“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Peru City Structure Revised - Something For All of Us to Think About

Click to enlarge diagram


Anonymous said...

You forgot to place the unions above the Citizens of Peru in the city structure that is where the real power is at. They bought the city several months ago. And got a good deal. We work and pay taxes and purchase products, they get unlimited dues, make appointments and hold us hostage with city services. Cheaper than the Louisiana purchase and less upkeep than Central Park in New York. Thanks for the reminder that the citizens should be on the top of the food chain.

Brian Foster said...

I understan your point, but the chart is a bit flawed. The Executive Branch (Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, and Deparment Heads) and the Legislative Branch (Council) exist on equal planes. Neither is subordinate to the other. The attorney is not part of the government. He is hired to advise the Mayor and Council. Since we live in a Republic practicing representative democracy, the people are represented by the Legislative Branch. They are also represented by the Executive Branch in the form of the elected members only (Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer). The only influence the people have is their vote and their voice to the members representing them.

Peru Town Forum said...

Brian, I am sure you are correct but I was not trying to be technical and precise. My point was to remind people that they are the ultimate source of power in the community and not to let any of the elected officials in any way degrade their opinions and tell you to leave them alone to make decisions and only come out of your shells at election time.
I admit it was a primitive sketch so take it for what it is worth.

Brian Foster said...

The only reason I brought it up is that many people are saying "the Mayor should do this" or the "Council should do that." My point is that our government is structured to prevent either branch from being dominant. [Leaving out the third branch since it does not apply.. hopefully]. With both active branches in opposition - little gets done. Sometimes that is good, sometimes that is bad. But, our city needs to move forward. The Mayor and Council need to work together and the People need to watch like hawks and provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.

Anonymous said...

So basically take this blog for what it is worth

Peru Town Forum said...

8:01 PM

Everything in life is just that.

Anonymous said...

The city organzational chart is a very poor representation of how the city works or should work.
Lets not again express a one sided bias .
Again this is a foolish issue to distract input and discuss. It has nothing relevant to the city of peru.

Peru Town Forum said...


If you can't be constructive in your criticism, don't waste your time writing in as it just gives me more opportunity to show others what a poor citizen you are.

The people are the ultimate power of any city or any nation but unless the people are watchful they will find their government has spent more money than they have and create mountains of debt.
The people of Peru were not watching and they had NO valid representative telling them their debt was growing.

Last April our debt was 40 million and in 6 months we were at 45 million in debt. Let's see 40 million for 40 years, means 1 million accumulated each year and no one was watching.

This is a Democracy not a Dictatorship. Cuba or Venezuela might be more to your liking.
Sitting through many meetings, I see that it is usually Ald. Potthoff reminding us it is too expensive.
If you don't sign your name, your comment has little validity.

"It has nothing relevant to the city of peru" Please take off your blinders.

Anonymous said...

Summer Help: Rumor has it that the summer help were to receive information regarding proper attire while working for the city. I believe it was " shirts and no shorts". This policy does not seem to be followed by all. I have witnessed both shirtless and shorts on several individuals. This doesn't seem fair to those who abide by the rules. Just food for thought and wondering who checks on these workers.