“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

News Tribune - News - Local - Peru council narrowly approves road, sewer plan

News Tribune - News - Local - Peru council narrowly approves road, sewer plan


Peru Town Forum said...

Sorry I was out of town and unable to attend last weeks meeting and I don't believe minutes have been posted yet as it takes 2 weeks. A discussions should always be allowed before a vote.

Anonymous said...

I refer to the many past blogs that were critical to the current city debt. Now those same individuals support additional debt. I refer to the same mayor who was preaching to be fiscally responsible and critical of the exsisting city debt, now supports additional debt. What is going on behind the scenes that city council members rubber stamp decisions without any discussion? If last nights meeting is any indication of how the city is being run, we had better look into more secret chambers.

Anonymous said...

I think the Alderman of Peru had valid points as to why they favored or opposed the borrowing of money for the 2012 road and sewer projects.

I appreciate elected officials thinking through borrowing and spending the taxpayers money.

What is NOT obvious to most Citizen’s is how much thought and discussion went into the decision to make the proposal of borrowing and to which roads and sewers were selected for repair.

Alderman Waldorf, Radtke, Lukosus and Perez attended many meetings and heard many opinions on the projects proposed from Engineers, Citizens and fellow elected officials.

I assume other Alderman spent time with the materials handed out and discussed the project with fellow Alderman.

My observation is there was a lot of work put into this project and the Alderman cast their votes for or against the project.

Since it did pass I am looking forward to driving on some new roads!

I think at the end of the day that was the plan.

Good Job Officials

Anonymous said...

News Trib article: Former alderman Joe Witczak spoke against the plan.
“Borrowing money you maybe have coming in is not fiscally responsible,” he said.

What is NOT fiscally responsible about borrowing money?

Did you ever vote as an Alderman to borrow money? I think we may know the answer!

Anonymous said...

Good job officials: What were the valid points made. There was no valid points at the meeting only silence. Does the public deserve to hear reasons? Apparently not.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:27 Witczak's comment of being fiscally responsible has a sound basis. Witzak had more years of experience that the collective experience of Harl and the 4 newbies. Have they quickly become experts in everything? I try hard or its takes alot of time is not a valid argument.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:55 AM
Witczak ran for re election and was defeated, in fact came in third. Evidently the people of his ward did not believe he was the best for their ward. After last evening I think ex politicians should stay in the background because they are no longer a part of what is going on within the city and their advice is no longer relevant.

Anonymous said...

does that make your advice or comment relevant since you are obviously no elected official?? knock it off - everyone has the right to speak their mind - and that means all citizens of this city.

Anonymous said...

All those who take the time to give their advice and speak their minds should be appaulded including Lois, Linda, Former Ald Witczak. Many of the residents appreciate the efforts of those who are involved and come to the meetings.

Brian Foster said...

Lois - you should rethink your 8:55 AM statement. Stifling the view of any citizen is un-American. Witczak may have done better in the last election if he actually tried to run.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Witzak should be the one to rethink his comment. Seems like he forgot his own personal history book. I believe he has voted for public financing of quite a few projects in his very short lived term in office. (Maybe he voted a certain way because someone told him to, but that's another issue we will never know.) He has absolutely no room to talk about "borrowing on money maybe coming in." All money coming into government is a "maybe." Real estate tax values can go down. Sales tax collected could go down with the economy. If he had any financial skills behind him he would realize that there are significant economies of scale to be had when bidding one large project vs 10 smaller projects. The savings would offset the interest alone on borrowed money. And... the greatest would be the fact that the project gets completed sooner, thereby reducing any additional R&M costs associated with the deteriorating project. Kind of like doing many unncessary repair jobs on a crappy old car stored in an outdated repair shop with 50 year old repair equipment that can't do the job. In retrospect, it might have been cheaper to get a loan and buy a new car. Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Joe Wittzak is the new flavor of the day. Did you run out of Jack or Don material? Fot the expert on ecomomies of scale. When we go to Walmart is it good to buy a whole bunch of stuff because its cheaper today then it will be 10 years from now! No you buy what you can afford and what you are able to pay for. Savings offsetting interest, you sound like a engineer or maybe a weekend Mayor consultant. Saving on a economy of scale sounds like more engineering fees. My basement is still flooding and your taking about R&M projects. Tell me about real estate taxes or property values. I get tired of listening to a bunch of hard hats pretending to run Peru.

Anonymous said...

The hard hat running the city, as far as I'm concerned knows what he is doing. g

Anonymous said...

I just have to laugh my butt off. Let's allow Blago Bakes another chance. (yes, I am being sarcastic.) He can run us into debt further. He could avoid making any big boy decisions like in early years and then maybe the whole town will fall into a big watermain/sewerline sink hole. He had to take break from his post ya know. New guy had to clean up the mess and make some nasty decisions in order to bail us out of a serious mess. Bakes will show up after the real business decisions were made and look like the savior. NOT! As for Witzak, by all means, give him another chance too. He has everything thing we need in a finance role with such high standards for property maintenance. He is just what the city needs.(more sarcasm in case you missed it.) Not sure I ever commented about Jack. He didn't do a damn thing anyway so what could i say. chuckle....