“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Building and Zoning Inspector Job Description Updated 06/09


Peru Town Forum said...

OK this is the job of the Peru Building and Zoning Inspector and this is the position that became vacant when John Micheli was removed from this position. That left Frank Taylor who was the assistant of building and zoning under Micheli. That left us with only the assistant and in a case like that I would assume the assistant although still called the assistant, would step in and take on the responsibilities of the now banished Building and Zoning Inspector. What is your take on this?

Anonymous said...

Theology explains with much greater definition and clarity of the Bible to why there is a old testament and a new testament than the above mentioned positions are explained by the City Of Peru officials. AMEN

Anonymous said...

On Oct 25,2011 this comment was posted,"Recently a new committee was formed-the "Infrastructure Committee"-it has now meet two times and each time a city employee was in attendance to take minutes. Is this being covered by overtime, comp time, or is the employee donating her time? There is no reason that one of the committee members cannot take the minutes of the meeting. There is surely enough formal education and business background within this committee to take their own minutes rather than adding anymore expense to the taxpayer."
The statement that this blogger posted was a plea to keep unnecessary city expenses down. At the bottom of the Oct 24, 2011 Infrastructure Committee meeting it shows a increase of personnel recording the minutes to two (2),the same city employee plus the City Clerk.
Do you think that if this blogger posted a day sooner there would have been some attention to his plea?
After three meetings what progress has this committee made, what goals have been determined and and what is going to be the time frame and tools utilized to achieve these goals. Peru needs to update its road design on the north end and coming down North Peoria into Peoria Street. Possibly a straightening out and a around about or two.

Anonymous said...

Is that not a public meeting? I'm just curious because you are asking questions and have suggestions that should be brought up or checked into by you. Then you can report back to us because I work straight nights and can't attend these meetings.