“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Halloween on Marquette Road Trick or Treat

On Halloween evening between 5 and 7 somewhere around three to four hundred treats per household were handed out to the little trick or treaters and even some not so little ones, I was told. There was so much traffic that ESDA and several Peru Police cars came out to attempt to manage the traffic. Keep in mind that this street is one of the busiest streets in Peru on a normal traffic day and now throw in all the extra cars because so many people decided that this was the place to be on Halloween. Although this is not new and started years ago when families decided that better treats could be obtained in the newer additions of town. This year it seemed to have reached the exploding point. If it had been necessary to get an ambulance through, I am told it would be difficult. Cars parked along the sides of Marquette Rd. and children running back and forth and on the roadway and I hope that adult supervision was present. The topic was presented to the Peru Police chief but he really did not have an answer. Do you?


Anonymous said...

Lois: Many of us have had ideas or suggestions for problems that have been encountered but our ideas and suggestions seem to fall on deaf ears. Our leaders seem to be aware of problems and situations that exist in our city but they don't seem to know where to go with the answers or unable to get the proper people to listen.

Anonymous said...

The solution is simple....close Marquette from 5-7 and re-route the traffic.

Anonymous said...

Remember when you only went in your own neighborhood?

Peru Town Forum said...

9:49 PM

Would you reroute to Airport Road and close Marquette between Wenzel Rd and 25th or 26th St
and that means blocking intersections ?

Anonymous said...

Block both intersections..25th and either the Carrie street or the next block north and route all traffic over to Becker to 25th and vice versa coming in off of Shooting Park, 25th to Becker.

Anonymous said...

Extend Trick or Treat hours...not so much traffic all at once trying to get all the houses in before 7. As we drove our little ones around town, we noticed that ALOT of neighborhoods didn't have any lights on for trick or treaters!! It's getting to the point where you have to take your kids where the lights are...it's not fair, but what are you gonna do??

Peru Town Forum said...

I think it simply changing neighborhoods. After our kids were grown, we still would put the lights on and give out treats which were not junk and gradually the number of children who came were less until we were finally left with a bowl of candy because no one came. It was at that point we just shut off the light because we did not need to eat the candy. And because of changes, not everyone wants to go to homes where the residents are constantly changing, so maybe the children and parents feel safer in the new additions. Is there a better way to celebrate Halloween in this changing and sometimes dangerous world?

Anonymous said...

Just found out about this Blog, very cool. Glad to see the dialogue is pretty friendly.

I was on the opposite end of town (around the Igloo) and there were quite a few kids too. I avoid Marquette area because it is too congested, but really, we did just fine where we were. Quite a few households went "all out" with their decorations and my kids loved it.
From the safety point of view, blocking off some intersections might be the best approach.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea. Walk around your own neighborhood. If you have to drive your kids to trick or treat aren't you missing the point? I thought the idea was to see your neighbors and spend time with your kids. Not which sub-division has the best candy.