“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Just wondering about the helicopters

We were wondering about the medic helicopters that used to fly over our house almost daily and sometimes more than that. During the construction period at IVCH, I know they changed the way transfers were handled and ambulances brought the patient to the airport. Is this a permanent change? There was an open house at IVCH on Sunday and I assume the new units are now open. Anyone know if helicopters will again be landing at the hospital or will it only be from the airport? They are not landing at the hospital or we would be hearing them.


Anonymous said...

the hospital's helipad has not been signed off on for use yet. Hopefully soon, you'll be seranaded again

Peru Town Forum said...

thanks for the info. We really don't mind the sound and it may mean that someones life will be saved.

Anonymous said...

The new units are not yet opened.

Peru Town Forum said...

Thank you for the info, please let us know when the units open.

Anonymous said...

The helipad and OB are open. ICU will be moving soon.