“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Peru officials considering credit card policy « AM1220 WLPO News

Peru officials considering credit card policy « AM1220 WLPO News


Brian Foster said...

I disagree with giving the department heads a card to use for travel. I don't believe they travel enough to justify the risk of abuse or loss. If they do issue cards for this purpose, they should follow the model of the US Armed Services - the card is actually in the individual's name and the individual must pay the bill - even if the travel claim has not been processed yet. These people are highly compensated individuals - if they cannot afford to front the cost of a few nights in a hotel and a tank of gas on their own card, then their management skills must be questioned.
For purchases - the Clerk should have a card that can be used if a business does not accept a purchase order.

Anonymous said...

I have a question on how this credit card thing would work after 4 years if a mayor, city clerk, and superintendents are replaced. Will new cards need to be issued and will someone be in charge of making sure all the old cards are returned? I don't understand why one credit card, kept in the possession of the clerk's office, can't be used for all transactions. Why can't the clerk make hotel reservations, purchase parts, pay for classes, etc.? In my opinion better accountability and less confusion,

Anonymous said...

Could someone please tell me who thought this new process was a good idea? Too much work for the staff to handle one credit card, now it's easier to hand out more? The entire world is "reeling in" their credit card spending, but the City thinks we should spend more? I guarantee there will be "Oh my, golly gee whiz, I must have lost the receipt" comments left and right. Boy, my loyalty to the new admin is definitely dwindling day by day. And I thought I was pretty open minded.

Anonymous said...

Brian and Anon 12:53 Great ideas, couldn't agree with you both more. Please, please, please express these comment at the opening public comment at the next city council meeting. Peru has so many loose ends existing with very little being finalized that it doesn't need credit card problems to further complicate and add to existing problems.
Maybe some did not take the recent losses at the Peru Swimming Pool as seriously as others but these same people are now the ones being considered to being issued credit cards. The free spending methods displayed by City Hall has not shown the fiscal responsibilities to start issuing cards.
If there are city officials who cannot be trusted with the key to the swimming pool there are city officials who surely cannot be trusted with the a taxpayers credit card!
Who knows what we will pay for in the future - still waiting for a report or at least a mention of what was discussed at the last Illinois Municipal League Meeting. Not one word about it has been mentioned yet.
Recently the SPW asked for a 1/2 ton pick up which he was going to put a plow on. After being told by the PFD Chief that that plow would tear up a 1/2 ton and that he needed a 3/4 ton he than asked for a 3/4 ton at the same meeting which he has rec'd. After that he asked for a warehouse which he had located and could rent for $600.00 per month next meeting it is up to $1200 per month and the renter is going to reimburse the city $600.00 per month. But don't ask why, because you will not get a answer to your question. People who were at the council meeting know this for a fact, they asked. These are recent incidents. They have been ocuring regularly for the last few years. Credit cards - BRING BACK YOUR RECEIPTS TO THE CHECK AND BALANCE SYSTEM TO BE REIMBURSED - Brians' idea of copying the US Armed Services system sounds more than reasonable and appropriate to the situation during these times.

Anonymous said...

Way to say it 4:21. Agree with you!! Too many open purchasing accounts already. Employees should not be making purchases without purchase orders signed by dept head and finance committee. Get a little organized people! Analyze your needs and purchase accordingly. Kind of like when you manage your household on a budget. Oh, darn, I forgot. The city taxpayer is funding your purchases.... there is no budget! By the way, here's a thought. Anybody in those offices have any formal business training that could show them how a real accounts payable/purchase order system should work? I'll place a little wager on money for more "plumbing parts" being bought too. Not sure where they can apply the expense though since the pools are closed now! LOL! Yes, I have to laugh, it's that sad. Things seem to be going backward. Not a happy voter lately. I hope every credit card receipt billed on the monthly statement is available for FOIA requests.

Anonymous said...

I totally DISAGREE to allow the issueing of credit cards to departament heads. They do not know how to manage money and we want to give them a credit card ? How STUPID ARE WE AS CITIZENS OF PERU
The aldermen should recind this agreement and just say no.

Where do the dept hds or managers travel that NEED A CITY CREDIT CARD. Why in the past 100 yrs it was not necessary and now Dave Bartley thinks we should offer credit cards now.

Peru Town Forum said...

While i may agree with you about credit cards, I do need to tell you that Mayor Harl was not in town for the discussion and the agreement was made by all 8 city council members. I did not hear one word against the credit cards for dept. heads. They only said that they personally did not want a credit card but had to objection to the Mayor, city clerk and dept. heads having one. The treasurer also opted out of having one. No dept. head present objected to having a credit card and I can tell you the council will without a doubt pass this 8-0.

