is the right people. Maybe Studer for Mayor I have heard he is shaking up Twp!!

Anonymous said...

11:49 I read it with the sense that Alderman Perez thinks the Mayor is too cozy with the independent investigator ;) and all of our aldermen now being so noble and wanting the "independent investigator" to do his job without interference. Seems like they are going out of there way to get their statements public.

And when Balestri cleverly clears up and minimizes the issue, they can all pat themselves on the back, and Perez will look like he is the malcontent... All while Teflon Harl can look vindicated. They may have a fall guy picked out already.

I really hope I am wrong... But this happy nodding because you are saving 75 bucks an hour while ignoring several pro Bono attorneys and forensic accountants that better govt organizations would provide, for that rate or less? Feels a little like a clever cover up , the kind that is possible when you have a lock step voting bloc. If they really wanted independent investigation, you go out of the area to get the investigator.

Anonymous said...

So the judge is retired. Why doesn't he volunteer his time? He's making a delicious government pension and he can set his own hours. But I guess he's just like a lot of other 'professionals' who retire and take jobs to fatten their bank accounts. I'll bet nothing comes out of this. A lot of smoke and coverup.

Anonymous said...

To Lois, Justin Loger, Kristy Mrowicki, Alderman Perez. Thank you for paying attention to the bs in Peru and providing actual solutions to the ridiculous mess we are all in. I know if I have a problem I can at least rely on you to give me a straight answer.

Anonymous said...

This investigation should of been referred to the Illinois state police not a retired judge who has no subpoena power

Peru Town Forum said...

4:24 Pm
You are correct and I hope that is the direction it will take.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anything serious is going to come of this -- should have been someone from outside the area who has no knowledge of any individuals. One has to wonder why the mayor would need an attorney with him when he meets Balestri?

Anonymous said...

2:55 you cannot be serious.

Anonymous said...

The video from last nights meeting is on the city web site.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. just watched the video. The only one that appeared to be worried was the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Dave Potthoff has a stake in this investigation. Of course he will step up to push this investigation. He's senior alderman, what better way to get the mayors seat without running for position than to push Harl out.
There's only one city official I trust is doing the right thing. I don't even have to mention a name, those followers of Peru politics know who I'm referring too.

Anonymous said...

It takes a worried worried man to sing a worried song

It takes a worried worried man to sing a worried song

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song

Anonymous said...

A special prosecutor (like used in Gov. Blago case) is the correct individual we need to check out this fiasco. They will get the facts and provide the results right or wrong to the correct authorities.
I am waiting for the truth and who will be fired or go to jail. This seems to be purely a management problem with an employee being allowed or told what to do.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is Perez had a meeting this week with State Police requesting oversight into that investigation. Hope it's true.

Anonymous said...

7:30 I agree. Those few mentioned can provide us with an honest answer, are consistent, and reliable. Lois has always provided a medium for resolution, kristy has provided a different perspective, as has justin, and Rodney has informed is from an inside reference. What more do you want? You can't forget sherry, she has always been a reliable source as well.

Anonymous said...

7:30 I agree. Those few mentioned can provide us with an honest answer, are consistent, and reliable. Lois has always provided a medium for resolution, kristy has provided a different perspective, as has justin, and Rodney has informed is from an inside reference. What more do you want? You can't forget sherry, she has always been a reliable source as well.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Potthoff is salivating with anticipation over this scandal.
He can claim to be looking for justice at the same time he is directing attention away from himself and his fellow do-nothing aldermen for their failure to provide the appropriate checks and balances to prevent this and many other financial matters. Potthoff sees a chance to slide in to the mayor's chair without having to fund or run a campaign. I can't blame him for taking advantage of the situation but I can blame him for the hypocrisy of never seeming to find the courage during his past 20 plus years as an alderman to call for an investigation for all the misdeeds that are equal to or more egregious than the current Harl payroll scandal. Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

5:50, they have always been there. Try and dispute that

Peru Town Forum said...

10:33 PM

I cannot email you back as I don't get an email address when you make a blog post.

John Galt said...

Here are some questions that our current and NEW Mayors need to answers.

Why do managers within the public works and electric departments have union representation and why are they subject to collective bargaining?

