“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Peru to borrow $3 million for road and sewer projects « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru to borrow $3 million for road and sewer projects « AM1220 WLPO News


Anonymous said...

I think the Alderman of Peru had valid points as to why they favored or opposed the borrowing of money for the 2012 road and sewer projects.

I appreciate elected officials thinking through borrowing and spending the taxpayers money.

What is NOT obvious to most Citizen’s is how much thought and discussion went into the decision to make the proposal of borrowing and to which roads and sewers were selected for repair.

Alderman Waldorf, Radtke, Lukosus and Perez attended many meetings and heard many opinions on the projects proposed.

I assume other Alderman spent time with the materials handed out and discussed the project with fellow Alderman.

My observation is there was a lot of work put into this project and the Alderman cast their votes for or against the project.

Since it did pass I am looking forward to driving on some new roads!

I think at the end of the day that was "the plan".

Good Job Officials

Anonymous said...

Good J O 2:05 PM The Aldermen and Alderwoman did not pass the project or the loan. The Mayor did in a tie breaking vote for both issues. Since you are so informed with "the plan" would you tell the rest of us at what rate of interest the loan will be issued and will it be obtained from a local lending institution or from out of town.

Anonymous said...

Response from Good Job Officials to 3:19 PM
It is obvious that the Alderman were split on the issue so you are stating the obvious. Is there a point you are making?

For the request for more information I suggest “you read the plan as proposed” and educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

The original proposal called for a 2.5% interest rate through a local bank. The minutes of the 11-21-11 infrastructure meeting quote a 5% interest rate. Through the grapevine the bank may well be in Peoria. The ordinance passed was left open.

Anonymous said...

Good Job Officials why are you so reluctant to answer the question of the rate of interest and if the loan is from a Peru location? I sure hope that limits apply to Mayor Harls interest rate and are 2.5% as the example handed out was. If the loan rate of interest is anything above 2.5% a legal charge of fraud is in order. The combination of the committee not posting a agenda before their meeting, the lack of giving the council all of the finance plans, the hurry up and get this in right away attitude of the Mayor rather than wanting to give the entire council members ample time to study the financing plans along with no citizen input being allowed at the council meeting before public comment is a outstanding example of open and transparent government.
More years of public service and government experience were turned away than the new administration and new council members are old.

Anonymous said...

Response to 7:06 PM from Good Job Officials
Your concern on the interest rate was answered at the Council meeting. The procedure is also the similar for other proposals, loans. As with so many people on this blog you fail to gather any facts and then state silly comments like “If the loan rate of interest is anything above 2.5% a legal charge of fraud is in order”.

Here is the explanation I heard from the Council meeting 12/05/11. When the Council votes for this type of proposal the City officials ask for loan proposals from various banks. City officials determine the best proposal and then an Ordinance is drawn up by the City Attorney for the Council to vote on. That is what I heard from the Mayor and the City Attorney at the meeting.

Your 2nd comment was: Quote: ”with no citizen input being allowed at the council meeting before public comment is a outstanding example of open and transparent government”.

Help me with this question, where is the rule allowing Citizens to give input on an issue before the council votes. I thought a citizen could call the Alderman or send an e-mail with their concerns.

Or maybe the citizen could attend a committee meeting or 2 and ask questions and voice their opinion. Heaven forbid the citizen put some work in before forming a opinion.

Wow, imagine that, some actual fact finding and education before giving your opinion!!!

I repeat: Good Job City Council

Anonymous said...

9:40 If what you say is true then what "local" establishment and what "interest rate" did the council accept and vote on? From what I heard through the grapevine the local bank could be in Peoria. I don't know about you but I don't consider that local. And, if the council has a particular establishment in mind they don't seem to know its' name and the exact interest rate they will charge. If you have that information please pass it on so all citizens know the truth.