“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, March 24, 2014

City of Peru Job Description for City Engineer

The actual job description is online on the city web site and 2 1/2 pages in length. Take a few minutes and read through as it is very interesting.

In the second paragraph are the words:
Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following.  Other duties may be assigned.
Below that are 3 paragraphs of expected duties.( Do you need to inform of other duties before you even write up the expected ones.?)

Page 2
Responsible for Economic Development Assistance by coordinating with the Chamber of Commerce and meeting with prospective developers. (Who is doing this now?)

Meets with department heads, boards and committees for the purposes of reporting deficiencies and providing engineering advice. (this one should be easy as we have the same people doing just about everything)

Responds to questions/requests from the public and the media and communicates with other departments about problems and solutions. (at last we will get answers to questions from someone and shouldn't be told this is comments only, we don't answer questions)



Anonymous said...

The Public Worst Committee is at it again. They are not seeking a Professiona Engineer, they are lazily shopping around for a "YES Man", or "YES Woman". These aldermen have no intention of allowing any city engineer to interfere with the Chamlin & Associates gravy train. So not only do they water down the qualifications of a new hire, they will waste our tax dollars by hiring and paying a salary to an individual who will never be allowed to provide Engineering services. That's one of the main reasons Sean Mikos couldn't wait to get the hell out of this backwards ass town. These nit-wit aldermen are going to do the same damn thing over again, only this time in perfect Peru fashion, they will actually be looking for the "least" qualified candidate who will be less inclined to "rock the boat" like Mikos did.
Chamlin did not like that young man cutting into their endless Sald Bar of billable hours.
This is the guidance and leadership we get from these pretender aldermen? WOW!

Peru Town Forum said...

10:45 AM

Thank you for checking out the requirements we are looking at in a new engineer. I did some internet searching and many many jogs available for civil engineers. It would be curious to know how many applications we received as they are due by March 31, next Monday according to one of the online listing I found for Peru.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thus far we have received 9 applications for the new engineer.

Anonymous said...

11:20, must be a city person blogging here. And went ann. Wow!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious by the requirements listed by the city of Peru that they want an entry level candidate they can mold and manipulate.
They should have included the following requirements.
Successful candidate must have limited skills and be easily indoctrinated into Peru's incredibly inefficient and dysfunctional system of public works, and also be exceptionally submissive and sub-serviant to the will of Chamlion & Associates and TEST, Inc. at all times.

Anonymous said...

12:15 You forgot So Help Me God.

Anonymous said...

12:15. You forgot absolute minimum exposure to standard business practices and people outside LaSalle County IL. The preferred candidate should not have any travel experience outside the Midwest and definitely no travel outside of the country. An Illinois state school degree is required, preferably if they where juiced in by Bobby V. Ability to trace lineage back five generations to the Illinois Valley is an absolute must. Contributions to reelection campaigns will be looked on favorably.

Anonymous said...

Puppets need apply. Liars need apply. Fake people need apply. Excessive drinkers need apply. No experience or qualification needed in which to apply. No resume or bio needed. References are definitely not require(we don't want to find any real truth so we don't check references), All applicants will not be taken seriously. Just a "yes" person needs to apply with no need to speak or write in proper English. Perferable one who doesn't speak at all does need to apply, because you need not to know anything, the committees will do all the work for you. You can just receive a paycheck with all the benefits. That's all folks!

Anonymous said...

"Juiced in by Bobby V". Now that is really funny. I'm still chuckling.
For anybody who does not understand what 1:50 is referring to about Vickrey, I will explain.
Bob Vickrey was a big-shot University of Illinois Trustee for a period of time into the early 2000's. That is until the Chicago Tribune broke a story detailing how U of I trustees had for many years been using their influence to manipulate and circumvent the admissions process by "helping" the kids of friends, family, and political associates to jump the list of kids with higher entrance exam scores and qualifications. Many college bound kids from around the country who wanted to attend Illinois were wrongfully denied an education at the U of I because Vickrey and other university Trustees were rigging the game against them.
The result of the investigation resulted in a mass resignation of all U of I Trustees in disgrace.
As was predictable, the local "Fish-Wrapper" aka The News Tribune, failed to publish a single significant detail about what was a huge nation-wide story at the time. Go figure, right?
Anyway, that kind of monkey-business qualifies Vickrey to fit in quite well with a city government very adept at cutting a corner here, or padding some OT there.
Lord all mighty, I am so hyped about those G-Men snoopin' around this crooked little town. I'm as giddy as a school-girl about it.
If ever there was a community and elected officials that needed a swift kick in the ass, Peru is it in spades. Open all the windows at city hall and air out that stink of corruption. AAAAHHHH! It's beginning to smell better already!

