“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, June 01, 2015

Will Rauner's proposed cuts cause crises in the Illinois Valley? - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Will Rauner's proposed cuts cause crises in the Illinois Valley? - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL


Anonymous said...

it is time for everyone to tighten their belt.

Ming said...

The people of Illinois are getting exactly what they voted for!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the cuts! Democrats got us into this fiscal mess .. now their greedy unions need to pay the price.

Anonymous said...

Good for the Rauner cuts. Now Peru won't be wasting anymore money trying to please a few drivers who don't know how to figure out how to get from one place to another. Leave the intersection alone for good and maybe put up a couple more signs for those who still can't figure out how to get to Target and back to 251.

Anonymous said...

It is funny how they spin the headline. Knowing that many people only skim a news article - at best. I say most people around here won't read the article and will only see the headline on FB.

Printed Version - "Will Rauner's proposed cuts cause crisis in the Illinois Valley?" - Implies that the new governor will intestinally target the Illinois Valley by withholding money. Puts blame squarely on the new governor. The headline places the blame on Rauner - not the true culprits, Madigan and Mautino, et al.

Alternate Version #1 - "Will decades of legislative accounting tricks cause crisis in the Illinois Valley?"

Alternate Version #2 - "Will years of budget trickery by Madigan and Mautino finally come home to roost?"

Alternate Version #3 - "Will local government services suffer due to decades of financial mismanagement in Springfield and Chicago?"

Anonymous said...

oooooops - in the 6:33 comment, "intestinally target" should be "intentionally target." :)

Anonymous said...

There needed to be other solutions besides the cuts. Now many people are losing their jobs and with many infrastructure projects being postponed all over the state, it's causing more people to be out of work. Rauner is creating more of a divide between the working and upper classes, a disparity that is growing by the year. The proposed democratic 3% millionaire tax should have been passed to ease the debt and give back to education without causing more strain on the 99%.

Anonymous said...

10:40 P.M.

Those kind of solutions only cause more businesses and people to leave the state and fewer people to collect those taxes from.

What needs to happen is for Madigan to set aside and let the Governor do what he was elected to do.

Anonymous said...

10:40, we cannot base our economy based on government employment and government construction projects. If we do - EVERYTHING will eventually be cut. This problem took many years to create and it is going to hurt to fix it.
One way to ease the cost of government construction is to remove the "prevailing wage" law. I don't care what side of the union issue you are on - this law essentially lets the employee set the wage. Oh, they have some lofty words around it trying to say that it is based on what everyone in the local area is being paid. But we all know that is not true. The local governments go to the local unions ask them what wage they want for the year. Then they pass a law making that the wage for all government projects. Nobody ever questions it - to do so would be political suicide for a local politician.

Hard choices need to be made. It all comes down to what we think is important. The State can't pay for everything. If they try - there will be nothing left. People are already leaving the state. We even have commenters on the blog from people that bailed out on our local area due to lack of opportunity. As far as economic development goes, besides the recent activity around Sand - which was a result of geology not incentives - retail and tourism is all any of our "leaders" talk about. The recent movie theater fiasco shed some light on this process also. Most of Peru's retail district is built on crony development. The theater development wanted $800K to build. Walmart moved a mile north and filled a new larger development for lower rent while the developer rakes in millions in sales tax kickbacks. The same developer is taking TIF money. So, essentially Peru's retail district is built on Government Subsidies.

No- the State needs to true balanced budget. Not these phony quasi-balanced budgets created by Madiagan and promoted by Mautino that are not balanced. Get back to basics - the State should not spend any more money than it takes in - period!

Anonymous said...

8:38 PM,

Democrats and Republicans are one in the same.