“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The mystery that is PVAS

The recent request by LaSalle to PVAS for an ambulance to be stationed in LaSalle "around the clock" is about to re-open a festering wound that had hardly begun to scab over since the issue was last brought up shortly before the last mayoral election in Peru. At that time LaSalle was simply trying to convince the PVAS Board of Directors to allow them a seat at the table. You have to remember who it is that makes up this PVAS Board. It is now and always has been comprised of Peru elected officials. That's how the by-laws of the corporation were written long ago. Don Baker designed it that way when the city of Peru took control of the previous ambulance service. In 2009 LaSalle was finally allowed a seat on the PVAS Board of Directors. Well, sort of. LaSalle was allowed to have one city official attend meetings as a "non-voting" member. At that time a compromise was reached to allow an ambulance to be stationed in LaSalle for a portion of every day and LaSalle would pay a specified amount to PVAS on a monthly basis. Baker decided to throw LaSalle a bone and they accepted. Flash forward to today and it's time to re-negotiate the deal and LaSalle wants more coverage. That sounds reasonable to me. Certainly the PVAS Board of Directors are reasonable men, aren't they? Who are these guys anyway? Let's see, there is Bob Ankiewicz, Joe Mikyska, and oh yes, my mentor and Mr. Reasonable himself Back Peddlin' Jack O'Beirne. If I am wrong about the roster of Board members I'm sure someone will correct me. The mystery that surrounds this "not for profit" corporation that is PVAS is something that I have never been able to figure out. I have a copy of the By-Laws of PVAS, Inc. that I have read and re-read that only leads you in circles in terms of what it actually is and how it is supposed to operate. The only thing you are sure of after reading the by-laws is that they were designed to give total control to the city of Peru. If you were to ask one of those Peru aldermen to explain "in detail" exactly what the PVAS is and how it is operated I believe they would be hard pressed to enlighten you. Who owns it? Who controls it's finances? Why can't LaSalle be included? Why is the city of Peru so intent on controlling the service? Why do the board of directors have to be Peru aldermen? What qualifies politicians to oversee an ambulance service? Why is there so much confusion about an ambulance service? Who is responsible for creating all the confusion and ill will between Peru and LaSalle in the first place? I want to make it clear that my comments have nothing to do with the individuals who work or volunteer at PVAS. I understand they are professionals who are doing excellent work and they have nothing to do with the political aspects of this issue. I understand the need for this vital service. However, as a citizen of Peru I hope to someday see the mystery of the Peru Volunteer Ambulance Service revealed.


Peru Town Forum said...

Oh yes, the city of Peru pays $4,000 per month to the ambulance service.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why LaSalle is putting up such a stink. The service is located on the border of both towns.

Peru Town Forum said...

I think that LaSalle is concerned about the residents who live in the far eastern subdivisions out toward Utica and maybe even all areas along Rte 6 which is quite a way from the ambulance building. Perhaps they might want to contract with Utica for those areas.

Anonymous said...

Then someone build a new facility out east. If the current agreement between Peru and LaSalle is legit, so be it. Then next time do not sign anything. Don't sign anything without reading it first! This is not a political issue. Just be grateful you have services so close by and if LaSalle/Utica wants one closer, they can start their own "corporation".

Anonymous said...

Lois , This Post comment probably belongs somewhere else but this blog should address issues such as this.

I will not vote for Vickery for county board. Will you join Me ??

I do not want any corruption to infiltrate the county board . I remember all of the recent talk at the university of Illinois with removals as well as the gossip at the news tribune.
I don't know if any of the stories are true but so as not to vote in the grey area , I say where there is smoke there very well could be fire.

We need qualified persons looking out for the interest of the county and not self interest representations.

Peru Town Forum said...

Unless I am actively working for a candidate, I think it is better if I don't voice my voting preferences. The question I have about Vickery's candidacy is since he is Peru twp. clerk and a volunteer economic director for Peru and running for the County Board, if elected to the latter, would he have to give up any of his other "jobs"?

Anonymous said...

The service is no closer to many places in Peru. The building was built where it was to accomodate the City of LaSalle. There is more to this than meets the eye I think.

Steve said...

Definately, much more to this situation than meets the eye!

Anonymous said...

The ambulances themselves seem to be all over town anyway. I'm not sure but, if 2 of the ambulances are out at the very west end of Peru eating supper, are there manned units still at centrally located headguarters? I would doubt we would have that many personnel working the evening shift. So, I guess my thoughts on this topic are: no matter where the headquarters is, if the ambulances aren't there it really doesn't matter - does it?

Anonymous said...

What if we had no ambulance service? Would we be safer? What is the big deal? We need a service and how are public officials benefitting by sitting on the ambulance board? What is the mystery? Is there a mystery for everything? Why doesn't the mayor get involved for the interest of public safety? We seem to have more problems in our city than ever? The blog is not helping the mayor. One blog shut down because of not being helpful to the mayor. Maybe its time to consider the same. Help the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Some people just need to grow up , Maybe the director of PVAS needs to learn to get along with others! The employees are going to suffer for all of this!

Peru Town Forum said...

Personally I feel that the service is like a cauldron with a lid on it for now but sometime you will see it boil over and we will see all the problems inside.