This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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For a change Peru is not telling you what they will do, they are asking its residents. This is not only about the fireworks, it is about the people in Peru stepping up and voicing their opinions to people who will listen to your concerns, pro and con.
If you can only come for 10 or 15 minutes, please do, community involvement is needed to make a difference. It is often said about people that they like to complain but don't want to get involved in making a difference. This is our chance and particularly for the mothers and fathers with children to express what they would like this town to do. Many of us will work to make this a family affair but your input is needed. Come with your children if you don't have a sitter.
A very long meeting made longer by Ald. Ankiewicz and his long rambling letter extolling the virtues of the CSO. I actually had to leave the room for a breath of fresh air. Wait a minute, I thought this was a meeting for Ald. Perez who was going to discuss the fireworks venue and get citizen input. We heard the views of former Ald. Don Piano, former Ald. Joe Witczak and former Ald. Jack O'Beirne and guess what they might have said.
Someone with a business on Water Street that opens a couple times a year was upset that businesses on Water St. would lose money if the annual July 3 event did not take place there.
Finally a couple of people with children were given time to express their views.
Ald. Perez will continue with his effort to have a family fun day at Baker Lake probably on June 30 of 2012 ending with a small fireworks display. A pyrotechnic person who does the Utica fireworks said it was definitely doeable there. Feel free to offer your input and what types of things you would like to see as part of this "family fun day".
Did you say Piano, Witczack, O'beirne, Ankewitcz? was this a good ole boy club reunion or a CSO meeting? Sounds like all they needed was Waldorf, Ferrari and Potthoff to have their reunion.
Forgot Ferrari was there and was very unhappy that the fireworks aerials might not be as big and tall for financial reasons. You see each July 3 Ald. Ferrari has a party at his house and everyone can see the fireworks display without ever having to go down to Water Street. Face it Tony you were thinking about yourself and not the constituents that you are supposed to be serving. You know that being an alderman is being a public servant!
Rumors are out there that former Mayor Baker is considering another run or finding someone to run for Mayor that is to his liking. You know someone that would do what he says.
Perhaps that is why we are seeing all his former alderman friends out and about lately.
It seems to me that if the venue on Water Street is altered in any way these are the people and results that will be affected:
1. Businesses on Water Street will lose money because of reduced sales in alcohol.
2. The CSO will also lose money because of the lack of sales from selling alocohol.
3. Some individuals yard parties will be spoiled because fireworks will not be visible from their yards.
Is this what our 4th of July celebration is all about? Individual's parties and certain businesses making money? Once again Peru has made the paper and once again it's not a good thing. Can't we stop these embarassing attitudes and work together to make Peru a better place to live? We're moving backward not forward.
Yes Lois Tony was thinking of himself. He doesn't really want his constituents bothering him. Have you noticed he doesn't even have his telephone number in the phone book. Hes listed under his, wifes intial, L. Ferrari no address, so how can anyone contact him?????? If he doesnt want to be bothered, he shouldn't be an aldermen.
Was a conclusion finally reached in reference to celebrating next years 4th of July Wednesday evening. I realize that the fireworks and the swimming pool are important city issues. I also realize that with all of the issues that Peru has facing it that entirely too much council time has been ate up and emphasis put on these issues. I congratulate the committee that is raising funds for the pool and I believe that a committee of interested personnel should be formed to raise funds for the firework show. The answer is not to diminish the display by dividing it into two shows, nor raising the cost of the 4th to the taxpayer. The answer is to take the cost out of the taxpayers hands by utilizing methods of collecting donations. Move the fireworks to the 4th where people have to go to work the next day instead of the 3rd and enforce the law in regards to intoxication. People waling around with a open bottle of beer or a cup of beer are not hurting anyone. If the law is enforced I don't see a problem. Peru does not need Prohibition or a Prohibition party to have a firework display nor does it need excessive finger pointing.
I follow ya, but your comment.. "People waling around with a open bottle of beer or a cup of beer are not hurting anyone. If the law is enforced I don't see a problem".
The Law is, you can't be Waling around with an open container of beer on public streets.
Sure you can the council has even passed a ordinance which allows a person to wale around on a certain public street. Once it has been legally passed for one it is unfair to stop it on any other public street. There are a hell of a lot worse things going on to really worry about than a adult enjoying a open container of beer. The larger percentage of our local children have grown up and are accustomed to their parents having a drink in front of them. This issue, trying to create something wrong with having a drink and celebrating on the 4th of July has become a farce. There are so many laws broken and not paid attention to in this locality which do real harm to families that it is shameful to making something which is legal such as having a few drinks or walking on a public street with a open container of beer appear as if the idea of priorities has been forgotten. Wouldn't the alcohol problem be cured if each person would not drink in excess. Why ruin something which has been fun for most because a few will not adapt to the mores of the rest of society?
10:58 PM
That is the reason that bars, taverns, saloons, watering holes, whatever name you want to use exist. It is a place for adults over the age of 21 to drink alcohol and be with friends of the same age.
I do wonder what laws you are referring to that are bring broken and harming families that we are not enforcing. Sounds like something to be looked into.
It is private property vs public property and laws are enforced to protect the general public on public property. Have your beer on private property and no one will bother you. You can drink in your own yard but not allowed to take a walk with open alcohol in hand and that will now include Water Street during the Fireworks celebration. I doubt that you will find it allowed in any city.
Utica allows folks to walk around the Burgoo with open alcohol.