Why don’t managers get paid a salary instead of an hourly wage?

Why does management get overtime?

Governor Quinn raised our income tax 67% to cover state and municipal pensions. What effect does illegal overtime have on City of Peru pension liability?

What is the total number of overtime hours that Peru pays out?

Which departments have the most overtime?

Would it be more cost effective to add an employee instead of paying others to work longer hours?

Does the City have a plan to bring in younger workers at entry level salary to replace older workers as they retire?

Why won’t the City consider alternative working hours during certain times of the year? This might prevent overtime paid for snow removal.

Anonymous said...

9:57 you need your head examined, They should have turned it in to a state investigation team. They have the legal power to ask questions to seek the truth. The council has not went too far. Many people I have talked to are saying this same thing,

H, Tom said...


Anonymous said...

From:Rodney Perez

The State agency's you may be referring too are the States Atty, State Police, and Atty General's Office.

I've corresponded with all three agencies with the State Police being most recent.
At this stage of the investigation there's nothing that the States Attorney, or Attorney General's Office can do; these two agencies are prosecution agencies, they would step in after Law Enforcement formulates their findings. If law enforcement finds wrong doings they would then forward the case onto the state's attorney; if the states attorney can not investigate due to a conflict of interest, then the case would be forwarded to the attorney generals office, or the Illinois Appellate Prosecutors Office Division of Special Prosecutors.
The law enforcement agencies who would investigate these sort of cases are local, county, or state.
In this case, and in my opinion...the state would be the law agency of choice.

I hope this information is helpful in understanding the investigation process.
Thank you..

Anonymous said...

You are correct 9:30, it should be turned over to the state police, they have investigators. Maybe that will be recommended after the initial investigation. If not the the residents of Peru should demand it.

Anonymous said...

@9:57 Alderman Potthoff was the lone wolf of the Peru Council for 20 years, always being the dissending vote of the eight council members. For him to to call for a investigation of any wrong doings that you yourself are stating were taking place and which you never had the courage to report in my judgement makes you the Hypocrite.
Incidentally how many aldermen have you contacted and how many times did you turn in any potential political illegalities that you knew of?
Personnally I believe that ALL of the procedures to carry out this investiagation are being professionally done and Aldermen Potthoff in spearheading the council will follow maximum protocol with a fair result to all involved.
In witnessing David Potthoff as a Alderman as I also witnessed his Father Wayne as a Alderman I am confident to say that this is not the manner in which either would prefer to become Mayor. But also I believe that if the need arises Dave will approach the responsibility with the judgement, background, experience and leadership to fulfill the Mayors position in a manner that the cities citizenship will be proud to say they live in Peru, Illinois.

Anonymous said...

This should have gone to the State right from the beginning with no excuses made. Hopefully it can still get there.

Anonymous said...

Hate this saying, but it's true: if you give a person enough rope, they eventually can hang themselves. A chronic liar eventually gets caught in their lies. One lie leads to another lie to cover up the first lie. Never trust a liar or a cheater. Don't ever take someone's word for what they say, if your intuition is telling you something's just not right.

Anonymous said...

Watching those meeting videos ever since this broke, I find it interesting Lukosis and Sapienza remain silent.
They need to realize they were elected to look out for the best interest of the city. It's so obvious they are in a bad position since they are Harls best men.
Will this judge investigate the files of Bleck and Potthoff? Are there ways for those two to manipulate their own time cards? If so they need investigated. Do they accumulate overtime, sick time and vacation time? Who is the person in charge that looks over their time cards or compensation use? I hope aldermen Dave Potthoff and Rod Perez force a thorough investigation. I really think if Dave and Rod could work together as a wolf pack things could really turn city hall around.

Anonymous said...

Where is the posts about our crooked Electric Super? I tried to find it to read and must've missed it. I think it's funny that that's coming out now. I have a friend that lived next to his dad Clem when he worked for the electric dept and would tell me stories that were just too far out there to believe. But now im starting to think they were all true. Clem would be home all day with the city truck parked in the garage. When he retired Jim would come over and till his garden with the city truck and tiller. The dog kennel behind the garage was built by 2 city guys in a city truck with steel they brought. Jim would butcher deer in his dads garage on the clock. How far back will the time sheet investigation go? We could save a fortune when all these crooks lose their pensions!

