“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Do You Find This Message Interesting? Sent in Regard to the Concert for a Cause


Anonymous said...

What???? is he saying the airport is worth more as a concert venue? Well then, shut 'er down and lets git to partying.

Anonymous said...

If he has never seen a revenue source such as that at the facility, maybe he should start to have some bingo nights or bakes sales there. A couple decent ones would beat it.

In addition, I am waiting to see if the additional insurance costs and the thousands of dollars for the emergency response plan development will be showing up, suggested by the alderpersons in response to the treasurers request for them to brainstorm what these events cost the city.

I think the lost farmland rental cost is very low.

Anonymous said...

Did the Mayor and Aldermen receive a different financial report than the one sent regarding my FOIA? How exactly is this a "great" report?


Anonymous said...

Why Kristy, its just great is what it is! All the nice numbers, neat, good use of borders... Very professional if you don't mind the missing and underestimated costs!

It's just super is what it is.

Remember, all the other concerts just had all the expenses with none of those nice revenues ( that also don't make sense, unless there was some ban on full cars for one of the concerts? ). You can't blame the mayor for being excited- he started fighting so hard to stop spending thousands of your tax dollars for a single business . Who do you think insisted on that per ticket fee, and the parking revenue? Why his Honor of course! You would know that if you ever bothered to sit in on his meetings (insert sarcastic laugh here) Who negotiated that land rental deal... And jammed the whole thing through the folks in Springfield. Scott the Rock Star that's who!

And I hear tell the ambulance was just being parked there for storage, and when people had their pre existing condition attack, the EMTs just dropped them off on the way home. So no worries about that cost... Or the cost to schedule more cops to actually cover the city.

Figures lie and liars figure they say. But some BS is almost beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Is this written in connection to the report Kristy listed below? If so, treasurer Hylla states that the public works in kind services for clean-up of the 2nd concert is missing. However, there is an amount listed of over $1,000 for that very clean-up. Don't understand????

Anonymous said...

this city just plain scares the hell out of me!

Anonymous said...

The last five years of Peru Politics has rminded me of the comparison of a puppy to the majority of Peru politicians.
Incidently what is the difference between the majority of Peru politicians and a puppy?
Even a puppy stops chasing its own tail upon growing up!

Anonymous said...

Where and who printed these tickets for these concerts? Someone was saying that there was an article in either USA today or Chicago trib about kid rock concerts being $20 a ticket. They couldn't remember what exactly the article said as to where and when these concerts were or are going to be held. Articles in last weeks paper. Is therer copies of checks that were paid to the order of performer?

Anonymous said...

I just noticed the picture on the NT web page of the Laborers Union Labor Day picnic. Why do all the union guys have scowls on their face? Did Harl forget to send a keg of beer? Or maybe somebody popped their giant rat. Or maybe they are just trying to intimidate any business that is planning to start up in the Illinois Valley?

Anonymous said...

5;19 What the performer is paid or not paid is absolutely non of our business. It is a for profit concert event put on by a private business. All aspects of the agreement between the promoter and entertainer are solely between them.

The city ordinance stipulates all proceeds go to the promoter, from ticket sales and concessions. There is no stipulation that any proceeds , other the 1.00 per ticket facility fee which goes to the city, go to any named charity or cause. Correspondence with the FAA clearly infer that these are "charity" events.

The concert have been often referred to in numerous a
articles as charity or benefit concerts. They go by the brand name of Concerts For A Cause. The charity or cause must work the concert and sell tickets too I believe, so they may get the promised funds.

I do not think the artist is required to make sure the cause is paid, but again I do not know. There are so many red flags it is beyond comprehension, and most intelligent people look at this and say only in the Illinois Valley. Apparently , according to the past blogs, the AG consumer fraud division has been notified and done nothing. But that is not uncommon. Several of the AG actions against charity scams have only occurred after news stories and critical press coverage. This is a common phenomenon all over the country, where charities are busted wide open more by investigative journalism than the IRS or States Attorneys.

The enforcement decisions on these types of situations are political , unfortunately. Always have been. If you want action, there must be many reports and a great deal of heat.

Anonymous said...

We should stop even acknowledging the charity (ha ha) aspect of these concerts. Call them Lou's Concerts for a profit subsidized by Peru, or Harl's Entertainment Agency for Uniformed Voters. Or maybe The Pizza Joint Relief Fund.

Anonymous said...

8:07 Yes, many of the defenders say that over 100,000 has been given over the history of the concerted. But that needle has moved very little in the last two years, while the business still uses the goodwill generated from the name and past concerts.

I am sure there will be a big deal made about the money raised by the pizza sales promotion this month. But remember , this has nothing to do with the concerts for a cause. It is a diversion and smokescreen to keep the people who worked so hard at the concerts happy and quiet. To try and save face.

Nothing will change until people stand up and demand it. Peru counts on that.

Anonymous said...

I believe the $20 Kid Rock tickets was his own promotion for a series of concerts in or near cash strapped Detroit. Michigan is his home state.

Anonymous said...

Lois mentioned in a post that Mayor Hardly moved the airport from Ald Perez' board. It's clear this mayor needed a clear concert runway. Not sure which Good ole boys club is worse. A bunch of bobble headed puppets.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why so much about the concerts!!! Does Kristy and Waldorf work together. We need to be focused on TEST contact coming up this week instead of this....Talk about smokescreen, these events have passed and we cant fix it...How about a contract for police and fire instead of test Mr. Waldorf?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If all these people are going to show up at the meeting tonight, then maybe we should order out some Pizza from Papa John's or Pizza Hut. I heard Maria's is pretty good to.

Maryin' Scott said...