Anonymous said...

Did any of the aldermen even question why the need for department heads to have these cards? Did any of the aldermen take a walk through the public works building on Peoria St. to confirm there is a need for another building after all these years? Did any of the aldermen check out the new building we're leasing prior to their approval of our leasing it? From readding this blog and the news paper articles it appears that our council is spending, spending but not asking the appropriate questions as to the need for this excessive spending. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

What local governments in the Peru area are supplying their government officials with credit cards?
Why in a locality which has and is still experiencing a recession, long term unemployment and a abundance of over educated and over experienced job applicants for the occupations which are available would government officials ask for the use of credit cards when they are noted to be on a spending fiasco?
Credit cards, public works warehouse, continuous purchasing of new trucks and employee pay raises etc., etc., etc. maybe termed political progress in the year of 2011. Most intelligent people would term it WASTE! Please for no other excuse do not use the year 2011 as the reason of lack of fiscal responsibility but instead city officials put the blame where it belongs, YOURSELVES! As a Christmas gift It is of strong hope all of you received a basic book on economics and finance and that you can read and understand it for Peru's 2012.
Instead of channeling your thoughts on what you can do to enhance your political life why don't you spend some time creating a plan on what can be done to keep some of our youth here at home rather than moving away. Last summer 41 of Peru's youth were hired as summer help. This was termed as a investment in Peru's future. How can it be considered a investment in Peru's future when very few of them will choice Peru as their hometown in the near future. Evidence of this is proven by the history of past years. The need of our young coming back is great and the need of reasons for them to come back to Peru is even greater.

Anonymous said...

Was there something wrong with my earlier post (sent in approx 10:00)?
It wasn't published??

Peru Town Forum said...


Is it the one above your question?

Anonymous said...

Here's food for thought for the new year:

1. Where do we stand on the insurance fiasco?
2. Where do we stand on the $3million loan for the infrastructure project?
3. Has an engineer been hired yet?
4. How many applications were received and why was the dead line such a short period of time?
5. Will someone find the answer to the $600 return mystery from the rent of the new public works building?
6. Will we ever find out the truth about the missing swimming pool equipment?
7. Will we ever find out who bid on the remaining equipment and much much the pool fund received from this sale?
8. Will someone ever answer the questions that have been floating around in regards to PV AS and now the PFD?
So many questions and so few answers. Let's hope the new years brings the citizens of Peru and those who represent them closer together. If we work together, instead of against each other, greater things can be accomplished for the city of Peru.

Anonymous said...

Lois, in regards to 3:12pm...that wasn't my posting above my question. I commented how foolish it would be to allow city credit cards to pay for fueling city dept heads spouses vehicles and not to mention their pals as well......sound familiar? If you didn't get it, I apologize! I'll have to remember all that I posted and resend at a later time.
God bless and happy new year!!

Anonymous said...

The January 4th 2012 Peru City Council Meeting agenda is incorrect. The Pledge of Allegiance is supposed to be followed by Public Comment at the start of the meeting and the 2d Public
comment is to take place before adjournment.

Anonymous said...

A other question! How exactly did the city pay for the new$28,000 command vehicle approved to be purchased recently by the city
Council. Who drives it? Didn't we have two of them already? I believe asst. Chief Duncan drives one and chief king drives the other. Wouldn't it have saved us taxpayers THOUSANDS of dollars to fix the one we had ? Really, it's not like it goes on long trips. Peru is not a suburb of Chicago with more tax revenue to be able to afford this kind of spending. Who is calling the shots in this town??also. Could someone, please show us taxpayers what the asst. Fire chief a d the fire chief of Peru was making in during Gary Eccles tenure as fire chief and the salaries of current chief jeff kings tenure! ? Spreadsheet please! All our bodies of governament need to be scrutinized by us taxpayers. I think we have been left in the dark for way too long and finally we are awakening. Peru needs to compare salaries of employees with our surrounding communities.

Anonymous said...

Lois could you please post Chief King's salary. I believe I saw it here before. I think people will be very surprised to see just how little he makes......

Peru Town Forum said...

I believe the base salary for part time chief is $1800 including being fire marshall and than he gets 1/2 of the ESDA, about 1500. I will get exacts figures tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

5-4 Scott gets his credit card.

Anonymous said...

Lois, Did you happen to get the Fire Chief's salary??