Anonymous said...

City of Peru looking for a entry level candidate that can be molded and manipulated. Successful candidate must have limited skills and be easily indoctrinated into Peru's incredibly inefficient and dysfunctional system of public works and also be exceptionally submissive and subservient to the will of Chamlin & Associates and TEST, Inc at all times. Candidate will report directly to Public Worsts Alderman Committee first and foremost and under no terms make business phone calls or outside conversations without initial permission.
Candidate will have absolute minimum exposure to standard business practices and people outside LaSalle County IL. The preferred candidate should not have any travel experience outside the Midwest and definitely no travel outside of the country. An Illinois state school degree is required, preferably if they where juiced in by Bobby V. Ability to trace lineage by five generations to the Illinois Valley is an absolute must. Contributions to reelection campaigns will be looked upon favorably.
Candidate need not apply if highly motivated and having average intelligence or above. Candidate will be tested on vocal and memorization abilities by being required to sing "Were All for Peru". So Help Me God.

Peru Town Forum said...

Regarding the 4:03 PM comment, I want to add that initially I had misgivings about posting this one but then decided to "google" the topic and I found a detailed and quite similar explanation on Wikipedia. Considering that this is not new news I decided to go ahead and allow the comment to be posted.

Anonymous said...

403--but the trustee story had a beginning well before that. Gov. George Ryan appointed BV to the Illinois Gaming Board ostensibly to ram through the Emerald license with a bunch of his cronies. Before BV could do his ramming word leaked out (investigative reporting) that some bad guys were going to get that license. The cat was out of the bag and BV had to go. So, apparently BV knew something that Ryan didn't want to be made public and he landed on the UI board. That's Illinois politics.

Anonymous said...

To 9:10 pm - One phony-baloney appointment after another.
Currently serving another phony appointment as Economic Development Director for the Peru.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me why witczek property is such a mess...can the code enforcement officer please go there and fine him

Waldorf or Sapi maybe you can do something in our ward for once it's a mess

Also, Chief King something needs to be done about the wreck on plain st. There is now way that is safe to live in should be a practice burn, maybe Radtke can get something done. I know Perez will have chief there right away

Anonymous said...

The surprise resignation of Robert F. Vickrey, a seven-year board member who was appointed chairman by Ryan last June, followed Tribune revelations that the board's staff had compiled a 59-page report that accused Binion, a longtime Las Vegas casino mogul, of a "trail of poor business practices, regulatory violations and financial malpractice."

Anonymous said...

Did you also know bobby V was investigated by attorney generals office for failure to provide a foia as township clerk? He is like a cat with 9 lives!

Anonymous said...

One more exposure of BV was back in the '80s and we were asking for I39 to be completed to La Salle-Peru, he was taking credit in the paper for getting it done. Not true. I had a letter from John Kramer, Il. Sec. of Transportation telling me exactly when the road would be completed to I80 and it was. He is an expert in deceiving the public.

Anonymous said...

One criteria that makes a company strong in the private sector is to train and promote from within. What training or promoting within the city of Peru is being done to address the current management vacancies.

Mayor Harl seems to be in a world of his own and not focused on the city and its needs. Who can grab the reins?

Anonymous said...

Vickery told the CVS people part of the deal was they had to tear down the old pizza hut bldng even though it wasn't on their property . The city never authorized Vickery to make that deal. We never knew he was going to do that . Vickey did it because of his own personal agenda since he lives on the corner to the east . Bob is as crooked as a Washington politician . What happened with the EPA and that property . They were after the owners of the dry cleaners after they moved out because they were illegally dumping contaminated liquid in the ground for years when they ran the dry cleaners there. Is this the way for the city to level it without epa permits and tests , have CVS do it not knowing anything about it and hope the epa doesn't show up ? Then they haul away all the contaminated soil into a landfill. This is way more dangerous than any cell tower everyone is bickering about on the other blog .

Anonymous said...

I remember 20 some years ago when Vickery reported them to the EPA for dumping contaminated material in the sewer and ground . I don't ever remember it being cleaned up . Peru was smart to hire Vickery as their promoter, NOT !

Anonymous said...

somebody shoul FOIA Bobby's city owned cell phone for texts and emails.

Anonymous said...

Personal emails-texts from person accounts done on city's computers/phones. Fact that city employees check their personal accounts while on the clock. Wonder if any unethical infor could be found?