Anonymous said...

Alderman Perez this investigation should without question be referred to the Illinois state police. I have a question I would love to have a answer too and here is my question. Why did the Peru police department investigate and prosecute mr Jason foster from the ambulance service for theft years ago and now there's another potential theft from the taxpayers in a different department in Peru and a retired judge is hired to investigate this matter I want to know why Peru police investigated jason foster but chief bernabei is silent on this issue along with the entire peru police department

Anonymous said...

Inter city theft complaints are tricky. If the wrong person says something then the accused person starts narking off others. The whole thing with potthoff stealing time and lying on his time sheets only came up when bleck was accused of wrong doing. Its best if you doing something wrong when the crap hits the fan to just keep your mouth shut and lay low and hope noone comes after you!

Anonymous said...

To: 8:50
From: Rodney Perez

I was not a city official during that time so I never really followed that case.
If I had to assume... being the ambulance service is not a city of Peru department, and the employees are not city of Peru employees, the city council may not have been involved in the decision making of that investigation.

Thanks, Rodney

Anonymous said...

8:50 That is a good question. But Chief Bernabei is appointed by Mayor Harl. That would be a conflict of interest. It would be best to take this matter to state police.

Anonymous said...

I stop at Becks in Peru everyday for morning coffee. A
Company with 5 business trucks were there doing work. While I was there for about 8 minutes, I saw a fire department command vehicle drive by. Doesn't our fire chief drive this vehicle? Fire chief also is code enforcer. Were any inspections from our newly appointed building/zoning officer done on this site? Records of his inspections? Harl appointed the building/zoning code enforcer.

Anonymous said...

To 11:36 am, Lack of majority support is no excuse for Dave Potthoff turning his head and ignoring numerous misdeeds for many years by the current and former administration. Wayne Potthoff had attempted to battle corruption by the
Baker administration but was never able to amass enough support from his fellow aldermen either. But he tried. Dave never decided to try until now. And don't tell me corruption similar to this payroll scandal is something new to Peru. If you are not aware of it then I guess you just don't have the right contacts within the city as I do.
Dave Potthoff sees an excellent political opportunity here and he is taking advantage of it as I believe he should. But dont' try to tell me that this is the first substantial "scandal" Dave Potthoff has had first-hand knowledge of in Peru. Wayne was in office when the Westclox complex was owned by Baker, Prazen, and other city insiders while the entire complex was being renovated by city employees on city time. Dave Potthoff became an aldermen while that scandal was still ongoing and common knowledge to the entire city workforce and every elected official as well as anumber of citizens. Bakers huge power base was able to contain any challenge at that time.
Nothing was ever done by Wayne or Dave to stop the Westclox scam and it continued uninterrupted.
My point to you is, I do not believe an elected official should wait to have majority support form his fellow aldermen before he decides to address wrongdoing. That is a lack of courage and a dis-service to the citizens of Peru in my eyes.
Example: Alderman Rodney Perez has not hesitated to speak out against any number of irregularities he has discovered since taking office. The push-back and lack of support he has recieved from his fellow aldermen, including Dave Potthoff is absolutely disgarceful.
I follow very closely the behavior and interactions of my elected officials and for the past twenty plus years I have been watching Peru politics there is only one elected official who has had the balls to tackle corruption head on when it is happening.
His last name starts with a P and it's not Potthoff.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how a person as a judge who is retired is qualified to do a through investigation. Also, remember that paperwork mysteriously disappears or isn't produced in many instances, therefore alters the true investigation.

Anonymous said...

4:08 You bring up a good point. Who does check the superintendents time cards? And, is it true that the electric department's superintendent is not salaried? Also, is it a union position? Just curious!!

Anonymous said...

Its funny on how the comments have become a investigation on the judge, alderman, former Mayor, everybody else. Is anybody surprised about this?

Anonymous said...

I don't see what the problem is. Everybody pads overtime for favored employees. It is a common business practice and allows you to give your good employees a little extra without upsetting the others. Especially in a union shop. I would be more concerned that somebody's private payroll information was disclosed. Nobody but the individual, his or her boss, and the HR department should know how many hours somebody is getting and how much he or she is being paid.

