“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dalzell Mayor comments on concert grounds idea - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Dalzell Mayor comments on concert grounds idea - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Posting because it does effect Peru in the future


Anonymous said...

Typical "Daily Disappointment". Where is the beginning or the article that introduces this??? Might help to know a little background.

Anonymous said...

I found this article in the newstribune that I just read. After this article doesn't it draw even more attention to all the unanswered questions that we taxpayers and bloggers have been asking from our mayor, city council, and of all city departments that had to do and presently involved in the charity concerts. It seems that the Mayor of Dalzell and it's citizens are already on alert. It will be quite interesting to read the future outcome of this article contents. From a Peru taxpayer this is blogged.

Anonymous said...

Article on page B7 newstribune sat April 21. Headline, "Mayor Orlandi: Some Dalzell residents 'not for' concert venue Brings up issues, etc...

Peru Town Forum said...

What do you mean "the beginning"?

The only background would be she needs a better location than a local airport with lots of regulations to deal with and preferably does not involve any of our city departments. Somewhere where she has total control and responsibility of what goes on in that location.

Anonymous said...

By "beginning" I mean...What is the rest of the story??? The Bureau County Republican carried the initial story over a week ago. Of course the "Daily Disappointment" being up on things, only gets part of the story. Why would anyone be surprised. So typical.

Anonymous said...

Let's cut to the chase. Could the main intent on a change of venue being sought be that the city taxpayers of Peru had and still has Questions as to all profits(where they went and whose pockets were filled), what the city receives, what city departments paid to employees/firemen, food profits, etc.. The article in paper surely raises ones eyebrow. It seems from all the blogs regarding concert for a cause has opened a can of worms. Article in paper made me think that Dalzell and it's citizens and it's Mayor will ask questions at it's city meetings. Good Luck
Dalzell. Would u accept only 50 cents for every $58 ticket sold ?

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought for all of us citizens of Dalzell. I live in Dalzell and and I have friends and relatives that live in Peru. Let's say for instance we can accommodate the land to be used for concert. As the village hosting event, Dalzell would get food vendors(booth rent), liquor sold by volunteering citizens. The village decides after costs what percentage if not all go to which charity. Also a percentage of ticket sales goes back to village. I wouldnt be surprised if we never hear about this type of event again because we wouldn't let anyone
Personally gain monies from a charity event that our village of Dalzell hosts.

Anonymous said...

What a joke.

Anonymous said...

the joke is on Peru.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the major liability is on the city, while the promoter decides how much she makes and how much the charity gets! Who is the financial "watchdog", it's Ms. Noonan! That basically leaves the city empty handed as far as profit goes! The council should seriuosly consider changing their minds on this issue.

Anonymous said...

It would be easy to solve this. Let her have the concert at the airport. Don't allow the sale of liquor, beer, or wine. Don't allow people to bring their own in either. Since the airport is a public space - strictly enforce no smoking on the airport grounds.

Anonymous said...

Saint Margaret Hospital has plans of someday building south of the farm Ms. Noonan wants rezoned. Would the Hospital Board be more or less enticed to build in this location when the economy improves with a Rock Concert being staged directly north of it. Lets not ruin a very needy services great location for whatever.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dalzell is thinking and planning. They don't want somebody else's garbage either and get stuck with the bill in the process.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News!!!!! Part of the new Rotary Park in LaSalle includes a large ampatheater. Why can`t the entire area get on board with that?

Peru Town Forum said...

When I first heard this I thought YES we all in the area will enjoy this and I hope it will be one of the earlier tasks the city takes on.

Anonymous said...

Why not host it at the LaSalle County Speedway? Not trying to stir the pot...just asking...

Anonymous said...

Lasalle speedway??? Good idea, however- wide open spaces for who profits personally . It would be too controllable with $$$&$$! Read between the lines.

Anonymous said...

Food for thought - Do you think Ms. Noonan's neighbors would want 4,000 to 5,000 beer drinking concerts goers attending a concert at the edge of the subdivision she lives in? There are more appropriate venues to hold these concerts than next to a quiet residential subdivision. We respectfully request that Ms. Noonan reconsider her plans.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Noonan has reconsidered her plans from the get go. Mary is not, no not going to place 4,000 to 5,000 beer drinking concert goers attending a concert at the edge of the subdivision she lives in.
The results of her reconsideration is that she is going to place 15,000 beer drinking concert goers at the edge of the subdivision you live in.
I am not sure that I am using the word reconsider correctly because to reconsider one must first consider. What will be remembered from the happenings which have occurred recently are that Ms. Noonon is a smart business woman who is taking full advantage of a Peru politician in a election year who does not want to say no to anyone before next April. What he does not realize is that by not making the intelligent decision he is upsetting more people than he is gaining. Oh Well great campaign signs and a highly practiced big city method of getting them paid for. Hasn't the state outlawed this practice for state politicians?

Peru Town Forum said...

I think that you stated exactly what is going on and I also believe that some members of the city council would like to see the Mayor hang himself with the things he is doing and they are doing and saying nothing and just waiting for the results to take place.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the city can recycle all those
Cans at the recycling yard. How many empty beer can would make a pound. The city could supplement it's revenue beyond the .50 cents per $58 ticket sold. Good deals for all. A joke!

Anonymous said...

It's .64 cents a pound for cans. Good idea, that can add up.