Utica allows people to walk around with open liquor on a lot more days than just the Burgoo.There are several cities which operate under the same policy as Utica and never have a problem. Go to any professional baseball or football game and you will witness row after row of people tailgating on public parking lots. From what I hear Peru did not have a problem either until someone or a small group of someones created the problem because many were not conducting themselves exactly as this small group wanted them to. Maybe and just maybe the fireworkds should be discontinued until cooler heads can organize a acceptable plan for the renewal of them. The problem with elimination is that once you start with that type of plan there is the possibility of many things being eliminated ie smokers etc.
The explanation that laws are enforced to protect the general public on public property, and than misleading with the idea that you can do anything legal or illegal on private property. If you violate the law it is illegal on both public and private property.
11:22 AM
I did not say that anyone could do whatever they wanted on private property, the discussion was about alcohol and the drinking of alcohol.
"It is private property vs. public property and laws are enforced to protect the general public on public property." 8:26 PM This is a direct quote from your comment 11:27 PM.
11:29 AM
Anyone who comments is in danger of someone taking one sentence out of a paragraph and not in the context of the whole.
Aren't fireworks for the kids?? Why is there booze anyway? Who cares what business makes money that day? Here is what I care about...making my kids look forward to the fireworks! We do not go to water st...it's just a big cluster!! Adults and kids acting like jerks and then add alcohol...we all know what you get then! Move the damn fireworks back to Washington Park!!! One bad year and all hell breaks loose?? Get over it and let's get back to why the fireworks are important!! NOT to make money for anyone, NOT a place for everyone to get bombed and act like jackasses!! It's for our KIDS!!! Find a place for a carnival!! Bring back the taste on the same weekend as the fireworks...with alcohol at Centenial and the carnival and fireworks at Washington!! Why does it always seem the City of Peru is always at odds against each other for stupid reasons!!!?? Let's all grow up and be civil...for our KIDS!!!! We built a new school FOR OUR KIDS...let's make summers enjoyable for them too!!!!
Kari, I feel the fireworks are for everyone. It is a chance for us to be grateful for our independence. It should also be a chance to teach our children about patriotism. With that being said I agree with you completely about the City of Peru. It is embarrassing to pick up the paper the day after a meeting and read about how people treat each other.
What bothers me most is the closed minds on the council and the inability to accept or even try something new. Everybody (including all the council members) loved the fun fair that was held at Washington Park this year. What Alderman Perez is proposing is just a slight variation of that fun fair - moving the location and adding a smaller scale fireworks show. He has done his homework, and hopefully when the council votes on it, those with closed minds will open them and see that this will be a wonderful celebration of our Independence Day in an atmosphere geared towards families and children.
Has anyone thought to consider that most people prefer to have the 4th of July celebration at Water Street and do not want it moved? When is this ridiculous bantering going to stop so that the serious minded aldermen can resume governing the city? Just about everyone has had it with this attention grabbing bandstanding.
10:37 AM
Has anyone thought to consider that most people prefer to NOT have the 4th of July celebration at Water Street and do want it moved? No proof one way or another except to make a change and see what happens, otherwise we will never know. If it is 50-50, than we either alternate years or have both each year.
Maybe it will be decided by each event having to fund itself. Follow the money.
ANON 10:37 How can you make such a statement? Have you taken a survey or put the question on a ballot? Once again get it straight. The alderman is not bandstanding he is doing his job as an alderman and doing what the people have asked him to do.
Proof is on the way 10:44. Just be willing to accept it when it comes.
And that is how? No one has to go to Water Street and they will find other ways or other places to spend the Holiday as a family without being confronted everywhere by alcohol. I don't know why the people who wish to continue the Water St. event will not accept the fact is that there is going to be another venue
available for those who do not wish to be there. The city should gladly welcome the opportunity to also provide for those who wish to give their family an alcohol free fun day.
Just fyi, we had a daughter who was almost killed on Route 80 by a drunk driver driving in the wrong lane and there was a headon collision between LaSalle Peru and Ottawa. How many other families have been also faced with that and maybe with more disastrous results. How many people leave Water St. drunk and drive away? Sometimes it only takes a few drinks to dull your senses and have an accident. People need choices.
I don't care if you have alcohol on Water Street or not but what I can't comprehend is that adults are fighting for the alcohol and then getting behind the wheels of their car and driving. Are all the people who are drinking bringing along a designated driver? From what I understand and from what has been preached by police departments it doesn't take much to become legally drunk. Don't we campaign against drunk drivers? Doesn't make sense to me!
I just read on the city of Peru webpage that the council is bringing up the fireworks at Bakers Lake for a vote at Wednesday's meeting.
Who will be voting on this? Mayzack, Perez and Lukosus against the CSO looks like a no brainer to me. 5-3 CSO wins. Can we make bets who votes against fireworks at Bakers Lake?
8:31 PM
If that would happen, it would prove that a conflict of interest exists and that no CSO member should vote but then what I'm hearing you may be very surprised by the vote.
Lois, Was my 8:31 prediction right? inquiring minds want to know.
People are going to drink and drive anywhere that weekend. Let them have Water St, but no one under 21 allowed. Rope it off...restaurants: don't allow kids that night! Trust me, you won't go broke!! Have a fair type thing at one of the parks for families...I am sure you can shoot the FW's off at the river and people at the park can still see them...Or bring em back to Washington Park!! If the alderman are supposed to be working FOR us, then do what we are telling them to do!!!! For goodness sake, grow up and get on with it!
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