Anonymous said...


It's not necessarily about the judge's ability to perform an unbiased investigation; but why the City decided to hire the judge to do the investigation that has several individuals baffled. I found it interesting in the video when Judge Balestri stated "nobody HAS to talk to me"...was that an accidental statement or forewarning to those being investigated to keep quiet because he has no legal authority in this matter? Is the investigation tarnished before it begins?


Anonymous said...

12:43 the city of Peru is a government body. ALL people have the right to know! No hidden agenda's. It's the Law.

Anonymous said...

1:30 - well IF it is a LAW, then maybe we should change the law. Or better yet - let the employees form a private company just like TEST did years ago. Then we only have to talk about the overall contract, not nitpick each employees salary. I mean gees.. how petty can you get complaining about a few extra hours of overtime - even if it is fabricated it is just a reward for doing a good job. Call it a bonus, call it what you want. But, if we can't give out little rewards, then the employees are going to start asking for a higher wage and we will need to give it to all of them, not just the ones that management wants.

Anonymous said...

2:21 YOUR a perfect example of why things like this are done. You are making a joke, because if your serious we have more issues than the pills in your medicine cabinet.

Anonymous said...

221 that's why the city went union. The workers thought they would get higher wages and a barging tool. So, they can put the overtime like you want in there new contract. Good Luck, the union I belong rewards the person with the most seniority first with the overtime not the ones who work the hardest!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:43 & 2:21
For your own benefit do not enter management or start your own business, I as many others would not care to have my money stolen to pay any exployee kmore than agreed upon in collective bargaining. How do you propose to balance the payroll budget? Collective bargaining does not work like Robin Hood in Sherwood Forrest where you steal from the rich to give to the poor or you lower the pay of the non producer to reward the high producer. These people voted who themselves into a union and should have educated themselves to the fact that they would not be self negotiators for a individual contract as their management knows.
A QUESTION I WOULD ASK IS: IT IT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THAT A RETIRED MEMBER OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCAL 150 BECOMES MAYOR AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT THEN JOIN LOCAL 150. Should this mayor have resigned when the public works dept joined the same brotherhood as he is a member of and retired out of and especially if he had any part of them becoming unionized or members of 150.
I would not rely upon the decision of a 150 attorney for this answer.
The Mayor is the top position of management in the city and all know that you cannot wear a white hat and a black hat at the same time. You are either management or union but you cannot be both effectively and possibly legally.

Anonymous said...

4:44/ that would be part of a great platform for candidates to use for the 2017 election regarding ties or no ties to a union when running for mayor/alderman.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:44 Take the Mayor (manager), union member (employee), city (employer) and align it with a private business Plant manager, CEO (manager) union member (employee), business (employer). In a private business you will not find the manager being a union member and especially the same union as the employees.

Anonymous said...

If it is true that a city employee or city employees have been overpaid will they have to pay it back? To get this mess cleared up will Mayor Harl have to pay the cities share of Attorneys fees out his war chest which he has build up while in office. If he is found of any misconduct he should have to surrender this war chest to the city. If those 14 road repair signs cost a k each he should have to pay for those himself.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it jim Potthoff who was caught several times at several area businesses shopping on the clock and in the city vehicle and caught out shopping in Ottawa in the city vehicle with his wife and photos were taken and given to the mayor and he did nothing ? This should've Been dealt with before. Maybe if he wasn't promoted just because he was the next in line and because of who he drank with we wouldn't be in this situation . The guy comes to council meetings half in the bag for starters. Bleck and potthoff need to lose pensions for their stupidity and crooked ways.

Anonymous said...

4:35 Am I understanding you right? Are you stating that you belong to a UNION that pays SENIOR employees MORE MONEY for not working to the full capacity they are capable of and taking advantage of a younger person to do your work and theirs? IF I AM RIGHT I THINK YOU ARE THE S---M OF THE EARTH AND SHOULD BE ASHAIMED TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!! This is what wrecked the area companies of past and put this country in trouble! Schools had also better WAKE UP!!!

Anonymous said...

