“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


When my husband handed this to me from todays mail, I could not believe one was sent to me. This postcard is an absolute lie. The referendum is all about giving residents more representation and they put the lie in big bold letters. I am sure they had wives or children doing these cards because not in a million years would Dave Waldorf send one to me or my husband or even my friends. This will make a good piece to keep when he runs for re election next year.


Anonymous said...

I do not see any lies here. What I see is the opinion of the person that sent it. Just sayin'

Peru Town Forum said...

I don't see having 3 aldermen as less representation I see it as more. And it would be equal because every resident of Peru would have 3 aldermen representing them.
There does not need to be 8 people with seven always always voting as a bloc. That is not representing the people but representing themselves.
The TEST contract proved that when the people in their ward urged them to vote against the special deal for TEST and they went their own way. I know many people who would make better decisions for this city than the people we have now. Let's open this process up and just see if the residents of Peru are ready to work for all of us and not always some special interest of the aldermen.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen to the city workers in Peru if they openly supported an idea or a candidate. I'm sure they'd fear losing their jobs. I personally don't feel that our current alderman should be publicly take a stance on this issue. They have stated that they are for equal representation. Each ward may have 2 representatives but they may definitely not be equal. I have heard people from various wards state that their alderman won't return calls or answer emails. So what good is it to have 2 representatives if they are unwilling to fulfill their duties. I personally know many who have had to go outside their ward representative to another ward. And, even with the new set up each citizen will have equal representation (3).

Anonymous said...

So he can't figure out when to mail a post card so it gets delivered BEFORE election day?

Anonymous said...

Nobody said you have to be a state scholar to be an Alderperson. To get voted in one would have to be smoochy smoochy.

Anonymous said...

How did these articles get into paper without any signed names? Try to get article in open forum, without name,address, etc. Won't accept it. Guess its who you know.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with seven voting as a bloc? When any number agree on something that's the way they vote. You may not like that and want to change it so be it. Your referendum didn't provide for deadlocks, having six represent the city. Now a tie will go to the mayor, and you might not agree with who that is.

Peru Town Forum said...

Just looked at the N.T. online and on the page showing the referendums in todays voting, they got it wrong once again.
The correct referendum question is:
Shall Peru Restrict The Number of Aldermen to Six With One Alderman Representing Each Ward, Plus An Additional Two Aldermen To Be Elected At Large?

The question on the News Tribune is
Peru aldermen:

Shall Peru redistrict the number of aldermen to six, with one alderman representing each ward, plus an additional two aldermen to be elected at large?



Seems this paper has a problem even getting election information correct.

Anonymous said...

lois loser, lois loser keep throwing taxpayer dollars away

Anonymous said...

6:19 there is no problem with block voting, as long as it does not occur over 90 per cent of the time over many years. That is not consensus.

That is simply moronic, back room crap.

Anonymous said...

WLPO just announced there will be 8 Alderman in Peru but they will not be swimming in a City Pool according to the voters in Peru.

Well 1 out of 2 ain't bad is it?

Anonymous said...

Critical mistake of Ttavis, too much change.

Should have gone with 4 at large and four ward. He thought saving money would be important to these idiots.
But the the council would have remained the same, just allowing four aldermen to be taken from a city wide pool of talent.

Then the only argument of less representation would have been meaningless. it was this time as well, but most of the no vote could not understand it.

The four elected citywide would have been the very best , and likely the pool of talent for the next mayor.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:56 PM

I don't think it would have made a difference. The public was not prepared to make this decision, the demographics are against it. In one year 4 aldermen will be up for election, politics is a continually changing scene.

Anonymous said...

9:04 unfortunately, not here. It's like grounddhog day.