All that being said, at the end of the day the day will be over and we will still have a bunch of hay to bail. We need to take a fresh look and think outside the box. Enablement is the key to taking an aggressive look at policy and procedures. After all, we are in the business of business and we can't let the little things get in our way.

Anonymous said...

Since Bleck retires tomorrow or the next day, does anyone know who is taking his place?

Anonymous said...

The individual taking Blecks place will perform a combination of Blecks job, Superintendent of Public Works, plus be a city engineer. He has a P.E. title and has been hired for less money than Bleck has been receiving.The city is only 5 years too late in this hiring. So much money has been wasted in Peru. If anyone has a rebate for this mistake it should be the members of the city council they collect from. Oil the hinges on the back door so no one knows hes' leaving. If he stays on the job for a full day it will be one of the few he ever has.

Anonymous said...

I work at city hall and haven't seen Gary B. since last Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Bleck was just one of Harl's buddies. Who else would get a raise after 6 months of doing nothing?

Anonymous said...

At the start of Mayor Harls first term he made a determined effort to hire a city engineer and SPW. He went as far as having who he wanted for each position and told the council that they would be at the next city council meeting to be introduced. The council was not in favor of a city engineer so none was introduced or hired. Several fragments of the council had their own idea to whom should be the next SPW. Five years later Peru is getting to see how much can be bought with less money, one highly qualified man filling both positions at less money than the previous person was paid to perform the SPW occupation alone.
Sadly nost of Perus' elected officials have learned nil in these past five years and want to repeat the similar error of once again hiring TEST without open competitive bidding. If this group continue to repeat error after error a solution must be put in place or none of us besides those ASSOCIATED will be able to afford to live in Peru.
If you have doubts about this statement get yesterdays, Wednesdays, Chicago Tribune and read about the rates of IMEA in comparision to the electrical open market. Yes, Peru is a member of this high electrical cost group IMEA. If you live in Peru I suggest you read the article. I also suggest that you spend a hour of your time Monday, 7:30 P.M., to attend the council meeting to observe how each council member decides what are open and fair business practices in their representation of you the taxpayer.
Yes Monday evening will be a major TEST of their sincerity to their constituents to be reelected in upcoming elections.
It would also be a good idea to call your aldermen and tell him or her your feelings about why cost saving methods such as open competitive bidding should be utilized in city government business.

Anonymous said...

6:56 Are you serious? I know he still has a city vehicle and that the new guy also has one. What is happening to this town? Lack of leadership and lack of caring for the citizens who pay their wages. Someone take charge please before all our money is thrown down the gutter. Let's start taking care of our town the same way other towns are doing. Leader of the Valley - I think not.

Anonymous said...

Are they going to let him keep the vehicle as a retirement gift?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he would rather have an engraved pickleball racket(or deer slapping stick).

Peru Town Forum said...

8:37 AM

Just read the Chgo Trib article about the IMEA purchase of the coal fired plant in Southern IL and the costs associated with it. Sounds like all IMEA members will be seeing increased electrical costs for the next 10 years at least. One city managed to get out of the association because they no longer had money for the cost. This should be mandatory reading for every citizen of Peru.
Don't go online to the Tribune as they will not give you access. You can put key words in google to pull it up but it doesn't seem like the online version is complete. Try for the paper if you can.

Anonymous said...

Still a lot cheaper than Ameren

Peru Town Forum said...

2:19 PM

Two questions, did you read the Chgo Trib article?

Do you have comparison figures to share with us? as other cities in the Midwest?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My call out is to the men of this City! Are you going to let the retired women fight the battle against this council alone?

They won't be intimidated. Will you be intimidated? If Harl had come over and asked me who I was I would have told I had a pickle for his friend to use to stuff his pickle balls. Since when do citizens need to identify themselves at a public meeting? Even to observe? That is outrageous.

Attend that meeting!

Bring Harl a pickle!

Anonymous said...

this mayor and council is scary

Anonymous said...

OMG. Is this what we have become? Are we that conceited? Are our aldermen (our representatives) this cruel and uncaring? Have they stooped to bullying senior citizens? We know how they treat those who question them but this is, in my opinion, a new low even for them. Why are they afraid to put this contract out for bid? What are they covering up? Citizens of Peru it's your tax dollar they're spending. Attend Mondays meeting and express your disdain of their behavior and attitude with regards to spending your money.

Anonymous said...

What has Lois and the people on this blog been stating for the past at least three years? Yes, they have been saying how rude and disrespectful this council is. Try to get some help, and if they do not like you or disagree with you....you are done. So now it took a 79 year old woman to see their tactics and write to the open forum. See the bloggers have been right on about this council and mayor from the get go, but no one would listen. Well looks like they p---ed off the wrong lady. Glad someone finally had the nerve to write in the open forum, I think more of us should have the guts to do what Elaine Edler just did. And oh by the way Elaine Edler thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bleck will lose his pension and get us taxpayers off the hook when someone honest in city hall finds out how much he stole from the public works building. And maybe his kickbacks will come to light with his shady dealing to his buddies.

Anonymous said...

Elaine for city clerk!

Anonymous said...

Elaine for Alderman:)

Anonymous said...

I knew if we gave these guys enough rope they would hang themselves. Why can't they just treat everyone with respect.

Anonymous said...

8:51 What you don't see is that treating opposition or others with respect is a sign of weakness to the union thug. Compromise is surrender in his head. Ideas are threats. Competition is dangerous.

That is the main hallmark of these guys. Closing ranks, dig gin in heels , our way or no way...

He thinks like a classic union negotiator, the ones who bleed a business to death, then blame management for poor practices.