“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Streator Chamber, Leading Ladies to host Candidates Night - MyWebTimes.com

Streator Chamber, Leading Ladies to host Candidates Night - MyWebTimes.com

This interesting  because the Chamber of Commerce is hosting candidates in Wenona and now the Streator Chamber is hosting candidates. My question is why is the local Chamber of Commerce with offices in Peru, not hosting one for our city.  We certainly have enough candidates running for office to make it interesting. I am not sure of the exact amount of money we give them but it is a good amount and it would be a nice courtesy for them to extend to the residents.


Anonymous said...

Does Peru or the area have at least one organiztion that is civic minded enough to host a debate of the candidates?
The greater the exposure the elections receive the bigger the voter turnout will be and more interest will be aroused in Peru government business.
The organization that would sponsor the debates would also get a tremendous amount of exposure. Doesn't local media have to supply the area with free advertising for such a event as a public service by law?

Anonymous said...

What a Natural, Baker once defeated in the last century and once in this century (reining mayor for 44 consecutive yrs 1965-2009 - a span of 5 decades) He is coming back to challenge only the 2nd to defeat him in 13 runs. Both Mayors are aware of the highly qualified newcomer to Peru - candidate Mike Hart. Mike has the combination for a great candidate. He is a retired employee of IDOT, and a retired Master Sergeant in the Army. In the opinion of many, this standoff will be reduced to the political savy of Don Baker vs. Mike Hart and his work and military experience but no former or present political ties to those in power.

Picture an active organization wanting to add members, obtain recognition and do goodwill within the city - they should be willing to jump on the opportunity to host a debate. Last week alone there were 6 appeals for donations presented to the city by organizations. Sponsorshiping a debate for all candidates (Mayor and Alderman) would be a good way to earn a donation simply by performing a worthy civic duty. If not one of these six then maybe one of the other organizations that appeal to the city on a regular yearly basis.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:51 PM

I would think this is a great opportunity for a civic minded organization to get the ball rolling for a debate. So many residents would love to see these candidates side by side giving us their thoughts. I want to watch the body language more than what comes out of their mouths as sometimes that says more than words which can be memorized and are nothing more than words. We are in the age of television, movies and videos to give us the real picture and it would be appropriate to expect this during this very important election.

Anonymous said...

12:51? Please tell us what those qualifications are?