“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Peru Township in Perspective in LaSalle County


Anonymous said...

How much are we paying in labor and equipment. Do we really need new trucks for a few miles of road?

Peru Town Forum said...

Peru Twp and Peru City are independent of each other. As to the new trucks, the answer may be I don't know at this time. A foia has been done by Brian Foster and I will wait and see if any good information comes through before I go knocking on the township door.

Peru Town Forum said...

Some of the results of the foia on Peru Twp are posted at

Anonymous said...

Could somebody please try to find an explanation as to what the township administration does to warrant such a large salary? In other words, what service do they provide us and, why did they increase our tax levy so much this year? I was informed that that usually only occurs when they have a special project in mind. Could someone from Peru Twp. please answer these questions and lead us to someone who can?

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for an answer from someone who knows what our 2 township taxing bodies do with our money? And, how many meetings do they have and how much do they get paid for each meeting?

Peru Town Forum said...


Since Peru twp is not very open about the money they take in and how they spend it, it takes time and patience to delve into the situation for details. For a starter go to http://perupages.blogspot.com

Surprisingly there are twps in Illinois that maintain a website but not Peru. Here they require you to foia all information you want. Brian Foster has posted what he has initially received from them and then his last email conversation with Bob Vickery which I found very interesting since Vickery is also a volunteer with an expense account for the city of Peru which is beginning to be another story in itself.

Anonymous said...

What's the road commissioners salary? How does it compare to other commissioners? How many miles of road are in the district? How much of the work is the road comm doing? How much are we paying in Labor?

Anonymous said...

I believe Mr. Vickrey is also going to pursue and county board set in November. Is this legal (to be involved in city, township, and county government - holding positions in all)?

Anonymous said...

sp. "a county board seat"