The distribution of employee overtime is according to the company-union collective bargaining contract. After negotiations between the empoyer and the employee's representation are settled the union representatioon will present the proposed contract to the body to vote upon. Upon the vote the contract is either ratified or not ratified. Once the contract is ratified both parties are responsible to live up to all clauses of the contract for the time period stated.
There are several ways of distributing overtime. Some contracts call for the employee with the most senority to be asked first and the yougest to be forced and other contracts call for a complete cycle through the senority list starting with the oldest who did not work last going down the senority list until the number needed is achieved. Other contracts call for the person on the specific job to be first asked. These are only a few of the methods to determine who is to work overtime.
Since Collective bargining is a subject which has been and will continue to be a "hot topic":
Collective bargaining is any negotiation between a union and management over wages, fringe benefits, hiring policies, job security, or working conditions.

Anonymous said...

625 I will clarify what I mean, when you belong to a union, longevity "more years worked" puts you up the ladder in seniority, your ability to get the work done quicker has no merit, you just have to get it done. I'm not sayin unions are perfect but non unions have there downfalls too. My personal feelings are if you get paid well and are treated fairly by your company be thankful. We have a job. I'm not a non union hater and I wish people wouldn't be union haters. It's ok to have a discussion on the facts. We are all American workers, what is the downfall is we lost our jobs to foreign company's, wages that are 20 percent higher really isn't why American companies left. EPA Regs, Workcomp, OSHA Regs, Lawsuits, Higer Tax rates, make up a larger percentage of American costs. Also we have politicians on both sides that believe in a free economy. There is NAFTA that hurt the manufacturing sector as well. We have the Harvard and Yale economist that are supposed to be the smartest people in the world that promote an open free economy in the US have screwed all Americans. It's was to keep inflation low, sure cheep price on goods, a lot of American jobs have been lost. American pride started to leave in the late sixties, left more in the 70's, the yuppie generation of the 80's and 90's killed American pride, Now we have both parties that only want there platforms, and F the American worker, give it to the Chineese and the middle east.

Anonymous said...

But didn't the union come in after Harl's election. That would mean all employees joined at the same time, so where would the seniority come into play. It seems as if maybe this was a way to compensate the senior employees by putting hours not worked on their pay checks. Only a guess on my part though.

Anonymous said...

My husband works for the city, I won't say which department since it seems everyone is a little edgey and yelling at their workers. But this stealing time has gone on forever. Not just time, employees stealing tools and equipment. If anyone did an actual inventory of the cities department shops everyone would be amazed at what is not here. Certain people have been padding their pay and abusing the handwritten time sheets forever. The summer kids do it too !! There is no leadership. None!!

Anonymous said...

Seniority should be created by the day you became a employee of the city, not by the starting date of a union.
Anon 9:15 do you believe in a fair days work for a fair days pay. How many think that it is ok to compensate any employee by putting hours not worked on their pay checks?
The Peru city employees already have some of the best jobs in town.
How many applications are filled out with applicants praying to be called ?
How much time is a city worker layed off per year when work is slow? What % of city employees work year around in comparison to construction workers.

Anonymous said...

9:15 You are correct, Baker was fighting the union and when this guy was elected the union came in. It makes very good sense saying that everyone is on a level playing field.

Anonymous said...

Besides a sole proritetorship I do not know of any other form of ownership that could pay overtime to a employee in which he does not have to present himself to a work location. if someone has scheduled a employee to work and than tells the person he does not have to come in to work but will be paid as a prior arrangement that person is fired and if he is found to have done this for more than once he can expect to be arrested.
I might soften my attitude but if the people involved are all experienced employees who have been in the work arena long enough to be retired they had best be prepared to hire the most suitable legal advise they can afford and maybe a little better than that because I am coming after them.
If you can't trust the individual get rid of him and above all do not leave him in a management position. Sometimes you have to make a example out of a individual, individuals or situation. The more severe the penalty the more assurred that you can kbe that it will not reoccur in the future.

Anonymous said...

I know a guy that worked for a company for many years - had to transfer to a different location that was unionized and lost all of his seniority when he was forced to join the union. Guess what happened when the layoff came....

Sherry Mayszak said...

