“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Just a Reminder Be Respectful to Our Posting Partners.

This is a community forum and we are looking forward to you the reader expressing your opinions on our comments and being a part of all our discussions.
You are welcome to come and agree or disagree but please do it in a manner that is respectful to those who are reading this blog and contributing their ideas or searching for answers.
City business can be discussed without involving anyones personal life unless it impacts upon decisions made that affect the city.
What the Mayor or anyone working for the city does with their salaries is not our business unless it is immoral or illegal.


Anonymous said...

Frankly what they do with their salaries immoral or illegal is NON OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS .

Peru Town Forum said...

I should have added "If it influences or affects their working for the city"