“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, October 01, 2010

Congratulations Peru Library on 100th Anniversary

Congratulations on your very successful celebration on Sunday. I had planned on attending but family matters did not allow. The write up in the paper was great and it sounds like it was a resounding success. Wish I had been there.

Thanks to the elected officials of Peru that did come and represent the city: Aldermen Ferrari, Wren and Waldorf. Nice that a former Peruvian Jim Waldorf, brother of Dave was a part of the celebration singing in the Barbershop quartet.

The weather cooperated and a great turnout showing that the people of Peru enjoy the library and appreciate all the hard work they are doing for the community.


J said...

It was such a nice day, it was an ice cream social that reminded me of those held "back in the day". People enjoyed themselves so much that there was talk of doing it again next year. I feel bad for those of you who couldn't attend.

Anonymous said...

What happen to the Mayor? He seems to be doing a disappearing act !

Peru Town Forum said...

Also missing at the Social were the 2 Aldermen who represent the 2nd Ward, Mikyska and O'Beirne. Shouldn't they have made an appearance also?

Peru Town Forum said...

Of course we all know that the Library is in the Second Ward but have gotten little support from the Aldermen in any of the wards. Every elected official should have stopped by.