11:42 p.m. When I was an alderman, I repeatedly asked for a depreciation schedule which lists all inventory and equipment the city owns, when it was purchased, and how much it cost. The only way to know if city equipment is being stolen is to do an inventory of what the city presently owns, and keep track of when things are put out of service and new things are bought. It's a simple concept and every business should know what they have in inventory. It would be a big job to complete if it hasn't been done, but it would be worth the time and effort. When the planting group was planting this spring at the greenhouse, we saw the equipment that is kept there. Shovels, rakes, planters, tools, baskets, etc. I think there should be a list of those items and it should be checked every year to see what is missing and why it's missing. Same for every place the city stores equipment. Although I repeatedly asked for this list, it was never given to me.

Anonymous said...

Sherry this is just another example of a "work in progress" or work performed "in kind". Perus inventory control and its purchasing policies are exactly what those who are in charge of and work with the inventory want, outdated and none.
Today there are firms which supply, update, and document all purchases by date, quantity , what item is purchased and cost and purchased by whom and when the same item was purchased last by the same person. Very sophistacated.
The present city eng./SPW understands the modern tools available and is moving ahead with good computer programming. I believe in him and his desire to make changes.
Sherry you were an outstanding alderman, Thank You. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thankgiving.

Anonymous said...

Baker let the union come in. Not Harl.

Anonymous said...

Sherry, maybe this inventory could be done over the winter months when the work load is lighter.

Anonymous said...

There are towns that have outsourced everything. I think we need to look at more outsourcing. The public works department would be easy to replace with a private company.

Anonymous said...

An excellent idea 1;43. I too once suggested to the mayor that they have a tool or equipment shed with someone in charge. And, each and every time someone checked out a piece of equipment they signed their name on the dotted line. If and when they returned the borrowed tool their name would be cleared. If they didn't return it the cost would be deducted from their pay. A simple yet very cost effective procedure.

Anonymous said...

An excellent idea 1;43. I too once suggested to the mayor that they have a tool or equipment shed with someone in charge. And, each and every time someone checked out a piece of equipment they signed their name on the dotted line. If and when they returned the borrowed tool their name would be cleared. If they didn't return it the cost would be deducted from their pay. A simple yet very cost effective procedure.

Anonymous said...

We always see stuff being bought , lawn mowers , chain saws , and such but nothing is ever traded in or listed as for sale to the public , like used dump trucks , lol . The list of items bought at local stores is outrageous . There was a listing for $600 worth of oil from Casey's ! Chain saw blades, safety glasses , etc like every day . outrageous !

Anonymous said...

The union was in prior to harl. It was brought in to create a more level playing field. Look back at salaries of relatives to the super of pw. Pathetic. That was where your crime was. Many family members with ridiculous pay scales without training or certifications. All because you were family. Now the dept has a tarnished image. Let the new super do his job. Seems like an honest man so far.

Anonymous said...

I say Harl brought the union in!!

Anonymous said...

More of the same whinning about unions, Baker, past alderman, tool sheds. They are not to blame about the current problem. Put the blame on those involved and let them take the medicine.

Anonymous said...

The topic of a investigation has had 350 posts. City employees must find the subject interesting. Out of 350 posts about 1/2 are in favor of the practice of being paid without performing work, another 25% blame the past, another 10% blame the union mentality, 5% believe the city should have a tool shed. Thats leaves 10% that want to place the blame on those involved. Yes, we have 10% of those posts that actually want somebody to take personal responsibility and justice for the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be pretty safe to assume that no one has kept an inventory of all the equipment and supplies that have been purchased, why they've been purchased, where they are now, and for what job were they purchased. Just taking a glance at disbursements we appear to have purchased an abundance of ladders and gloves from Debo's. Wonder where these supplies are now. Yes, I agree a tool shed or warehouse would be an excellent and cost saving idea.

Anonymous said...

Tool shed or warehouse? To correct a problem you must have the desire. Don't you realize that no one involved has had the desire?
The present SPW seems to have positive desire and know how. Give him time and I believe he is going to be the answer to a lot of the past and present problems. There are just so many problem.
To his credit the Department of Public Works is supposed to have time clocks.